Over the period of time that this blog has existed there have been a small number of comments made here that for one reason or another didn't get published. But just because they didn't get published doesn't mean that they disappeared altogether. Oh no. I managed to save a few of them and I'm finally giving them their glorious due today. I edited some of them, removing people's full names, clearing out the spam links and inserting some paragraph breaks in the last two comments (both were in single paragraph form) but the rest is genuine. The salty angry language, run-on sentences, punctuation mistakes and glorious spelling errors are all real. Enjoy!
P.S. I changed the layout of the blog. Do you think it was better the way it was before? Is it better now? Let me know in your comments. Thanks!
1. I been working with the company for 3 years and I have seen problems like in any other company my question after i read your blog is if you dont really like the people and how RGIS DM or AM act why dont you look for work in another company ??? if is that bad i dont know why you still there...oh right i just imagine that maybe you are not qualified for a "better" place to work.
2. A great deal of RGIS employees are educated and do this for extra money. I think you are mad because you have no skills, please don't speak for 99.9% of RGIS employees.
3. Who ever posted this probably only work one Penny's and held about a 150 APH I'm a top gun in Wichita D61 and yeah the hours suck the management is a old joke that I'm tired of hearing but I'm fuckin addicted to blowing you fuckin newb ass loser misfits away cause I'm getting paid fat paid. I do this job because I enjoy it, not the people, the work. Besides the world has jobs for misfits that fuck up every thing they do:McDonalds, Burger King, etc. So enjoy your minimum wages cause I'm laughing at you from 3000 mi. away BrokeAss
4. Let's face it, they fired you because you could not count past 15 shithead.
5. your all morons so shut the hell up stop arguing about the name and remember that most people don't care.
6. I came to my computer and saw this crappy blog site on my screen,I ask my husband what was up with this. He goes o i just wanted to see whats been up with RGIS.WHY I said, we worked for RGIS when it was worth working there and it was still crap so why would any body want to be a looser and come blog about this job! its bad enough you all work there, but you take time when your not at that crappy job to talk WOW what a shame, to bad i wont ever be back to to see what you loosers type in response sorry i have a life, and if you see my husband in here kick him out even though he don't work there he still wants to be in the loop WOW he just as bad as you guys gross!!!!!!!!
7. Wow so i gues the 124 district isnt the only bad district. We have A.M's trying to set ppl up firing good ppl and running into the company into the ground. My story is real messed up i was a team leder for them and one of the auditors who is a friend of mine before i became a team leader was helping me out because i got hurt on the job( and they didnt want to help me with that either!) My friend has an A.M living in her house and somebody had already contacted corporate about it and told her if she wants her job that she has to move out and shes still living there!
But anyway my friend she was driving me to the inventories cause she was on my team anyway. the last time i had a store with her my D.M tells me my friend will no be in my tomorrows store knowing i needed her. so that night she was at my house hanging out after work and before she leaves i tell her my fiance to help get the equipment out of her trunk and into my trunk. he pulled everything out except the Labtop that happened to be sitting on the front passenger side floor. i didnt realize her nor him took it out cause he only grabbed what was in the trunk.
the next day when i got to my inventory i opened my trunk to get the equipment and when i noticed No labtop in my car it hit me that it was still in her car so i had to call my d.m to bring me a lab top. after my inventory i told my friend that i left my labtop in her car and she bust out tellin me no i didnt that it isnt in her car! I asked her did you help my fiance take the equipment out and she says no and i said did he grab anything from the front of her car she said he only grabbed from the trunk and i told her the labtop was sitting on the floor of her passenger side and she says that she just got in the car and left and didnt think to see if anything was on the floor of her car.
The D.M suspended me for 6 week before she finally decided to fire me then put me down as terminated for STEALING!Then gave my team to a girl who got fired for fighting and cursing a store manger out. the rehired her 2 months later. she cursed out another manager then 2 days later gets a gray shirt then gets my team but me a labtop gets stolen out of another employees locked car and im unrehirable and then try to say i stole the labtop and i didnt even do steal that carp! And also that a.m who lives my friend. No body likes her and she also has the copy of the key to my friends car! Alot of ppl think it was a set up to get rid of me cause they owe me alot of back pay from my 908's.
8. District 124 is a skam. They don't pay you like they claim if you get it any at all.they pick and choose. K. is very rude and unprofessional and so is B. You call in to tell them something very important has came up and you get yelled at not talked to. They give the travel time and Bounus Pay to their friends they party with who work only when they want to cause they our hung over and did to much cocain the night before so they didnt sleep.Or who they are Kin to.
for exsample E. is a wanted person. But she has a job best friends with a team ledder with a cocain dealer as a husbund(the team ledder)E. has ran around with the team ledders husband drinking and cocaining dealling all night so there for can't work her sch. but yet a singel mother paying and raiseing childern get recommend for missing work.Because of car trouble dental pain and other excussable reasons. guess i should be hiding from the law and a drug /drunker and suck somebody's husbands dick to have a job?
The other team ledder is such a rude as Bitch hell who wants to call and say anything..She hires her own child and tells the working mother well your kid not 18 and can't work so they pertend he didn't pass the test .(dam keep the money in the family I recon) the mother with rent and ch.support and a child to raise hell that Bitch don't need the money. And lets get to how rude the rest of work is they raise their voices talk to you like you don't matter and if their friend or family needs off well then don't matter if you have a excussable reason they write you up if you are not in the KLAN you know the drill.
Cherry pickers that count all the easy stuff and let mention how if they don't like you they will take away from area counted ao add to it. And to the stores well ever wondered why your pre count didnt match. well you should role your tapes back on the count. Check out place such a cosmatics they are short cause they going into the pockets of the counters. I have seen it I have tryed to say something but now I have a job but no schueld so I can't even file for unemployment.but yet I have all these children to care for like I said 2 to pay childsupport to and one at home.
They don't pay you gas or the travel..And don't mess up and help anyone in DRI.124 cause sure at first it is like you get something from they co workers but then it is well I didn't get paid I got you cover comes out their mouth when you hear that take my advise stop giving rides cause next thing you know you are paying 100.0 in gas for two weeks and you get a check for 136.00 for two weeks..so you are the one left standing.. And their friends that are team ledders well the excuss is you shouldn't have helped them knowing they needed it.Just a short storie about Disrt.124
Yes i can prove must everything I said. And got some wittness Like CVS role your camers Family Dollar role your camers you will see.. that Drist. 124 top counters putting the make up in their clothes pouch ect.....
sorry about the spelling I have that drun disablity