Saturday, June 09, 2007

Help! Help Wanted!

A friend of mine was searching through the classified ads in the local paper recently and spotted something very near but not dear to my heart. "Hey, look at this," he said, as he handed me the newspaper. "Didn't you used to work for these guys?" I looked at the ad and nearly vomited. It was titled "Inventory Counter-Apply and Train now." The ad went something like this:

  • $8.50 hr to start
  • No experience necessary
  • Paid training
  • Medical benefits after 90 days
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Must be 18 years +
  • Reliable transportation
  • Part-time inventory counter positions available
  • Call now for an appt.

Just the sight of that ad brought a shudder of horror and disgust to my heart. Also mixed in was a certain amount of amusement as I went over the ad. "8.50 an hour to start"? Hmm, interesting, that's down from a high of $9.00 not too long ago. "Paid training"? Of course what they don't mention until said training has already begun is that the training pay is at least $1.00 less per hour than the starting wage.

"Medical benefits after 90 days": Well, when did RGIS finally do something halfway decent and give the auditors back their benes that they took away so abruptly when I was working for them? How are the benes? Any good?

"Flexible scheduling": Ah, a creative way of saying, "Well, one week you'll work 30 hours, the next week 5 hours, the next week 0, and the week after that 1 1/2." That's very flexible!

"Must be 18 years +": "However, if you're 50 years + we will immediately classify you in our minds as a 'feeb' or 'goober' and you'll rarely be scheduled for any stores. Probably the only time you'll see work is when we have a big store like Kmart or Target to inventory and we need every available warm body, even the ancient ones."

"Reliable Transportation": "We wish. Actually, since we're so hard up for people to work for us we'll send someone to your house to pick you up on the way to the inventory, especially if you're a hot chick that one of our managers hopes to someday score with."

Very amusing. But it left me curious. Have you guys seen any RGIS help wanted ads in your local papers recently? Do they sound a lot like or identical to the one that I saw? I'd be interested in hearing what RGIS ads are like around the country. Or world rather, as RGIS is global now. So if you see any help wanted ads from RGIS lately please post them here. Thanks!

P.S. Well well well. Looky what I just found on!

$8.50/HR COUNTING stuff at LOCAL RETAILERS (santa rosa) [sic]

"This is a fantastic job to fill in any gaps that you might have in your normal routine. Make us a secondary source of income or your primary source of income...RGIS is the world leader in Inventory Retail Services...We have...40,000 employees...

Desired qualities:

  • Team Player
  • Competitive Spirit
  • Dependable Employee
  • Prompt Arrivals

Learn more about us at (the RGIS website url) and see why 40,000 employees love what they do!"

Okay, two things about this craigslist ad makes me laugh. One is the 'Desired Qualities' section. RGIS 'desires' employees who are team players, have competitive spirit, are dependable, and who can manage prompt arrivals? Then why don't they treat their employees decently and pay them a living wage? Why don't they treat their employees decently and not subject them to ridiculous pay decreases based on their EAPHs when said employees are unable to meet unreachable or unknown EAPHs? Why don't they treat their employees decently and not give one small group of a district's pets more favorable treatment (raises, more stores) than the rest of the district? If RGIS could do the unthinkable and treat their employees decently then maybe they might hire and retain more employees who have those qualities that they so desire.

The second thing in that ad that's a laugher is that last line. "Learn more about us...and see why 40,000 employees love what they do!" Oh, that's priceless. "Love what they do." Hey, RGIS employees, does that sound like you?

P.P.S. : I just checked the San Francisco Chronicle (June 20, 2007) and RGIS has a "help wanted" ad there. Their starting pay is $9.25 an hour. Okay, I know S.F. is larger than Santa Rosa but .75 larger? Doesn't sound fair, but then little about RGIS is fair, IMO.


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Anonymous said...

m glad to have come across this site, if i was anything but an auditor i would be highly embarassed, but wait i am an rgis auditor who is VERY EMBARASSED, what is wrong with this company???? Some of us really love the job, but are made to hate it because of all the dishonesty that goes on....for example: eaph raises ya right, no batching ya right, putting in numbers ya right, recounts ya right, DISGUSTING

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! THERE IS A WEB 4 US MISFITS!! wait til the aspca hears about this one!! LOL (4 those who know the feeling) just to let everyone ON the "field" to know U r not's a good one..managers r supposed to manage, well go figure this one....d25 sucked at a time with a red headed dm, now they r on the right track, now d6 sucks because of the same dm..go figure....y do they all forget...they had the same complaints?????

Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon this site and have been reading all day... happy to know that everyone else's district is screwed up too.

Our AM's are always yelling at us, either on the phone or in person in front of Store personnel ("the customer"), trying to make us feel bad because we are not fast enough, we don't have that "sense of urgency". Meanwhile our DM spends most of the time either not in the office or hiding behind a closed door. We have a few old time TLs that work only when they want to work, and a few newer TLs that are being crushed by the overabundance of inventories taken on by management staff.

And I don't even want to get started on the insane nepotism we have in our district. The powers that be tell us how we are not supposed to get overtime, but there are people who seem to get it every week.

Oh, and then there are the contests... where they take people who usually work certain stores and suddenly replace them with the automaton cherry picker types for limited engagements, until the contest is over, and then throw the usuals back into the stores - usually along with stripping them of their dignity setting them up to fail running other stores they aren't ready or able to run with only a "D" auditing staff, just for fun.

One of my biggest complaints, aside from the usual aching feet, migraines, long hours, no sleep stuff, is how I earned tiny raises the first year I was working for RGIS, but then when they raised the minimum starting rate in my district to at first 5 cents more than I was making (and later another 50 cents), they kinda had to bring everyone up to that minimum rate, so now after being there for a few years I make the same amount as a newbie off the street. Not to mention I have to teach them how to use their machines, and then go recount wheat they mess up.

My second big complaint is how they screw with my travel pay by cutting miles off what I drove to get to stores, because we meet at other sites than our office, sites closer or more convenient for us to get to considering where we are going, or suddenly decided they are not paying for us to drive to places we have always been paid before to go.

And mostly all our managers seem to do is pressure auditors to become Team Supervisors, since we only have a very few people in our district that can actually run stores. They took a few relatively new hires and turned them into gray shirts... which did not work because they figured being a gray shirt meant they could stop coming to inventories when the mood hit, and after this happened like maybe 10 times in a month, they were actually fired. (Which means they will be eligible for rehiring this December for January 2009.

Then there are the new hires themselves. I know they don't want to work, with a few exceptions, but since I am being paid the same as they are being paid, why are they getting more scheduled hours than I am, when they are mostly going to try picking and choosing which stores they want to go to and will not even bother showing up for the rest of their schedules, causing the people running the inventories to be short-handed, meanwhile people who actually want work are sitting at home reading blogs or playing solitaire.

I was around for the big transition from the old audits to the new RMs, and although I am not a fan of the internal lasers, since half of the time they don't work either... I don't have much choice since we can't even get the new finger lasers (the handful we have naturally have been assigned and may only be used by the special few cherry picking people with the black badge clips, most of whom would not know how to count baskets of clearance crap.) We had an incident here a few weeks back where a black clip top gun was sent to do cased jewelry, where yes, you did have to open up each and every case to get to the bar code... and this top gun was appalled at being requested to count such lowly, time consuming, APH destroying merchandise. The crap I am asked to count all the time.

But my biggest issue is how we were hired to count- but are being told now that we aren't counting anymore... just guestimating, while making it look like we are counting. And in a convenience store where $300 means something...that just doesn't seem acceptable. If you've noticed, they took "Accuracy is our primary concern" off the yellow tags.

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous who knows d6 and d25 and that red head - d6 was lost when Kathy left for greener pastures and a 9-5 life.

I kinda feel sorry for Ralph, but only for a few seconds.

Megi said...

Interesting that the ad you mentioned showed $8.50 an hour. Out here in #481 (weak cheer), base starting pay is only $8.00. So, training pay when you start is only $7.

Anonymous said...

I've been working for RGIS for a few days now and I've already learned something. "Accuracy is my top priority, unless it's taking a long time and I want to go home."

Anonymous said...

I love math, so this was a great job to get to have fun with right? Wrong!
This company really knows how to take something that someone likes and destroy it. It was great for the first three months getting two promotions and a raise. They expect a full time employee for part time price. The one hour commute(no pay) time is the worst. I was promised a raise from our DM in D348 and after waiting for two months I tried calling and he never answered. Then they sent out a letter stating the "chain of command". So following the chain of command I called my AM (I am a team-leader) and asked about the raise I was promised. The AM asked " Did the DM tell you when he would give you the raise?" I replied "If your car was broken and I said I would fix it, do you expect to wait 6 months to a year?"

The EAPH is only good for auditor status. As team leader mine is based off my team. So If I have some people that count slow I never get a raise or even lose money. I have just started refusing to work and began my search for another job.

Target used to give us food but our OPS asked that they do not any more. They never give breaks like they should be given.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


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