Just a little info in case you were wondering. My dear little RGIS blog has been updated to include some advertising (see links at the top of each page). This has caused the "archives" section of my blog to change locations. The archives used to appear near the top, on the right hand side. You can still view each and every post here (lucky you!), but you have to do some scrolling. You can find them all the way down near the bottom of each page, on the right hand side. Depending on which page you're currently on, and depending on what Blogger feels like doing on any particular day, the archives will be listed by either titles or by which months the posts were published in, or sometimes both. To view the earliest posts, the ones from the very beginning, just click on the last post listed, the one at the very bottom of the list. Keep doing this until you reach the first post, which is titled "Coming Soon To A Blog Near You". Happy reading!
BTW, about the advertising. If you've enjoyed reading this blog, and want to show your support for it, please take a moment to click on one of the ad links at the top of the page. If you do so it will be most appreciated by me. If you haven't enjoyed reading this blog, well then, what are you doing here? Go away. Now. Scram! Beat it! Take a hike! ;)