Friday, December 23, 2005

Coming soon to a blog near you

This will be the official "Tales of an RGIS Auditor" blog. I screwed up with the blog address on the other one. So if you're interested in reading about all the horrifying stuff I went through as an auditor for RGIS (and of course you are, else why would you be here?), and you can sympathize or empathize, and were (or are) and RGIS auditor yourself, tune in here for all the gory details. I just started this blog, so I'm not exactly ready to start with my first tale. But I have lots of notes at home, so I hope to start with the first chapter soon. See ya!


Anonymous said...

RGIS is easy work. It can be hard because we work back to back to back. But, if this is the hardest thing about the job, then you are getting off light.

Sanity questionable said...

You must work where there is actually communication, correct meet times, you probably get your half hour breaks and probably know who is driving and who is to be there at the site to go to the store. If you have all that,you are one lucky RGIS employee and that is almost unheard of! Congrats~