The RGIS office was located in a 2 story building that housed several other businesses, including 3 or 4 radio stations. To get to the RGIS office you had to pass by a Spanish talk-radio station that always left their curtains open, so you always got treated to an exciting view of a couple of guys screaming something scary and unintelligible into their microphones. Just beyond them was RGIS, and when I opened the door and walked in a young Asian man came out of an inner office and said hello. I told him I was there to apply for a job and he handed me an application and an aptitude test. He told me to sit down at a conference table there in the outer office, and when I was ready to begin the test to let him know, as he would be timing me.
The aptitude test was incredibly easy. A moron could have finished it in no time flat (again, moron perfectly describing much of RGIS' personnel). It consisted of simple addition problems and drawings of piles of blocks, which you were supposed to count and total up. It was a very simple and stupid test, and when I finished it I told the Asian man I was through. He seemed surprised when I told him this, so either I must have had a really retarded expression on my face when I walked in (entirely possible) or he was just used to dealing with imbeciles who had trouble adding 2 + 2 (very probable).
The Asian guy took my test and application and handed me a business card with 'RGIS Inventory Specialists' printed on it (Another example of the company's idiocy was their corporate name. 'RGIS' stands for 'Retail Grocery Inventory Specialists', so their actual name was Retail Grocery Inventory Specialists Inventory Specialists). Below this was the guy's name, Jeffrey, and handwritten on the back was a time and date. Jeffrey (or Jeff) said that I should show up at the appointed time next week and I could begin my paid training.
As I took the card I noticed two things about him. One, he had absolutely the tiniest eyes I had ever seen on a person. Two, I noticed that Jeff had the longest fingernails I have ever seen on a man. I mean, they were beautifully shaped into long ovals, extending well past the fingertips and looking as though he had just come from having a clear polish manicure. Immediately upon seeing those nails a bizarre thought popped into my head. This guy's a transvestite! He dresses as a man in a white business shirt and tan chinos during the day, but at night he goes out in drag. Maybe in a black strapless evening gown with a pink feather boa or something. Of course, he needs the long nails to complete the picture. It was an extreme assumption to make, but the sight of those long nails on a man really shocked me. Even though I ended up working for RGIS for several years, and got to know Jeff fairly well, I never did find out why he wore his nails so long. I never heard anyone else mention it either, so I guess I was the only one weirded out by it. Maybe he did like to dress in drag, I don't know. Jeff did have some girly aspects about him. I mean, he was this really big womanizer at work (lots more about that later), but he also liked to cook and sew. And when I say sew (say so?), I don't mean just mending a tear or something. I mean he told me once that he knew how to use a serger sewing machine, which is a little more complicated than a regular sewing machine. And with the cooking, Jeff said that his mom was always playing cards or Mah-jongg with her friends, and they would always ask him to cook some snacks for them. A real Renaissance man, I suppose. Or maybe he was bisexual.
So my first impression of RGIS was as follows:
1. Good help wanted ad
2. Easy and stupid aptitude test
3. Retarded corporate name
4. Possible transvestite working in their office
Quite an interesting afternoon, and I still had the paid training sessions to look forward to. Oh Boy!
(Coming soon: RGIS' lame training sessions, where they weed out the retarded from the semi-retarded.)
Um...RGIS stands for Retail Grocery Inventory Service. I thought you weren't a moron, yet you didn't know the name of a company that you worked two years for. Hmmm...
^Hey, idiot, it WAS 'Specialists', when I worked for RGIS. When the Nicholsons sold the company the new owners changed the title. Do some research (and get some brains, it might help) before you post comments. Loser.
Um, you're both wrong. Check RGIS' website. You will see 'Specialists' featured prominently. Also 'Service'. Plus, their business cards say 'Specialists'.
Straight off the website....
Retail Grocery Inventory Service was founded in 1958 by Thomas J. Nicholson.
From what I hear eventually, the new owners will be dropping the Inventory Specialists alltogether and just leaving it as RGIS. If you notice on the website they are already changing it.
Waiting to hear more tales....
^I promise, the second one is coming soon! Thanks for reading.
The incredibly rash generalizations you've used to describe the majority of RGIS employees, while somewhat amusing, was completely off base. The only message sent by the vulgarity of your weak-made points was that you're every bit as moronic as the people you look down upon, and that you're very likely racist as well as homophobic.
"Low Skills and High Desperation perfectly describes about 99.9% of RGIS employees."
Even though it's incredibly obvious that you've pulled this number straight out of your ass, I'd like to point out that some people actualy enjoy working for RGIS. And while you may be desperate and unskilled, there are several employees (more-so than 0.1%) that are secure in their position and make an adequate amount of income - weeding out that desperation remark. Not to mention that the only "skills" you witness on the job involve counting, accuracy, speed, patience, and the incredible amount of restraint several must have to be able to put up with costumers and people such as yourself who fail to realize that their significance in the RGIS world is NIL.
With the variety of people working for RGIS (as it's a job that anyone can do as needed) also comes a variety of skills these people have devoloped in their personal non-work lives... Although you'd know that if you bothered getting to know them before pegging them with such confused pre-concieved notions about 'who they might be'.
...I won't even bother commenting on the disgusting assumptions you made about the man based on his fingernails, but the fact that it's the first place your mind went to only shows how truly ignorant you are.
You, sir, are the very reason contraceptives were invented, are still used, and continue to need improvement.
"RGIS Sucks!" indeed, but this blog doesn't adequately describe why. There are plenty of reasons to dislike RGIS, but yours are just ignorant and childish. This is more about your personal disdain toward RGIS employees than the job itself...
^Oooh, sensitive! You sound like the morons that The Misfit describes in this blog. Touchy because you maybe recognized yourself? Loser!
And as far as the "disgusting assumptions" that you mentioned: What's so disgusting about being a transvestite, or bisexual? Now who's being "homophobic"?
Don't like this blog? Don't read it. Go scan polyester blouses in Sear's like the goober you are, and will always be.
You got no heart brother; I don't see you doing much else; Me? the tenth time I hear someone gasp in amazement while I'm rocking an audit 14, I'm hooked.
I have worked there for years.... Let's be honest, there is not one single one of you who would not quit for something better.
They rope you in, and won't let you go....
After about 9 years, I can't wait to send out all of the "high extension reports" that I have accumulated to bust RGIS for fraud against a grociery store chain.
Ignorance is bliss.... I feel sorry for people who don't understand that they are given the minimum possible to get them to stay loyal.
i was just on and and they both say specialists....
i was just on and and they both say specialists....
Lately most of the new hires have felony convictions. It is nothing to hear them tell the managers that they can't be at a store on a certain day because they have a court appearance. One girl couldn't work at K-Mart because she was arrested for shop lifting there. They just don't care who they hire as long as they have a body to put in the stores.
anon. at 8:25 am: Too true. I remember one new hire (the guy had only been with us for 1 week and they had already given him a grey shirt, even though he hadn't run a single store, and never did) telling a fellow auditor that after the inventory, he had to go for a piss test. Oooh, charming.
I guess DM's are idiots in quite a few places! Our DM feels he is superior in every way and will yell at everyone and talk down to them. I don't need this job but do it for extra money to travel and take advantage of going away when I want to. Most of the workers are basically toothless and quite a few stink bad. I'll take it for a while longer but then tell the DM what an a$$hole he is.
anon. at 1:10 pm: Hah! "Toothless and they stink bad." Sounds like quite a few auditors in my district. Let me know if you really do tell your DM that he's an asshole. Love to hear what his reaction was.
Anyone who has worked or is working for RGIS: Defending the Corporation's practices in any shape or form is plain ludicrous. Despite any employee's IQ, it is a job for desparate people, supervised by desperate people and managed by sociologically crippled greedmeisters.
Bill Brainer
I missed a few of my meetings and got caught smoking pot at a walmart during my audit. I might get canned next week.
North Prairie Pop nailed it.
I have worked there for years, and I refuse to move up out of my maroon shirt because I have always hated the incompetence and cheating jerks.
I am only there because I was a professional college student (i.e. I didn't know what I wanted to be, and it was fun hangin' at the campus bars), waiting tables and bartending wasn't going to hack it, and I became indebted with a car and the high price of education.
Now I am single and getting too old to work for RGIS anymore. But before I go, I am taking some people with me for taking advantage of my work ethics. I worked my butt off for those bastards, trying to show respect for my job.
I was desparate, and now I am roped into the highest wage that I can draw in unskilled labor. Unless, God forbid, I surrender and take on a management position.
But because I have superior character and respect for people, I could never become an AAM, AM or DM (or even a "grey shirt"). I couldn't live with myself disrespecting people like myself; cheating the time clocks, cheating the customers who pay my wages, and kissing ass on a Division Manager with a Nepolian Complex.
Joe, who you described in this entry, is it the same one who spent most of his time trying to get into every pretty young girl's pants? How can these girls find him attractive based on how you described him? Unusually long fingernails, on a man, is rather unusual. The slit eyes don't exactly scream "spongeworthy" either. How did Joe succeed? His position made him a catch. Also, he may have a sixth sense about which girls would be receptive to his attention. Some girls who have low self-esteem or other personal problems are easy prey for someone whose intentions may seem selfless, but are actually self-serving. Also I've seen some less attractive men who succeed with women because of a good personality. In other words, they are not prone to be arrogant just because they are attractive. This may not apply in Joe's case based on everything else that has been written about him.
anon at 11:04 pm: Nailed it! Good call.
I've worked for RGIS for about two and a half years now. This Joe you describe sounds a lot like one of my AMs. The only exception is that we all know he is gay and some of us know he is a transvestite off the clock. (His lover is the other AM in our district). He used to hit on the gals back when he was a TL which I guess was to hide how he really. He is a great guy but he gets a bit stressed out too easily. His 'partner' is another great guy too but he does not get stressed quite as easily and can typically keep other people from getting stressed out too quickly.
Now then, what you said in your blog describes some RGIS personnel. My last DM even said that he started working here only because he needed beer money. Many of the TLs and ATLs do not deserve their positions due to inaccuracy, incompetence, and "cherry picking." There are some good ones out there but deserve their position but they can be few and far between at times. I have recently been promoted to ATL after them trying to get me to do so for the last eight months. I finally accepted the promotion because:
1) to get them to stop bugging me about it
2) the TL that I'll be under really needs a good assistant (I have been acting as his unofficial assistant for a long time now)
3) To hopefully reclaim some of the respect and dignity of the position for the good ones.
Also, some of the management are greed mongers. Usually January, February, and March you can see 10+ hours of OT in our district but our DM set up the schedule in such a way that OT would be impossible except for an extreme few that might be at nearly every inventory in a week and even then if you came close (within five hours of OT) he would call the supervisor and have them release you so you wouldn't get it. This would sometimes leave a store understaffed and make it go several hours over the estimated time. It also created a bit of animosity since it showed that some people were getting more (a lot more) work than others. He claimed to do this in the name of profit and so we would be "in the black while all the other districts were in the red."
So far I have enjoyed reading you blog so you can probably expect some more comments from me.
PseudoShadow: Thanks! I hope you'll continue to read my blog, and to leave your comments as well. I enjoy reading about other people's experiences with RGIS, both good and bad. It's interesting hearing from different districts all over the US and Canada, too.
Well, RGIS is an easy way to work part-time for money and requires not as much experience as other positions!
Many new hires look good on paper, such as their application or a resume, and show potential, but it doesn't last long. Soon after being hired, their problems affect everyone else because they don't show up. It seems that no matter how selective we are at hiring, the success rate can be dismal. About 80% of those hired for January were gone by the end of the month. I've told applicants with day jobs that a retail store inventory could go well past midnight, up to 3 or 4 am. They claim not to have a problem with that, then the first time it actually happens, they complain. One new hire came to me at a sporting goods store asking to leave because of her day job. I told her that she couldn't leave until the inventory was finished, so she said she was quitting. She then asked me to help her, which I refused, so she went to a manager then walked out. That really pissed me off. Then she faxed me a resignation letter. All I could think was that she quit when she walked out the night before, I didn't need her shitty letter to explain it to me. Then she delivered another copy to the office. Had she e-mailed me, I think I would have told her to stick it where the sun don't shine. Then another new hire quit a day later, although this new hire stayed for the duration of his first(and only)inventory. It's gotten to the point where I don't think we should consider hiring people with day jobs to work at night because they are the first to complain. My response to the second quitter, after e-mailing me that he was late to his day job and almost got fired, was to ask why did he want the job so bad if he knew that working past midnight was a possibility.
I worked for RGIS here in Las Vegas for only about 3 months. My first check was for 41hrs, (For a two week payperiod). It only got worse from there!! The last bi-weekly check I received was for a whopping 4hrs, but then the final straw was when I went to the Casino, (where I usually cashed my checks), And I was told by the cashier that she could not cash my $34. check because they, ( RGIS), Had 2 returns. In other words, RGIS had rubber check, (& had already bounced 2 through the Casino).
Needless to say I sought other employment!! Well, I ended up having to file for Unemployment Insurance Benifits... And can you believe RGIS has the nerve to dispute my claim?! Saying that, that never happened!! I've been waiting for an Appeal hearing. I have all my check stubbs to prove the lack of work hours, I would think that should be an exceptable reason enough to quit working for RGIS. But I'm still getting SCREWED over by these jerks!!! Please if you have had a simular experiance, Please let me know so that I can go to my Appeals hearring armed with testimonials!!! Let's stick it rite back to this unhonorable Company!!
Pamela: So sorry that you've had such difficulties with RGIS but like many other RGIS employees I'm not surprised. The "rubber check" thing was something a little different though. I guess it's just another black eye for them, one among so many.
I hope the unemployment claim works out for you. Let us know at this blog, okay? You may want to post the results at my latest and most recent post, which is titled "Help! Help Wanted!" Thanks for reading my blog, and I hope you'll continue to read, and to post your comments and other experiences with RGIS (both good and bad).
I have been working for RGIS for 13 or 14 years now (Long Island). While I have had the ocassional. horrible manager to work for the majority of bosses and collegues have been outstanding,and I know that most of my co-workers feel the same way or there is no way we would stick around. Most of the people I work with only do it for "pocket money" and love the socialization of the job. I have made countless friends that I have kept thoughout the years (even though several of them have left the company). I am truly sorry that the rest of you don't have it the same way.
I haved worked for them for 7 years. Some times I like it some times I hate it. I seems like 80% of the people in our district are on drugs. All you here all day is auditors, team leaders, and even managers either selling drugs or asking for drugs. We have one assistant area manager that pulled out a joint while driving us home and smoked it. Some one told on him and he told our DM that it was a rolled up cigarette. He didn't get into any trouble at all. He is also driving us around with no lisence because he got a dui and they are suspeded. One time we had an area manager and her boyfriend that stole from pharmacies. The pharmacies found out about it and made RGIS drug test them they passed and nobody got into trouble.
I have worked there for many years. There are smelly, loud, obnoxious, bipolar, drug addicts, alocoholics, and idiots. THey will hire anybody. Last year all this guy talked about was how to make meth. We have one girl that all she wants to talk about is her boobs.
Some times I feel like I might go crazy on a two hour trip when you have to ride in a van with people you cant stand and they wont quit talking about their hemmoroids.
Most of the time I'd rather drive myself than go in a carpool because of the obnoxious people who wouldn't shut up. After a long day, I don't care to hear someone brag about her boobs. unless she wants to show us what's so great about them. Or about how to make meth. Sometimes carpools were fun, but mostly you just wanted to get back asap. Don't forget about all the "secret" affairs that everyone knew about. How many marriages and families have been broken up by RGIS? Anybody have a clue?
I'm sure all of you are familiar with the fact that you don't get paid from the time you actually arrive at an inventory and start putting on your equipment. Your "clock-in" time is always the time that the inventory is scheduled to start. There is now a class-action lawsuit against RGIS for this. Visit
for more details and to join.
I moved up in the company to the position of Personnel Manager, which is a new position at the company. I only lasted 2 months, working 70-80 hours a week for $30,000 a year. I have to say they are the cheapest company I have ever worked for.
what are the thoughts on the new pay scale being implemented? being with RGIS many,many, years it definately sucks. I and several of my fellow workers will never make the same pay we are making now even w/ all the bonuses and add ons.
i dont kno about cheap i get 10.00 starting
as an Area Manager I would like to comment on the new pay implementation.
This has been created for two reasons. first, it is to reward the employees who do an outstanding job all the time, and two it is to show the people that have been with the company for 10+ years that just because you have been around forever does not necessarily mean that you are entitled to earn more than everyone else. Pay comes with performance. Less Complaining, and more keying will get people more money. Now, with that being said, I understand that some people work for exceptionally cheap districts, and if you are not getting the raises that you feel you should be getting I would suggest going to your TDS, or Personnel Manger, and requesting copies of your EAPH rating for a number of stores, and that way you can go to your management staff armed with proof that you deserve more money.
RGIS run away! Run away! cheap and cheap! They not only rip off the workers but also the clients!
I work for them for a little over a year as I need money as i was in between Jobs. I know that on many weeks they would rip me off of over 10 hours or more! I also was in selling and design inventory POS system and made a very good living doing that till I moved. The system they use is very poor and also very backward. I guess that they can pull the wool over the eyes of their clients1
this is by far the worest company that i have ever been employed by they are constantly sending me pay checks with less hours on it than i actually worked, and at $8 an hour, money is tight. i have been employed there for almost a year and have not had 1 review even after i requested one. but i must say reading this did chear me up because now that it's like this in every district not just mine!
rgis doesnt care about people. they only care about the profit margin.
i have never heard of anyone getting bonuses.
the new pay scheme is deliberately set up so no one will get a raise. i mean, come on, who is going to have a consistent aph above average for 50 STORES?! how many times have we been in a store and your flying through, when they tell you, "it's a man hour store, your aph doesn't count."? or been in a store that is stuffed to the gills with merchandise and they say we are supposed to have some outrageous aph? the people that come up with those aph's have never been in a store or had to dig the tags out of clothes hanging on a clothes rack that has so many clothes on it you can hardly get your hand in there, let alone the audit.
and the new "rm" audit, where are all those finger lasers? huh? did your dm tell you that everybody would get their own finger laser? ours did and they sent us about 40 of them, then corporate said to send all but 7 of them back, cause another district needed them.
have you heard about their supposed "new hiring policy"? they are going to hire only people that are willing to work anytime. but, supposedly, all of us people that were hired when it was the select what jobs you want or determine when you want/can work are going to be "okay."
i do admit that the reason i stay is because i like most of the people i work with, for the most part. there are, of course, the jerks, creeps, and a**holes.
misfit, where is your most recent post, which is titled "Help! Help Wanted!" i don't see it.
Anon @ 04/10, 12 PM, 2008: To get to my most recent post you can click on either the title of this blog, "Tales of A RGIS Auditor" which should appear at the top of every page, or you can click on the "Home" link which should appear at the bottom of every page. Have fun reading! :-)
I worked for RGIS Ottawa, they will rip us off around $20 a month. No wonder we have a high turn over! No one wants to work for an dishonest employer!
I worked for RGIS for about a year and a half in Merrillville, Indiana, and I walked out the door for bigger and better things. Talk about morons, most of the employees here act like their 14 or 15 year old kids, yet they're 35-45 years old. I'm 25 years old and have more sense than a lot of the older people there (usually, it would be the other way around). If you have to ride the company van, you'd better have an iPod with you because these people blast some disturbing music, and you'd better be wearing a seatbelt because some of these guys drive at 80+ mph down the highway (through traffic), and at times with the head lights off at night, while they're smoking pot. I had an incident recently where one of the managers called my girlfriend's house number (I was staying there at the time and that was the number I gave them before I got my cell turned back on). My gf told them that I couldn't be reached there anymore and said that I could be reached on my cell, then the manager got mad and told her to give her my number (and my girlfriend has no idea who this her it's probably some woman upset at me over something). So after my gf tells me about this, I leave a message on my boss's voicemail, then she has the nerve to tell me my gf was being rude to her (and she's probably the nicest person you'll meet). I was pretty much on my way out when that happened, and that was the final straw.
The worst part about it is they have the nerve to call me on my off day at around 6 AM (when their shift is started) and ask me if I want to come in to work the next day, and it's happened quite a few times already. The thing that pisses me off about that is they don't care. They have no consideration for anyone because if they did, I wouldn't have to yell at the guy on the other end of the phone at 6 AM. Unlike a lot of my ex coworkers there, I put myself in a better position to leave them, and I'm NEVER going back.
I worked for them for about a year and a half, got disrespected and ripped off left and right. They gave me lots of hours but my pay was almost always wrong, most of the managers and auditors are idiots, it seems like that's a requirement to make it into management. The more you kiss a** in the company, the farther you go. I, for one, am not an a** kisser, so I only made it to Assistant TL, while I watched this idiot get promoted above me even though she sucked at counting and was a total brown noser. I definitely filled out the class action lawsuit forms against them, still waiting to hear something though.
Wow your getting your gray shirt already? Have fun working all the time and getting calls at 5am on your days off.
oh god i have an interview there today
Kira: Wait! Don't do it! Turn back now! You still have time...oh no, I guess not. Well, let us all know how it went. ;-)
i start on sunday in australia should i be scared???:)
For those who think bad of RGIS, I'm sorry. At dist.466 in Huntington, West Virginia we love it. I have worked for them for over 5 years. I have never had a job treat me with so much respect. We are like a small family here. And they pay me verry well. Yes the job is easy the only problem I have found is the lack of sleep. Befor you bad mouth them come and visit 466. And yes we are intelligent in West Virginia.
I have an interview on Monday in Sonoma County, CA. I hope this is not a mistake, but I need to pay some bills.
Is this really and trully what this company is like? I've been out of work for 6 months and when I got word back about a job offer I was excited. If this is really how they are I will just take the newspaper carrier job.
I have only worked for this company for about a month and i hate it. Last weekend we left my hometown at 5 am and didnt get back till after 5 am the next day then they(RGIS) expected us to leave at 6 am in 45 mins to another 12 hour store. not only did we have no sleep for 24 hrs worked straight through with a 40 min break they expected us to drive home in bad weather icey roads but continue on to another store. this company in south dakota does not care about the health and saftey of there employees and if i can find a way to slap a lawsuit on there asses believe me i will. they endangered 12 lives that night.
Hello all,
I am glad that this board exists. I am a bit surprised that there are not more people commenting on the new 'bonus system'.
Does anyone believe that this will be implemented? When the entire country is firing and laying off its workers, our company suddenly decides to give us pay raises NOW??
I have been with the company on and off for 6 years as an anytimer. I remember the good ole' days of working between 10-15 hours a day. I wanted as many hours I could get and I certainly got them (I broke 80 hours in ONE week a few times).
I do not know how it is all over the country, but now all of our stores are over-staffed and we are out in usually 3 hours.
Even if they did give us a small bonus, would it really compensate us for all of the hours that we are losing?
I think this blog is a great way for us to share our situations.
Has the bonus system actually started anywhere, and if so, has it helped? What are the pay scales?
Wow - People are still actually getting interviews??? - I recieved a link to set up an interview on 2 seperate occasions and niether of them working - Tried to get some head way made by making a few calls and much to no avail I gave up. So I decide to look up on google "RGIS SCAMS" just to see if this Company was legit and much to my surprise I found this webiste - Wow Im glad I found it!!
Yep, RGIS stil SUCKS!
On some audits they tell us not to log out of the scanners. I never said anything, but staying logged in would lower our aph. Plus the managers who run the audits have zero people skills. I hate that place.
THIS COMMENT IS FOR THE ALL THE STORES THAT USE RGIS INVENTORY SPECIALISTS.....RGIS IS A JOKE..IS A FAlSE COMPANY...if only the stores that are being inventory new the truth. ACCURACY is no longer 'our primary concern' far from it. APH (average per hour) is what they want regardless of the accuracy...Watch out STORES....YOU are not getting an accurate count and if the rgis manangers tell you they have "fixed it", they have by adding/taking out ANY item from the so call discrepancy to make the count the store has without really searching for the missing item.
LISTEN STORES WE (RGIS EMPLOYEES) ARE TOLD TO BATCH (infact they insist if we want to make our APH) even if the rgis manangers tell you otherwise. If you (the store)really want to check, have ramdom PRINT OUTS without telling the rgis mananger runing the store ahead of time because if you do that particular area will be counted accurataly for the srores' benefit and the rest of the store will be VERY INACURATE COUNTED. Rgis inventory specialists cheats in their count, underpays their employees an batches to make more money(the company not the employees). I've worked for this company for over 10+ years and it has deteriorated in the last year, big time ...that is why I am speaking out NOW!
RGIS is a pathetic excuse for a company. This company manipulates and uses employees like trash that can be thrown away. You can drive up to an hour away only to work two hours and asked to go home. The APH numbers for each store fluctuate like the stock market. The only employees who are safe from disposal to some degree are the supervisors and managers which 70% of the employees are that.
My personal favorite is when they schedule you to work at a small store that is located within a large shopping mall early in the morning. So you arrive at the 150 store mall only to find every door locked since it is 5 am and they did not put on the schedule how to enter the mall to get to the location. Since the store is not open the phones are useless also. So you drive around the mall until mall security realize you are suspicious acting. They won't let you in because nobody notified them that you were coming. Anyways you end up being 20 minutes late by the time you figure out the Rubics cube of mall entry or you just drive home and quit like I did today. To hell with this company.
I can not believe that other companies trust their inventory counts anyway. The counters that work full time don't check their work so the numbers are probably all wrong. Most of the time the supervisors smell so bad of alcohol you would think you were working in a detox facility. This company is one of the worst for employee treatment and retention, but that is their goal. Keep the employees coming and going so the pay rates stay low.
Wow, someone beat me to this.
I was going to set up a website similar to this. Not bashing RGIS directly but aimed more at saving people from this abuse. Though if you need a check its better than Unemployment
More to the point, I wanted to let RGIS clients know of the abuse that goes on under their nose, and while in their stores. Some of our clients know.
I've been back and forth to RGIS several times since their inception in the state I live in. I helped start this company here, back when they treated you with respect, you still didn't take breaks, you worked 10, 12, 15 hrs days many times, but you got respect. And they paid acutal per mile reimbursement on travel pay, not the scheme they have in place now.
The new owners obviously are greedy and uncaring, so whats new. We live in a 'Its My Turn' culture.
So not suprised about their new employee 'perks', yes, a joke to everyone who works for the company in the field. Its designed to keep new people hiring on and to some extent, keep the gov't off their back I suppose.
The new 'Incentive' program is so transparently corrupt. Does nothing for most auditors as far as earning a raise. The APH scam. So they keep raising the store aph as the team keeps hitting the old one. Never having to pay store bonuses, perhaps? Yes it makes the company more money, but if your individual aph is lagging, no raise, in fact you risk having your pay rate cut.
Well money is power, and if you are a partnership and you have the cash, and a small penis, you can buy a company like RGIS and do these things!
I'm grateful I have the hours, though I'm always looking for other work on the side, just to set the record straight.
I wonder if potential buyers of RGIS are reading this?
Don't forget, if you buy RGIS you also buy the reputation. That means averaging a lawsuit every few years.
1. We are expected to batch even if the Area Manager warns against it in their speech
2. Safety is only mentioned before an inventory as a disclaimer
3. Most Districts avoid giving breaks/lunches when covered by Fed labor law, when ever they think they can get away with it
4. Accuracy is a concern of the past. We are only accurate when absolutely necessary, and the new APH incentive program discourages it even more
4a. When we are caught not being accurate or batching, the Area Manager is covered by the pre-inventory speech, and the auditor is thrown under the bus
5. In larger districts, the company has devised a 35 mile radius policy requiring you to drive your own car, thereby saving the company mega bucks over the years on travel expense, and putting wear and tear on employee's vehicles. Personally, I've never driven more than 18 miles one way to any other job i've had, and I've moved closer if i had too.
If anyone can think of anything I left out please freely add!
We should feel obliged to save other people from falling for the bogus RGIS employment ads.
And let potential buyers know what they are buying.
And for you people who are just starting your work career, stay here 6 months or even 3 and get the hell out. You've got a work history, thats all you need!
I have just quit after working over 15 years with RGIS in the Philadelphia-North district. It was a great part time job for great pocket money. For the most part, I really liked my co-workers and surpervisors.
About two years ago, however, RGIS seemed to have changed for the worse. I hadn't received a raise when I was consistently one of the fast and most accurate auditors. I wasn't getting the hours to make the job worthwhile, and was being sent to faraway locations for only a few hours of work. Coupled with the insane price of gasoline last summer, it wasn't cost-effective to keep my RGIS job.
Still, I held on because I liked a lot of the people I worked with and it got me out of the house. Lately, things took a dramatic decline. One of the long-term managers in my district was unceremoniously fired and our district was merged with Philadelphia-South. The final straw came when I opened my pay stub two weeks ago and found out my pay was reduced by $1 an hour! For my time and experience, I felt I was already working for too little. I was looking for an excuse to quit, and this was it.
To all my friends and co-workers in Philly-North, hang in there and stay cool! I miss you guys!
i just started working with RGIS a few weeks ago. it's at a canadian branch. they skimp on the pay - one time, they left us waiting 20 minutes passed the start time because they didn't have their junk uploaded yet. they said they'd fix it - they didn't.
they bring in as many people as they can and then at lunch, they send home the 'slowest' auditors.
when minimum wage was raised, they did not raise those who'd already been working there forever.
they are always short of finger lasers, yet when you're working in cramped, difficult items like underwear, they expect you to have a high rph regardless.
on out of town trips, they do not pay you the first hour of travel.
i like the people i work with. most peeps are nice, even the manager chick.
one thing i'd like to note is that some clients ie the bay, shoppers... expect precise counts, while zellers auditors just tell you to scan a similar item when you call for a sku check. then the RGIS manager nails you.
Got a bonus---.15 cents per hour worked at the inventory. I'm so proud of myself, 15 x 6=.90 cents bonus. Great program this has. Designed by and strived for by incompotent unskilled idiots.
Yep, after all these years RGIS still SUCKS! A once kick ass company falls to greed in 2005. A great way to say "thank you for your dedication to making us the largest inventory company in the world". Most every person who played a vital role in making RGIS what it was .... fired. I'm thankful for those that still have jobs. It will never be what it once was though, the worlds largest AND the best. RGIS and its customers will have to settle for being just the largest.....
I just have to say that this is the worse job i ever had it wasnt to bad till we merged with another office and my district manager was demoted and we got a new dm who is a psycho who doesnt know what she is doing i bust my but for this company working 36 and 48 hours straight and they treat you like crap my new dm is so worried about making aph that she is making us manipulate the clock to hit standard and having people work off the clock so she can make the aph store standard and then she tries to pip me for doing what im told to do i think rgis is the biggest joke of a company that i ever saw
I am an Area Manager, and like any job, it is what it is. I enjoy my job, love my people and do care about them. I have never cheated any of them, the bonus program is in the works, it has its goods and bads. P4P also works and has its kinks. APH standards are goals to be achieved, everyone should give themself goals to get through life. You need to make the best of what your given and run with it. It is not a job for the weak or the tired. None of our management is on drugs or an alchy. Usually just pepsi or mountain dew highs. It can be rough as an anytime schedule, but we are still a family here in Jersey. So all of you whiny cry babies need to find a 9-1 job if you can handle it, adn have some fun there. Have a great day.
I have worked part time for rgis for 25 years and all I gave to show for it is a decrease in hourly salary of 30% over the past year. They no longer care about the people or the customer it is now strictly based on the bottom line. I know times have changed but no matter who you are or what you have done in the past the bottom line is if you don't produce you are no longer wanted.
Letting you all know that this company sucks canal water.
First they pay you well while hyping up the Company, then as soon as you get a grey shirt, they think they run every aspect of your life...that is if they even realize you have a LIFE outside of the Company...
Over the last 3 months I have barely gotten ANY work at all from these 'dysfunctional' bean counters...but THEY actually expect me to take this job seriously...
I was in the OFFICE last week to get verification of Employment for Food Stamps (which they NEVER RETURNED)...because they don't pay squat anyway...the 'faggot' AM says he may have to let me go! I all but laughed in his face because I work about 4 stinking days a MONTH now...If this 'jackass' actually had 'just cause' I would have already be gone...And I really don't care...I am taking the HIGH ROAD...keeping my mouth shut...and feeding THEM enough 'rope' to hang themselves with...
They have went after ALL of the Age 50 plus auditors as well as myself(I am disabled)...They are discrimminating against me and some others because of 'age'...
You THINK the MORONS would want me gone, but I wouldn't use them as a 'reference' if they were the LAST COMPANY on the Planet Earth! As was said...once they rope you in they REFUSE to let go!
When I leave I am notifying the EEOC, NLRB, and OSHA of ALL the 'shortcuts' and discrimminatory practices RGIS has dealt out...I MAY NOT be totally successful...I just want THEM to spend some time UNDER THE MICROSCOPE for a WHILE!
Yes, RGIS sucks! After they dropped the pay of all the good employees, your just suck with slow man hour people working for 7 or 8 bucks an hour. RGIS stands for "really guessing in stead" or how about (RGI guess) I hope all you people that they service knows this. It's all guessing! All the DM's and AM's are so fat they can't get a belt on. Who ever bought the company and cut the pay "YOU SUCK YOU GREEDY BASTARD" O yea hot shots your bonus is a bunch of bull shit too. I hope karma get your ass and these stores go to WIS
RGIS, is a finely tuned sweat shop operation located right here in your very own U S of A. I worked for them for 3 months early last year (2009). The head supervisor of our group smelled like a wino every morning we went out to do an inventory. Some mornings I was afraid he was still drunk so I would not ride with him. Turns out the whole of the organization did not care. One morning they called me out to do an inventory with the "main" supervisor for the office. She basically stood there and told me to count two baskets full of movies while she watched. It took all of 1 hour and 15 minutes and she sent me home. Could she not have done this? Instead they call me to come out for 1 hour and 15 minutes of pay. Which equated to about 14.00 dollars.
Then they came up with there policy where you had to sign a sheet saying you were ok with 2 hours of work per a shift. 2 hours of work? What the hell was that. No man or woman alive can make any profit driving anywhere within an hour for two hours of wages. RGIS is an absolute joke. If you are serious about making some money, stay away from them. They manipulate the wage system and are also a part of the Blackstone Investment Group which would sell your soul to the devil for a penny.
Also if you hate you job, quit. These companies are allowed to continue business because people like us continue to give them our labor for very discounted prices.
I think I actually lost money working for them most of the time when they implemented this 2 hour work agreement. I didn't agree to it, but they implemented it besides. I quit very quickly.
Just quit, find something else. Anything else is better than this organization! Even McDonalds has more consistency and probably better pay in the long run. I know the economy is tough but this company is owned by one of the largest financial funds in the world. I must emphasize the word world! So they don't need you, they just use you.
Below is regarding the Blackstone Group purchasing a majority stake in RGIS:
I worked for RGIS in the 80's and 90's. It was a great job for a student or someone with a day job who wanted to earn some extra money. I recently decided to work for RGIS again while searching for full-time work. How things have changed. RGIS employees used to have great attitudes because you had to have a great attitude to work such crazy hours. Now people are too freaked out about their APHs, which are emphasized constantly, to be friendly. Everything now is so convoluted, from the bonus program to how the stores are run. It used to be that inventories were done in a logical pattern and you didn't have to constantly search out a supervisor to ask where to go next, but now people are scattered throughout the store because heaven forbid you start counting a round rack when they only want you to do four-corner racks. In the old days everyone worked together until the inventory was over, which added to the feeling of teamwork. Now several people are usually sent home after two hours, even in inventories that continue far beyond that. Management obviously thinks they have things down to a science but it sure doesn't do much for little things like employee morale.
I have been working for RGIS for 2 months now. When i've had the training session i v been asked what would be my availabilities, i told them that my full time job s shifts change from week to week and that i work from 7am to midnight and that i don t really know in advance my schedules. So the lady told me that it was fine, that RGIS would just send the general schedule to me by e-mail and that i would just have to tell RGIS which one i can go to. But since i am harassed by the company that tells me that i HAVE to give them availabilities otherwise they fire me... RGIS i work for has a very serious lack of organization and consideration for people and the lady i v had the session with just doesn t care about that.The moral is that i am subjected, i keep working for them until they fire me :s
RGIS is for people on welfare to show the government that they are working (hahahaha). 2 hours is plenty for those lazy bastards.
All I can that, regardless..If you don't like your job, quit. Honestly, I can't stand when people work for an organization for years when they can't stand it. You're annoying everyone else with your complaining and probably causing other people to quit.
Yes, the organization must suck, but if you feel you can't handle working somewhere, get the hell out and save the other employees the rants you go through every other day. This is more of a general complaint than an RGIS complaint. Too many people bitch about their jobs when more than half of the people they work with would probably enjoy seeing them go. Stop complaining and move on. Byeeeeee!
That is all..hehe. :)
I've been working for RGIS for the past year .. And yes it does suck, the working back to back amongst other things. there's been times that I've worked 6 stores straight. Did i mention the lack of sleep. I've gone a whole week without seeing my kids. Yes i can handle it but eventually my body wont be able to take it. I recommend u fill out an availability to at least request like 2 days off per week so u get rest. They're really bad about giving breaks and lunches too. I've worked 24 hours straight at an inventory without a lunch because i was the supervisor. Being a team leader does not have its perks because of all the bullshit u have to go through and no they do not pay u enough. Did i mention most of the people here have been in jail or are ex cons, maybe they should do background checks before they hire. Unfortunately most of these people are drug addicts too. Ive been to inventories where the employees smell like alcohol or weed and sometimes both.Almost forgot our dm /am is screwing around with an auditor. sad but true and i really don't approve about taking the company van for joy rides. We've been late to inventories because the company van is not there because our am's are too lazy to drive to the office. If u have kids stay away from this job !!!!! I couldn't leave an inventory even though my son had to go to the emergency room. They told me if u leave you're fired. Such inconsiderate bastards because all our managers don't have kids. I could probably write a book on all the shit that has happened to me, but i chose not to because that would be sad that I'm still here. I recommend u don't let ur am drive u to your store that's 3-4 hours away since they don't sleep its like going on a suicide mission.Talk about final fantasy because our dumb ass AM almost rear ended a semi.Yes he falls asleep on the wheel(has happened several times) . Every time we go out of town with him i pray we come home safe in one piece (flashback of all of our near death experiences with him behind the wheel) (and yes too many to count)I think i pretty much have enough info for a damn law suit but anyways these are just some of my RGIS experiences. There's many more where that came from . I just hope u don't have to go through my experiences.. And yes our district is fucked up if u cant tell
I use to work for RGIS awhile back, only for like 3 years on and off. I maxed out my pay increases and got paid the highest that they could offer without me going up and being a TL. I even closed a few grocery stores and some stores with financial counts. Even though I didnt have to I had unofficial training and even had other TL's and our AM and DM come get me to help them out. I only did it cause I liked working with some of the fellow employees. It was 12.75 an hour and I was a "sweeeper" or something. I forgot what the correct title was. but its the fastest worker they have and send you to the shittiest parts of the store that take forever to count and need to be "accurate" finally I got sick of it and quit. . . lol and here I found a job as a dishwasher that would pay more in year than a DM's yearly salary. I enjoyed working with the people there but this blog has all the true gritty stuff about the work environment. haha
Can anyone tell me if RGIS does drug testing? And if they do, do they do it when you go into training?
I work for PICS (Phyle Inventory Control Specialists) we are looking for Top Guns for TOP WAGES. We pay WAY more than RGIS and WIS and we take care of our people. Our Top Guns earn $12 to $15+ and we are looking to add to our roster of qualified experienced people. We use car pools and pay after the first 30 min of leaving @ min wage for travel. If you are interested please visit or call our HR Person @ 1-888-303-8482 x281 to set up an interview.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who had a less than pleasant experience with this company. Most everyone I worked with, (minus the "grey shirts") hated this job with a passion and I must say I agree.
Hi I was from D521, this district is located in Calgary Canada. I have been recently terminated and now I am hoping to find a blog about how RGIS has taken my Human rights and smashed them into the ground. RGIS has no clue how things work in the real world. I live in Alberta and here in Alberta we have some of the best damn Human rights in the entire country. If anyone else has had they're human rights smashed into the ground like I have,by this company I would like to hear your stories.
Here's a little of my story. I worked as a team leader and was employed for the company for 2+ years and one day my area manager's son was laying into me hardcore cuttin me down things like that, I was on my way to Red Deer and he wouldn't let up on me for one second, his mother wouldn't even so much as ask him to leave it alone so I asked to get out of the van, I asked 3 times before I snapped chicken Louie. I ended up getting fired on the spot for standing up for myself and wanting to leave a situation that I had no control over and I needed out of. ( I was in a van moving at 110km/h) So after asking with no prevail I moved to the side door of the van and opened it at 110km/h saying if ya don't let me out I will get out. In my mind I opened the side door once, in reality I opened the side door 6 times, my bro yelled right in my face and I smashed the AM son's hand in the door several times. (I don't recall any of that)I recall opening the door the AM pulling over and me getting out. Anyways as the story goes, I went into the office a couple of days later to talk to the DM and see exactly where I stood in my job and she had told me that I needed to go in and get some mental help. (In Alberta it is required by Alberta labor standards that an employer can not terminate a employee for mental or substance addictions, the employer has to provide the employee with the help they need whether it be mental or addiction related and if the employee refuses the help being provided they get terminated.) So a week rolls by and I figure I'm entitled to severance pay. The DM said that I would get nothing, so I phoned human resources Canada office, they mis-understood the phone call and tried to get me my job back. Which they did and when I spoke to the DM she had told me because of my actions I was being demoted to auditor status and I would be called into shifts that lesser employees would cancel on and that's it. I went from being 2nd highest paid Team lead in D521 to the bottom of the barrel. The DM calls it punishment and man was I being punished. So I didn't like that one bit so again I phoned Human resource Canada and told them this situation. In the end I got my $542 severance pay. Now where I believe my human rights were violated was that I had a mental breakdown and I got treated like a P.O.S for it and here in Alberta that's a no no. So here I am writing on a blog(a good topic at that) I have ruffled the tail feathers of RGIS Canada and also RGIS U.S.A, I will not leave this alone until the people involved get they're own punishment. Anyone have similar stories I'd really like to hear them and maybe together this company will get the recognition they deserve. NONE.
Do NOT work for this company i have been employed with them for 5 years and i HATE it! But its my only means of support right now i live in alabama and the jobs are scarce. The people are horrible and the travel is also. There has been times where i have traveled 4 hours and only worked 2 hours its ridiculous. I cant wait to find a new job this one sucks ass.
I've been there about a month. It's quite sad that I can agree with what most people have said about RGIS. I have been forced to ride for three or four hours with ex-convicts that feel the need to tell everyone in the van about why they were locked up. When we stop for gas or a bathroom break, several of my coworkers go off to the side of the rest area to smoke weed or pop pills. The managers date the girls, one hit on me repeatedly until I made him stop. The pay is a joke. I make 7.50 per hour.
Their work hours are stupid. I remember coming home at 8 pm from a long distance store. I went in to the office to meet at 2:30 am to start counting at 6:00 am. Well, when I got home at 8:00, I took a nap at woke up at 10:00. On my voicemail, I had some manager yelling at me for not coming home earlier from our long distance inventory. Well hot damn, they took me there, and scheduled me for a 9:00 pm inventory that same evening. I didn't go in, and didn't even bother to apologize. I simply said I went in the company van, and was brought back late, and that I wasn't going in to count again. I hung up on that jerk.
I really regret taking a job here. I've interviewed at other places these past few days. My only fear? That I'll be mindlessly counting away not caring about APHs when another employer will call me to rescue me from RGIS hell.
i hate rgis.
By the Nine Divines! Its astounding to see just how many of us there are. By us, of course, I mean RGIS personnel who are stuck, fed-up, or have already left. I am conflicted, as it is both endearing and saddening to know that there are many more folk like me around.
Trust me you guys... This company sucks!!! They want you to workWorkWORK for very little money! Travel pay sucks.. You may spend 10 hours working and traveling but when it all boils down ( due to travel pay rules) you'll only get paid for about 5 hours!! RUN while you still have a chance!
WOW used to work for them in the 90's, when your fingers actually made the money and the money was real, my husband was with them for almost 20 years, I will not defend anything you all are saying on here, after all it's been awhile, and the reason he left was after the Nicholson's SOLD OUT (I'm sure they had good intentions)he saw this coming,and wanted no part of it, he saw men he respected who helped build this company from the ground up FIRED... WHY? SO I'm so sorry to read all that has happened to RGIS since the Family sold very sad, we used all be a huge family, I mean geez 80 hours a week in a van with all the same people we had to be, but we were not drug dealers, or ex cons just normal people making some VERY good money for those times, and salary that put three kids thru you NAY sayers, SAD, SAD,SAD, if it has truly turned into hell than get out, for anyone reading from the "good ol days" 2x4x8x3x9xx65x.... If Nicolson could read this Blog he would be turning over in his grave.
For the RGIS company to be number one, there has to be a lot cheating going on. Scan every item three seconds on one ticket is quicker just make sure they are the same.
Secondly, write with a pencil so that mistakes on the main paperwork can be erased or put on another paper and submit it.
Thirdly, Record your boss while he tells you to doctor numbers so that you cover your a55 when and if your caught so that your not the only one who gets fired.
Lastly, bring hand sanitizer and put it in your little pouch along with candy and a small bottle of water to stay hydrated since you can't drink on the floor. Don't forget extra pens...
The RGIS team that is always number one, cheats there way to the top. SHAME on you guys!!
What ever happened to the Class Action Law Suit against RGIS??
rgis sucks only reason im still there cuz itsw hard to find wrk. they screw out of hours and pay. the team leaders are jerks they dont even act like leaders. i been here since 2008 they all do favoritetism they have you count shit knowing you wont make ur numbers then cut ur pay when u dont anyways yea rgis blows nnever get sucked in company
I'm getting a new job and am working RGIS part time for ONE SATURDAY A MONTH doing a TWO HOUR PHARMACY in a grocery store just so I can keep my 17% verizon discount =) I would never reccommend anyone work for this company.
I've worked for RGIS for a few years now. After my first 3 months I became a Team Leader. I had no training and had to figure it out for myself. We have a DM who bullshits you with every breath, an AM who doesn't know shit about their job, and who is fuc*ing the DM, another AM who is so childish that they will refuse to keep someone in their store just because they don't take their shit, and one awesome AM who won't stick up for you when you need it because they don't want to get in the middle of it. Now I hear that we have this hotline that you can call with any issues and be anonymous about it, but yet they didn't bother to give us the # when they mentioned this hotline on the conference call. We are supposed to have a paid x-mas party every year, but that doesn't happen either. Our DM is probably gambling with it! The only reason I am still with this company is because I love most of the people I work with directly, no matter how bad it is sometimes it's nice to know that some of them will stick with you and get the store done. We believe in real customer satisfaction even if it means not "hitting" the store. After all if it wasn't for our customers we wouldn't get a paycheck. Last year our DM was telling us all to fudge the timesheets and take hours from people to make the store "hit". Well our DM still has a job, our AM still has a job, but our OPS MGR has been demoted. I think our management in general should all be looked at very carefully. If they are innocent they will have nothing to worry about. We need someone to come into our district and re-train all the managers and TL's. So we can do it the right way instead of winging it all the time. OMG, and the lack of communication around here is pathetic. They either don't talk to you or they talk to you like you are stupid. They lie to you about staffing for an inventory and say you can do it, make the store hit...hahahahaha...not with the staffing you've given us. Isn't it the managers who staff these stores responsibility to staff it to the best of their ability! If that's the case why do you feel doomed before you even walk into the store! And if there's no one available to send to help you when you're "dying" in a store then why tell us they are on their way? Us team members and the store managers would respect you more for being honest. Try lying to your DM next time a store misses and see how stupid they make you feel. "There are no excuses good enough for missing" but yet they don't know how to say "nice job" when you do hit! I am so close to quitting because of our managers, policies, guidelines, hard to reach APH goals, lack of breaks or lunches, running you into the ground, assuming you are an-on call employee, yelling at you like a child, not wanting to pay travel or tolls, making you feel like a slave/prisoner, but at the same time I can't leave those who really do care! I hope that when the day comes that I have finally had enough I am standing in the middle of an inventory and just drop everything and walk out! The only people I will tell I am leaving is the store manager and my co-workers, just so I don't disrespect them like our managers do! Then who will come finish the inventory! I know my manager won't get out of bed to do it, and half the crew would probably walk out with me! If anyone from HR or above reads this you need to check all your management. The so called investigation that recently went on here didn't do any good. We have one AM paying people off the books to work with us. We are told to do our best and then get the 3rd degree when our best isn't good enough. There is a fine line here between being a boss and being as ass!
I've worked for RGIS for a few years now. After my first 3 months I became a Team Leader. I had no training and had to figure it out for myself. We have a DM who bullshits you with every breath, an AM who doesn't know shit about their job, and who is fuc*ing the DM, another AM who is so childish that they will refuse to keep someone in their store just because they don't take their shit, and one awesome AM who won't stick up for you when you need it because they don't want to get in the middle of it. Now I hear that we have this hotline that you can call with any issues and be anonymous about it, but yet they didn't bother to give us the # when they mentioned this hotline on the conference call. We are supposed to have a paid x-mas party every year, but that doesn't happen either. Our DM is probably gambling with it! The only reason I am still with this company is because I love most of the people I work with directly, no matter how bad it is sometimes it's nice to know that some of them will stick with you and get the store done. We believe in real customer satisfaction even if it means not "hitting" the store. After all if it wasn't for our customers we wouldn't get a paycheck. Last year our DM was telling us all to fudge the timesheets and take hours from people to make the store "hit". Well our DM still has a job, our AM still has a job, but our OPS MGR has been demoted. I think our management in general should all be looked at very carefully. If they are innocent they will have nothing to worry about. We need someone to come into our district and re-train all the managers and TL's. So we can do it the right way instead of winging it all the time. OMG, and the lack of communication around here is pathetic. They either don't talk to you or they talk to you like you are stupid. They lie to you about staffing for an inventory and say you can do it, make the store hit...hahahahaha...not with the staffing you've given us. Isn't it the managers who staff these stores responsibility to staff it to the best of their ability! If that's the case why do you feel doomed before you even walk into the store! And if there's no one available to send to help you when you're "dying" in a store then why tell us they are on their way? Us team members and the store managers would respect you more for being honest. Try lying to your DM next time a store misses and see how stupid they make you feel. "There are no excuses good enough for missing" but yet they don't know how to say "nice job" when you do hit! I am so close to quitting because of our managers, policies, guidelines, hard to reach APH goals, lack of breaks or lunches, running you into the ground, assuming you are an-on call employee, yelling at you like a child, not wanting to pay travel or tolls, making you feel like a slave/prisoner, but at the same time I can't leave those who really do care! I hope that when the day comes that I have finally had enough I am standing in the middle of an inventory and just drop everything and walk out! The only people I will tell I am leaving is the store manager and my co-workers, just so I don't disrespect them like our managers do! Then who will come finish the inventory! I know my manager won't get out of bed to do it, and half the crew would probably walk out with me! If anyone from HR or above reads this you need to check all your management. The so called investigation that recently went on here didn't do any good. We have one AM paying people off the books to work with us. We are told to do our best and then get the 3rd degree when our best isn't good enough. There is a fine line here between being a boss and being as ass!
D381...the management are all corrupt. they will lie and cheat to achieve their goals. we've recently acquired an AM that doesn't know shit about her job, we all suspect she is screwing the DM. Her father who is also an AM is a childish prick. And talk about wasting time....I've never seen so much incompetance as I have working for this company in this district. I heard that years ago this was a great company to work for. I wish I was here to have met Mr. Nicholson. Even though I never met him I'm sure he would be ashamed to hear what has happened to his company.
I have been working for RGIS for 5 years YES 5 LONG YEARS i just recently turned 26 and its time for me to get the HELL on they work you sometimes 8-10 hrs with only a 10 minute break our AM is fucking one of the teamleaders and she is able to do whatever the hell she wants he even lets her rent cars with the company credit card... this job is only for low lives and those tho cant find work elsewhere BEWARE of this company unless its your last resort.
i wanted to leave a comment telling u guys my horror story but theres a limit of 4096 characters. so i spent like an hour writing my mini-novel about RGIS to find out it was a waste of time because it was too long i tried to edit it but i couldnt do it in 4096 characters without rewriting the whole thing. long story short?
RGIS IS AN AWFUL COMPANY OWNED BY A CORPORATION WITH EVEN LOWER STANDARDS AND MORALS. the corporation is called blackstone. look them up and make sure u NEVER work for any of the big chain stores that they own(the biggest one is Michael's Arts and Crafts).
I got hired by RGIS Inventory Specialists in 2001 and still with the company up to the present.The name has changed to RGIS LLC. The employees were happier when the Nicholsons were running RGIS. They always recognize your hardwork and pay increases were given to those who deserve them. RGIS use to have a heart, like a family who take care of each other. Now you're just a number - the APH number.
Well if you think the company gave you [us] a screwing with the APH thing last year, wait until you get the latest 'stick'! "Non-counting Supervisor". A nice sounding title for those running inventories with a 'don't have to count in them label'. It's the counters that take the real hit. The starters are Hollister & A&F stores. The program is written so that if you count an area and make an error, you can correct the error at the time, BUT if you rescan the same area ticket the second time, the first number and all its contents are automatically deleted from your audit. What idiot doesn't know when an area is deleted you lose the APH? What idiot doesn't know when you lose enough APH you lose your asset level, and thus you lose your wage level?
The whole idea might get 'sold' as a means to control accuracy, but bottom line its just another way for RGIS to screw their employees!
I just started working for RGIS in middle georgia..My first day on the job I had to meet in a mall parking lot for the van..Well..When the van showed up..I have never seen people move so fast just so that they could claim the prime seating areas..When I got to the van I said hi i'm the new guy good morning..Nobody said a single friggin word..Unreal..I then got the only seat left which was between 2 250 pound she-babbons ..Nobody even said a word on the hour long ride or on the way back or at the store during the job..I am having to learn everything pretty much on my own..everybody is too busy to help..I just keep screwing up and then am told when I do..Thats how I am learning..I have never worked with an unsociable bunch of people in my life..Maybe everything will work out..I don't know..Ain't lookin good.
Dear Lame people who actually belive this lie,
Haha this is the latest comment! ^_^ LOL RGIS doesn't suck because they hired my MOMMY (love ya Mommy) :/ BTW I love smile faces...
Loviess fromm,
Anonymous <33333333333
Over and Out O_o
They want an interview and after reading this post I will decline. There is a common thread through your stories and I do not want to work for a company that cheats hard working Americans. Period.
RGIS has become nothing but BS. We have to take breaks now, so we don't really get to take a break, we just record it but we better not take a break and miss our aph goal. I have been working here for 10 years and I am on my way out the door.
If an employee FAILS to TAKE their own rest and meal breaks, they can't blame that on the company. Look in the mirror and blame the right one. RGIS has been and is a BS company in many ways, especially in the treatment, or I should say mistreatment, of their employees, but not taking a break can only be faulted upon the employee. State LAWS are clear regarding the subject. Clock out and TAKE the break! You earned it, you have it coming, and the supervisors be damned . . APH or not!
i still work ffor rgis it sucks. but theres no other jobs here in cali i been there three years and people who just started a few months ago is becomming team leaders i refuse the team leader job to much stress for no pay screw that. and whats up with that aph crap? thats so they can give u a raise and take it away top guns get all the good areas so u cant keep ur rank up. they should just let us go in and count fuck you rgis
I read through these posts and I think, 'yeah, RGIS might suck as an employer in a lot of ways, but what a bunch of illiterates they have on staff too. If these 'posters' are the best RGIS has to offer its no wonder they suck! Can't spell, can't put a sentence together with any degree of grammar. Can anyone say I can see Russia from my house and not appear as dumb as the one that statement originated from? Come on people, if you have to complain, at least do it with some intelligence!
Im a 17 year old girl and i worked for rgis for about 3 months! i know it was barely anytime but for my first job it was an absolute joke! i started just after my 16th birthday and was treated like utter crap! Im irish and all the other employees were from various countries and barely sp[oke a word of english! it was horrible! i worked long shifts without breaks.. i once worked 23 hours without a single break! since im under 18 i was entitled to more breaks than anyone else! After this my mam and dad decided it was time for me to quit especially after another employee lied about faces i had a apparently been pulling one night after working 17 hours with the flu! The company is an absolute joke!!! And i would rather not have a job at all than work for these slave drivers!
I only lasted working for RGIS..DIST #132 macon GA. for about 10 weeks..No training whatsoever..Getting pulled from stores after 2 hours..Riding in a crowded van up to 3 hours 1 way and being assigned all the crap areas to count..Never even came close to making my APH..All for only $7.50 an hour..When I got to thinking about it all the gray shirts had only been with the company for a year or less..Red lights and sirens started going off in my head that something might not be honky-dory here..Out of the interview class of 10 people I was the only one to show up at the local k-mart a couple of days later to use the RM-1 machine and finger laser on a rounder of clothes for about 15 minutes..No training whatsoever at the actual inventories but I did have a nice auditor who showed me how to rig my count on the RM machine if my personal count didn't add up to the machines area count..So no deleting areas and starting over for me..If I counted too many items in the area on the machine I would just go to the hourglass search thingy and delete the barcodes with the minus key till I had it right or if the machine count was not enough items I would just get back into the area# and scan however many items to make it right..Just think of all the headaches I saved myself by learning that little trick..That's what you get RGIS for not caring about properly training an auditor..No breaks or lunches on the real big jobs but my 400 pound DM always made sure she had a sack full of chic-fil-a sandwiches and a big ol 48 ounce drink in front of her at all times..They even wanted me to do all of the RGIS smart-spacing merchandising for $7.50 an hour..After working with my so called trainer on 2 auto advance jobs and gonna have to run the jobs on my own after the 2nd training session..I said no thanks..Thats when the "Your Job Is On The Line" threats started..Bad economy or not..You don't threaten me with my job when I am only getting $7.50 an hour..I could just go on and on about this job but now I know why Rgis has the highest job turnover and job dis-sattisfaction among employees of any company in the country..If it walks like a duck-talks like a duck and acts like a duck..Then..It's a duck..Just very basic searches on RGIS will tell you everything you need to know about coming to work for this company..Just thank goodness that I am not desperate and had to keep this job at all costs or I might of just snapped on this outfit..I really feel sorry for everybody that is trapped with this job and company in this economy but no more being away from home for 24 hours and only getting paid for 5 hours for me.Them days are over.
I work for rgis 4 years and still there i like most of the people. but like u all said it suck and yes people do sleep there way to the top and getting hrs like 15hrs for a 2hr drive there and back,for a part we never use and was told she would get 15 hr for going to meat him to pick up the part and she got a rent a car because she dont have a car so he rented a car for her to go meat him to pick up the part we never us .and she had to call a co-worker to go pick up the car because she dont have a license you cant tell me he dident no because i no he did are boss was out of town that weekend and i no he new because his boss told him who happen to be the one who rent her the car and not only that a couple of days later my boss was talking to his on the phone and he was saying that she, she had two store the next day and she dont have a car that he was going to let her take the van his boss told him no.....way because he new she dont have a license !!!and then wonted her to ask a coworker to use her car !!!now what the hell is that????its not the workers its the ones who sit in there office all day that make the company bad they ant got nothing to do but think of ways to get over on the company and the workers all but the ones that sleep with them. They fuck over the ones that wont kiss there ass!!! i no i dont kiss no one ass ...if am in the wrong i will say sorry and if i dont belive am not wrong they can kiss my ass..and they no that
.that is way am still a red shirt and with little hrs i just like pissing them off that the only reason way i havent quit that would make them to happy
When i got hire for rgis i was told i would get a rasie at least every six mons to a year as long as i show up and did my job right and i dident have to be fast but right witch i like .because everyone who knows me will tell you am slow at everything i do that just me .and iv been there for 5 years now and havent got a raise yet...
what about when you got to drive an hr to the job but meat time is too hrs befor start time for you can have an on the road lunch befor you get threr an other way of getting out of paying you when we all could of had an extra hr of sleep.after all who care about eating at 2am when there sleeping?
I am supposed to start working for RGIS this coming Saturday, after telling me to start on Wednesday, then telling me to work Friday. I haven't worked one day yet! Seeing a lot of these posts are making me not want to work for these people. I haven't worked since November and I need to work, but it sounds like they are quite a bunch of slave drivers. Not being paid for most of your day...not for me. I may be looking elsewhere for work. This is pretty frustrating, especially when they keep telling me to go to "train" at a certain place one day, then not have me work! Nothing like a nice runaround. Thanks for all the info, everyone. You may have saved me more trouble than I am already in.
i was rip off 10 hrs
People ask how long have you worked for RGIS! My pat answer, 'long enough to know better'! People say how do I get to work for RGIS! My pat answer, 'you really don't want to work for this company'! People ask if I am the owner of RGIS! My pat answer, 'I wouldn't own this company'! People ask if they can call the area manager and apply! My pat answer, 'she's a lying bitch . . you really don't want to talk to her, much less work for her!'
In any other company she would have been terminated long ago, but not in this one! You can be the biggest screw up, the fattest liar, the dumbest person around, and you can still work for RGIS!
Now . . can we have a show of hands? Who wants an application?
I just applied and I know for a fact I got all the questions right, but, the thing is, I've been an at-home web designer for 7 years and working for online companies, I've made great income but the sacrifice for that was, well, technically I have no experience in a real work environment.
Now, the questions were easy, I know I aced them, all my info was correct and filled out, yet they email me and tell me I don't meet the qualifications? What the hell? I thought this was NO EXPERIENCE, EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER!
I guess not, I have my third child on the way, I have no clients and I've been looking for a job, nonstop for 5 months. Everyday I spend from 6am to about 9pm looking for a job. I have 27 notebooks filled with names, dates, jobs/titles/companies and websites, 98% of them told me to apply online anyways. I was even the top of a career class and graduated.
Yet I keep getting turned down! Why? I have never taken drugs, never had a felony, I've been spending countless hours designing websites for thousands upon thousands of clients for 7 years just to take care of my family.
Now, this company, which I KNOW for a fact I did everything perfectly fine, will not hire me because of what? What the **** do I have to do!!
@Panda: I can't think of why you were turned down. I mean, RGIS almost never turns away anyone! If you're upright and breathing they'll take you. I only knew of a couple of people whose applications were denied: a mother and daughter who had such restrictive scheduling requests ("I couldn't work this day, or that one, or these hours, or then"} that their applications were just tossed in the garbage can. Of course I don't think they were told that. I believe they just were never called for any work, ever. And if you admit right up front that you don't have your own car to drive they might turn you down. But this is the first time I've ever heard of them telling an applicant that they don't meet their "qualifications". Qualifications? Other than the ones I mentioned above they really don't have any!
Since this is the very first post in my blog not as many people might see it as would if you commented on a more recent post. Try leaving a comment at the 05/13/11 post, "RGIS Sightings, Anyone?" Maybe another RGIS employee will see your questions and have some answers for you.
Oh give me a break . . RGIS will 'turn down' ANYONE that doesn't seem to 'fit' the MOLD of the area manager thats doing the interviewing. The whole damn thing is controlled by those 'single few'! They decide who gets fired and who gets hired! They schedule them for work according to who they see as the good 'ass kissers', and the ones they DO NOT like for whatever reason! I've lived it . . I've seen it . . I've experienced it ALL! I've seen good area managers, I've seen drug addicts, and I've seen the ones that fit the description 'Total Bitch'. If you were turned down it was more than likely because you displayed TOO MUCH professionalism! That's a trait they just can't handle! Keep on looking my friend, keep on looking!
Many years ago, RGIS had an ad in our local newspapers,so I answered it, was hired on the spot and given a blue shirt with the RGIS patch on the sleeve. I went on two jobs, but after that was never contacted to go on another one. I didn't quit, wasn't let go (to the best of my knowledge).
Strange, possibly they did others that way, too.
@Anon-08/28: Did you ever call RGIS and ask them why they hadn't scheduled you for any more stores? How did you feel about your two stores-did it seem like everything went all right? Did you get any feedback during the two inventories, positive or negative? I know in my district if someone didn't seem like they were working out too well then RGIS just never made out another schedule for them. That was their lovely way of 'firing' an employee. If someone did call them to ask about the schedule then they would just tell them that there weren't any stores going right now. They'd do almost anything rather than tell you the truth.
@Misfit. The two jobs I went on went well. One was pretty much an all-nighter. Each time, our team leader told us we did a good job. Nobody told me if I did anything wrong.
I know it was wrong of me, but it didn't occur to me to call the company to see why I didn't get scheduled for any more work. I kept looking for other jobs and did get another, and much better, one.
@Anon: RGIS probably would have just given you the run around if you had called. They're not exactly known for being truthful to their employees. It sounds like you're doing great and since you're not working for RGIS you're much better off. :-)
@Misfit. You are likely right. They still have an office in town. There's also another inventory business or two, don't know if they're all connected or not.
Yes, thanks, I am happy to say the job I have is good, and life is great.
Oh theres no question not scheduling for inventories is the 'designated' way they get rid of employees. After all, if you don't get scheduled you don't work, and if you don't work you quit. That saves their butt from lots of law suits over unlawful terminations. Another way they love to use is send you to inventories with inadequate, broken, non-functioning equipment that makes it nearly impossible to make APH, then lower your wages to the point you quit. Notice that it always ends with 'you quit'? Now they say APH doesn't count anymore under 'this years plan'! Oh? Let your piece counts drop and see what you get to count! When that goes down so does your productivity, and when that goes, so does your scheduling. Bottom line is . . unless your kissing the AM and/or DM's butt, YOU lose!
Anon @ 09/18: I didn't know about them sending people out with shoddy equipment. It figures. That's so rotten. And that pay decrease is even more terrible. To not give raises or very many of them is one thing but to have your pay cut - that's so unfair.
Equipment is such a common joke even the customers poke fun at RGIS. Here's an example: I was sent out to any inventory as team leader with seven pieces of equipment for the counters. One of the seven actually worked! If faulty equipment is marked when returned, markers are removed and the equipment put back in the bag for another inventory. Only the numbers available is important to the area manager.
I worked for these morons in 1991 for like 3 weeks. EVERYONE who came in to count stole everything they could! We would meet in a parking lot and all 12 would hop in a van and go to the place to count. The reason for the one van was so if you hated the job you couldn't leave until that job was done!! So true 99% of those people need that $hit job as a means to support them selves which I really though sucked. I stated out trying to count inventory correctly but by the end I was totally making numbers up and didn't care. If your business uses RGIS I would suggest you watch those "specialist" closely or you will experience "inventory shrinkage"!! RGIS sucks!!!!
Boy does all this ever ring a bell. In 2010 when APH really meant something ... lol .. I've seen Top Guns count sections without even looking down at lower shelves. Area managers and team leaders change figures in the portable before printing walk reports. If I was a store manager like some of those big grocery markets I'd be shivering in my boots. Some of them have wage and bonus earnings depending on those 'phony' counts. Once I was selected to do 'audit recounts'. When I turned in the information to the area manager I was told to keep it quiet. Yeah, they suck alright! Integrity is NOT one of their priorities.
I'm so glad I found this blog!!! I had an interview for tomorrow & all your comments saved me from what it sounds like a horrible place to work or be affiliated.
Even while looking through all post in past 4 yrs what really stood out is that they really haven't improved any of the many issues that were posted.
Thanks Again
I do currently work for RGIS and so far it hasn't been too bad. Granted I have only worked there for about a month, but really the only issue I have had is them not scheduling me enough hours. I have a three year old and I am trying to get my life in order and I have already told the DM that now that I'm done with my degree, I will only be working here until I get a job in my field. The job is nice for extra pocket money yes but I can't support a child on about 15 hours a week. It's impossible. I'm gonna stick around a little while longer and see what happens.
What RGIS really needs most is to be unionized. (I'll bet they think that's a dirty word.) Isn't there a RGIS employee out there somewhere who comes from a union family? The Teamsters unionizing RGIS would be perfect.
Here's my RGIS scenario: The "training" is a half hour using their equipment in a store, but in a very controled, non-inventory environment. When you get out to a real inventory you learn about equipment malfunctions that can prevent you from doing the job efficiently, no one around to answer questions (you're "on your own"), getting sent home early because you're not a top producer, resulting in minescule paychecks. Why don't the supervisors "hand-hold" the new guys more?
I believe that, when you go to work, you have a right to tell your family when you'll be home. Not you go to a job and don't know whether you will be out in 2 hours, or will be admonished when you're too tired to move any more after ten hours, and you ask to leave.
Teamsters ... where are you?
RGIS Ontario was doing inventory at Zeller stores, now these stores have been sold to Target. Go figure, bad inventory counts and RGIS staff helping themselves to mechanize in the Zellers stores helped to bleed Zellers dry and into the red!
I was fired last week after putting in 20 years in this company. The best day of my life!
I had been an Area Manager for 15 years. Spent a few months as a District Manager. I used to like my job, until five years ago. The past couple of weeks I have been working around the clock, putting in 18 to 24 hours at a time. I was fired for poor performance. I had only two hours sleep, worked a store that morning, had another store that afternoon, was short 10 team members, so my store ran long, my brain went into shut down mode around midnite, walked out the door at 7:30 am. Noded out three times on the 25 mile drive home. Then terminated the next day. Wow..what a great company to work for!
RGIS sunk Zellers? Oh sweetie, your delusional. I worked for Zellers from 2006-2009 when they laid off four of the full timers in my store because they were reporting sales decreases of a million EACH YEAR of the three years I worked there. Please note I said SALES and not THEFT. RGIS can't control sales. I left Zellers and work for RGIS now. It's not perfect, and in many districts, it downright sucks, but RGIS did not ruin Zellers. Everything RGIS counts is compared to the product the store says it has on hand and the Zellers store manager can dispute any variance they want. If they accept the differences, then it's internal shrink and theft, not RGIS.
WOW, I was considering applying to this company, but now I am really hesitant. I thought it looked like a job I really wouldn't mind doing, but having to ride for hours in a van with people who likely represent the lowest-of-the-low and only get paid for the actual work as opposed to the van ride, just doesn't sound worth it plus I really, really wouldn't like it (riding in a van with such people for hours).
Hello guys, I'm currently a Top Gun at RGIS Paris and I'm actually getting the same payment as an auditor, things are not good for us, they really rip off on us and since last year they refuse to pay the top gun employees with a fair salary. Today i have an interview with the area manager and of course it's about a raise! Believeme guys if I do'nt get this I'm so going to bail on them. Word of advice, don't you ever approach to this guys, they really don't care for people and even if they are a worldwide company they are not professional at all, if you are currently working for them you better find another job.
Rgis could be a great job with the right people however district 58 has a bunch of losers its like high school drama with no professionalism and lots of favortism towards the lazy disgusting and ugly i hope i am taken seriously when i say the fat lazy worthless district manager kathleen has abandoned us for the past month leaving multiple people having to pick up her slack with no reward and her pet ryan only has half his teeth and unfortunately does most of the representation of our crew he wears dirty pants and claims every store is his favorite hes lying when in fact he claims to be the best but has little respect for the job the store the crew or himself in fact most of rgis is like this and it makes me disappointed to be a part of it
I worked for RGIS about 10 years ago, I was grateful for being given a job, since it was not easy finding steady work, and the $8.00 starting pay was acceptable to me. I only worked for RGIS for a few months. While working there I became disscoureged with the job. Rather than just quiting I defaced store merchandise at one location and at another location I ate a candy bar while taking inventory, I remember the store manager was going to call the police and have me arrested but I walked out of the store. When I was confronted by my boss I said I just wanted my check. I regret not having the professionalism to just do my job, I feel like I let RGIS down my manager down and myself down with my inability to just do my job. They were good enough to give me a job. Now years latter I still think about how bad my behavior was and I want to apologize. I think about calling RGIS to say sorry but I sure they won't remember since it's been so long. I guess I will just have to live with the guilt.
I've worked for RGIS for 10 years now. On and Off. I first started in Salt Lake City, Utah on the Wal-Mart travel district 440. I will admit a crew of 45 people working Monday-Friday and Sunday's in Sam's really get to know everybody's up's and down's..and everything personal about each other. There is a lot of High School drama..and favoritism..depending on who you are..and its a social club for most. I worked on 440 travel a few years..and moved west to San Jose, CA and did local.
NOW...California's labor laws are much more favorable to RGIS employees, and daily overtime makes it much more exciting to stay on the clock and continue working on multi-store runs..They gave me 70 hours a week..but i volunteered for it. I loved the work..and commonly brought home 1000-1800/month.
I also moved to Texas, and picked back up on Walmart travel. Met some good managers who were really family oriented and sensitive to a health problem my family encountered. Even after being away for 5 months in a hospital..i still had my job waiting for me.
Once my children were born I went back to RGIS and the schedule is fantastic for me and my husband. He has worked for RGIS for 15 years and loves it to. We are treated with respect, and very much appreciated. but we are "veteran's" in this RGIS game..and are respected for our experience and knowledge, and superior training we bring to each district we grace.
You can go a long way with good training. Keep your ears open, mouth shut, Learn from the veterans. Always say yes you can work when your phone rings..and make friends with supervisors who run events. If so-they'll have no problem calling you for extra work.
I've been a gray shirt for several years, trained, done some hiring, and made some recommendations for firing the less than desirable's.
If you need part time work, this is a good job to have. It is only social if you lend an ear and gossip. But it doesn't have to be.
I have no problem showing up to my stores, counting, and going home. If you do your job right the first time you'll have no problems.
Good Luck at your RGIS career if your thinking about applying.
Currently its 1/13/14 I'm working for D184 Out of a Houston Local Office..and loving it. Ricardo is our district manager, and Shelly Wright is the assistant. They are fantastic..and I hope to work there as long as possible.
=Jessica Wright formerly Jessica Simon
RGIS Ottawa, Ontario. The admin staff here is terrible! The most unprofessional bunch of people running the RGIS office. They don't answer the phone, don't answer your email, don't even answer the office door. I didn't get paid for my time and worst of all I got head lice! They put all our jackets and coats in a pile and hid them somewhere so we could not leave work or even go outside during our break! SLAVERY!
RGIS is terrible! I have worked in D68 for about 10 months, and it is one of the most annoying places I have ever worked. They seem to hire only smart-mouthed little twits with a very heightened sense of entitlement, who have no respect whatsoever for management or their co-workers.Favoritism runs rampant; if you're not in a certain clique or the wrong color, you get crap areas or pulled out of good areas to go count crap areas. Training is minimal at best. Training sessions would be scheduled, then cancelled for no reason. I am being pressured to take training to become a grey shirt, which I really do not want. I know how they work our grey shirts to death, 3 and 4 stores in a day with only a couple of hours sleep. No thanks.I'm just biding my time until something better comes along, ie seasonal help ANYWHERE BUT RGIS!! If you have an interview coming up with RGIS run the other way as fast as you can!
RGIS is terrible! I have worked in D68 for about 10 months, and it is one of the most annoying places I have ever worked. They seem to hire only smart-mouthed little twits with a very heightened sense of entitlement, who have no respect whatsoever for management or their co-workers.Favoritism runs rampant; if you're not in a certain clique or the wrong color, you get crap areas or pulled out of good areas to go count crap areas. Training is minimal at best. Training sessions would be scheduled, then cancelled for no reason. I am being pressured to take training to become a grey shirt, which I really do not want. I know how they work our grey shirts to death, 3 and 4 stores in a day with only a couple of hours sleep. No thanks.I'm just biding my time until something better comes along, ie seasonal help ANYWHERE BUT RGIS!! If you have an interview coming up with RGIS run the other way as fast as you can!
I'm a team leader for Rgis and there is alot of bs with this company but its hard to find a good job and I been there 7 years so I feel its all I know how to do.
I find it entertaining but also at the same time sad that I scroll through and half the comments are ignorant. I really do wonder if people try not to learn, and if that is the case, many of you need to get your head together before bashing a company as a whole or people that are trying to give you advice. Oh, and another thing when you are giving advice, don't be such an aggressive and angry writer. Why would you be so insensitive to post hateful comments towards anonymous others when I am sure you wouldn't be that bold to say that to half the people on here if you were to meet them in real life. I just want to see some common sense used for once when I walk out into the world or open up a page to do some research.
P.S. If you are angry at me or what I just wrote or you think I am some ignorant person with out of line characteristics I will gladly oblige to giving you a way to contact me personally. I don't like making people angry without giving them a way to straighten it out.
RGIS is a joke. I worked for them for 3 months and then I left. I felt like I was constantly surrounded by what I call adults that act like a whole bunch of pissed off teenagers. We had one girl who got fired for stealing fried chicken from Walmart!! I worked in the traveling team one in Colorado Springs, CO. If you decide to work for RGIS please RUN AWAY!!!! it will be nothing but a headache.
Can RGIS fire you for posting things on Facebook?, because that's what they did to me on February 20th of this year.
Wow, people are still commenting on this 9 YEAR OLD post!
Even though it's 9 years old, it's still oh so true.
Favoritism runs rampant; if you're not in a certain clique or the wrong color, you get crap areas or pulled out of good areas to go count crap areas
Oh yeah - that describes my district PERFECTLY!. If by accident, you find yourself in a good area, so you can possibly raise your APH out of the cellar, some top gun immediately scampers over, tells you to erase the area out and go see the supervisor; they take over from you, and you get sent to count a pile of crap they found under a rock, half of which isn't even tagged. :(
I just happened to think about RGIS and decided to read a few of the comments,'
First off RGIS started out in 1958 as "Richard Glass Inventory Service", How do I know...simple as I worked side by side with him in the earlier years doing Inventory work in Grocery stores for "Muscolino Inventory Service"
I knew Dick and his wife was Doris and they had two kids, a boy and a girl.
Do believe Nicholson might have been his father in law...cannot recall ...been a while. Those days accuracy was IMPORTANT.
Recently saw a Inventory crew taking Inventory in a local mkt here in Rosarito Baja Mex. Had an idea who the company was doing the counting???????? for accuracy?????was a JOKE. I will refrain from saying any names here.
Watched for a few mins and left.I did see an ad in the San Diego area for people with pay at $10 hr
Joe Muscolino had a junior partner that bought Joes business. His name was Jack Boone. Will not go into deep detail on how I know all of this but it is 100% TRUE.
I did talk to a worker at the Home Depot in Rosarito who confirmed that RGIS was to take the Inventory as boxes were being pre counted on top storage shelves.
Accuracy?....NOT in my book.
Truth of origin. RGIS....."Richard Glass Inventory Service" West Covina,
Calif 1958. Dick and I worked together for Muscolino Inventory Service which was mainly a Grocery and Liquor service. I was a Supervisor for them in 1957. He got financial help from his father in law as I recall. His wife was Doris and they had two kids (boy and a girl). Do not know when ownership changed but based upon the above posts things must have really went down hill later on.
I have witnessed what I believe was RGIS people working in a Mkt here in Rosarito Baja Mexico....accuracy was a JOKE based upon my past years experience of 23 yrs in the Grocery/Liquor trade.
RGIS Ottawa has a very unethical work policy, you show up at work even if they don’t plan on paying you. You may have got up in the morning at 5 AM, paid for a bus fare in the middle of a cold winter, arrived at work on time when they ask you and wait for a supervisor who is two hours late, you don’t get paid! Another time we waited two and half hours due to computer problems and we did not get paid. RGIS worker are so angry when they don’t get paid they take merchandise from the stores they are working at!
You should be paid if you show up for an inventory: if it is cancelled after the start time for whatever reason; if it is cancelled earlier but you were not notified; store management doesn't show; supervisor doesn't show; etc. There is a minimum amount of time, which in the U.S. varies from state to state (For example, NJ is 2 hours, but NY, or at least NYC, is 4 hours). This minimum also applies if the inventory occurs but takes less time than the minimum (so if the whole inventory takes 1 hour, you would still get paid for 2). I would think RGIS in Canada would have similar rules in place, I would double check your handbook. You should also be paid for all non-inventory time while you are there, regardless of the reason: computer failure, late arrival of supervisor or store management, recounts, tag-pulling, whatever. NOW, that is not to say that your district's supervisors, managers, etc. will not try to get out of it in some way, that is a different story altogether.
I'm amazed this thread keeps going on and on, but I see why, because things have not really changed. Since the mid 90s I have had a total of about 7-8 years working for RGIS, approximately 4 as a team leader, in two different states. All that has really changed over the years is that, no matter their adoption of that "time worked= time paid" slogan, working for RGIS actually pays less than it did 15 years ago. All the other crap remains the same. Not sure why this country doesn't have labor laws that prohibit treating employees the way RGIS does. I finally quit in December after a couple of months at a full-time job,even though I was pretty sure that job was going to tank (it did), because I had just had enough. I'm hoping that will be the last time, but now I'm looking for a job again....
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