Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Posted These For The Lulz

Over the period of time that this blog has existed there have been a small number of comments made here that for one reason or another didn't get published. But just because they didn't get published doesn't mean that they disappeared altogether. Oh no. I managed to save a few of them and I'm finally giving them their glorious due today. I edited some of them, removing people's full names, clearing out the spam links and inserting some paragraph breaks in the last two comments (both were in single paragraph form) but the rest is genuine. The salty angry language, run-on sentences, punctuation mistakes and glorious spelling errors are all real. Enjoy!

P.S. I changed the layout of the blog. Do you think it was better the way it was before? Is it better now? Let me know in your comments. Thanks!

1. I been working with the company for 3 years and I have seen problems like in any other company my question after i read your blog is if you dont really like the people and how RGIS DM or AM act why dont you look for work in another company ??? if is that bad i dont know why you still there...oh right i just imagine that maybe you are not qualified for a "better" place to work.

2. A great deal of RGIS employees are educated and do this for extra money. I think you are mad because you have no skills, please don't speak for 99.9% of RGIS employees.

3. Who ever posted this probably only work one Penny's and held about a 150 APH I'm a top gun in Wichita D61 and yeah the hours suck the management is a old joke that I'm tired of hearing but I'm fuckin addicted to blowing you fuckin newb ass loser misfits away cause I'm getting paid fat paid. I do this job because I enjoy it, not the people, the work. Besides the world has jobs for misfits that fuck up every thing they do:McDonalds, Burger King, etc. So enjoy your minimum wages cause I'm laughing at you from 3000 mi. away BrokeAss

4. Let's face it, they fired you because you could not count past 15 shithead.

5. your all morons so shut the hell up stop arguing about the name and remember that most people don't care.

6. I came to my computer and saw this crappy blog site on my screen,I ask my husband what was up with this. He goes o i just wanted to see whats been up with RGIS.WHY I said, we worked for RGIS when it was worth working there and it was still crap so why would any body want to be a looser and come blog about this job! its bad enough you all work there, but you take time when your not at that crappy job to talk WOW what a shame, to bad i wont ever be back to to see what you loosers type in response sorry i have a life, and if you see my husband in here kick him out even though he don't work there he still wants to be in the loop WOW he just as bad as you guys gross!!!!!!!!

7. Wow so i gues the 124 district isnt the only bad district. We have A.M's trying to set ppl up firing good ppl and running into the company into the ground. My story is real messed up i was a team leder for them and one of the auditors who is a friend of mine before i became a team leader was helping me out because i got hurt on the job( and they didnt want to help me with that either!) My friend has an A.M living in her house and somebody had already contacted corporate about it and told her if she wants her job that she has to move out and shes still living there!

But anyway my friend she was driving me to the inventories cause she was on my team anyway. the last time i had a store with her my D.M tells me my friend will no be in my tomorrows store knowing i needed her. so that night she was at my house hanging out after work and before she leaves i tell her my fiance to help get the equipment out of her trunk and into my trunk. he pulled everything out except the Labtop that happened to be sitting on the front passenger side floor. i didnt realize her nor him took it out cause he only grabbed what was in the trunk.

the next day when i got to my inventory i opened my trunk to get the equipment and when i noticed No labtop in my car it hit me that it was still in her car so i had to call my d.m to bring me a lab top. after my inventory i told my friend that i left my labtop in her car and she bust out tellin me no i didnt that it isnt in her car! I asked her did you help my fiance take the equipment out and she says no and i said did he grab anything from the front of her car she said he only grabbed from the trunk and i told her the labtop was sitting on the floor of her passenger side and she says that she just got in the car and left and didnt think to see if anything was on the floor of her car.

The D.M suspended me for 6 week before she finally decided to fire me then put me down as terminated for STEALING!Then gave my team to a girl who got fired for fighting and cursing a store manger out. the rehired her 2 months later. she cursed out another manager then 2 days later gets a gray shirt then gets my team but me a labtop gets stolen out of another employees locked car and im unrehirable and then try to say i stole the labtop and i didnt even do steal that carp! And also that a.m who lives my friend. No body likes her and she also has the copy of the key to my friends car! Alot of ppl think it was a set up to get rid of me cause they owe me alot of back pay from my 908's.

8. District 124 is a skam. They don't pay you like they claim if you get it any at all.they pick and choose. K. is very rude and unprofessional and so is B. You call in to tell them something very important has came up and you get yelled at not talked to. They give the travel time and Bounus Pay to their friends they party with who work only when they want to cause they our hung over and did to much cocain the night before so they didnt sleep.Or who they are Kin to.

for exsample E. is a wanted person. But she has a job best friends with a team ledder with a cocain dealer as a husbund(the team ledder)E. has ran around with the team ledders husband drinking and cocaining dealling all night so there for can't work her sch. but yet a singel mother paying and raiseing childern get recommend for missing work.Because of car trouble dental pain and other excussable reasons. guess i should be hiding from the law and a drug /drunker and suck somebody's husbands dick to have a job?

The other team ledder is such a rude as Bitch hell who wants to call and say anything..She hires her own child and tells the working mother well your kid not 18 and can't work so they pertend he didn't pass the test .(dam keep the money in the family I recon) the mother with rent and and a child to raise hell that Bitch don't need the money. And lets get to how rude the rest of work is they raise their voices talk to you like you don't matter and if their friend or family needs off well then don't matter if you have a excussable reason they write you up if you are not in the KLAN you know the drill.

Cherry pickers that count all the easy stuff and let mention how if they don't like you they will take away from area counted ao add to it. And to the stores well ever wondered why your pre count didnt match. well you should role your tapes back on the count. Check out place such a cosmatics they are short cause they going into the pockets of the counters. I have seen it I have tryed to say something but now I have a job but no schueld so I can't even file for unemployment.but yet I have all these children to care for like I said 2 to pay childsupport to and one at home.

They don't pay you gas or the travel..And don't mess up and help anyone in DRI.124 cause sure at first it is like you get something from they co workers but then it is well I didn't get paid I got you cover comes out their mouth when you hear that take my advise stop giving rides cause next thing you know you are paying 100.0 in gas for two weeks and you get a check for 136.00 for two you are the one left standing.. And their friends that are team ledders well the excuss is you shouldn't have helped them knowing they needed it.Just a short storie about Disrt.124

Yes i can prove must everything I said. And got some wittness Like CVS role your camers Family Dollar role your camers you will see.. that Drist. 124 top counters putting the make up in their clothes pouch ect.....

sorry about the spelling I have that drun disablity


Sir Batchalot said...

Ooh new layout! And a new post! Woot!

d169 Vet said...

We have people willing to defend RGIS on the interwebs? Oh Noes! Some of those are laughable. "Fat Paid"? That is my favorite. Hope that person in question is enjoying their "Fat Paid" when they get shafted on the ASET 'cause an AM hates their guts.

Anonymous said...

Misfit.... LMAO!!!!!!!!
I like the new layout.

The Misfit said...

Anon & Sir Batchalot: Thanks!. The big blank spaces on each side of the body bother me though. Do they bother you? I'm working on making them smaller.

D169Vet: Lol, that "paid fat paid" made me laugh too. I too found it hard to believe that there would be people to defend RGIS. I guess it's no surprise that they can't do so intelligently. The last two comments are actually anti-RGIS but yikes, were they hard to read in their original form!

Anonymous said...

The blank spaces don't bother me Misfit. Thanks for keeping this blog going.

The Misfit said...

Anon: Oh good, thanks. And you're welcome! I've had fun posting this blog and it's been a great way to keep up on what's really going on with RGIS. I mean, who would know better than its employees that actually work the inventories, and who's going to tell their stories more honestly than them?

Wretch said...

I cannot believe there are people out there who defend RGIS. What is wrong with these people? If they are willing to defend RGIS of their own free will (unless a DM is watching them post with a gun to their back or something), you have to wonder how they perform everyday tasks like paying the gas bill and doing the washing. What a mindfuck.

Anybody else feel like they're just stuck in this hellhole? I've been working here for a few years and I desperately need to get out. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I search, the current climate is tough in securing a more financially stable job. I would love nothing more to hand in my notice, give the middle finger to this company and walk away, never to look back again.

New layout is looking pretty nifty if I do say so myself :)

The Misfit said...

Wretch: Thanks! And I understand what you're saying about being stuck in the job. I think a lot of people who complain about RGIS employees complaining just don't seem to understand that in many parts of the country it's been really hard to find work. So for people to say, "If you don't like the job just leave!" is unfair because a lot of people need their RGIS jobs, as scary as that sounds. They can't afford to quit before they find another job and finding employment is so difficult nowadays.

Wretch said...

Tell me about it. I'm not sure how things are on the other side of the pond, but for us folk in the UK, it's a nightmare trying to find a job.

And it is indeed scary, I need this job to survive. How depressing is that?

Anonymous said...

Misfit, if it wasn't for your site, I wouldn't know anything. They keep me completely in the dark in my district. And hell yes, the reason a lot of us are still with the company is because of lack of jobs. And these ppl that you saved for the lulz... wow... what idiots.

StewieGriffin said...

Wretch, why give your notice when you leave? It's not like its a fulltime job and it's not like its required.

A little off track, but I never got why people gave two weeks' notice anyway? I mean, the company doesn't give you notice when they are going to fire or lay you off.

At any rate, whenever I quit RGIS, I'll try to give my DM as much notice as possible, but if something comes up and they need me ASAP, so long RGIS (since the new job would almost certainly be better paying and more respected).

Oh and Misfit, the new layout looks good. Are you going to change the comments part to the same color as the first page of the blog?

The Misfit said...

Stewie: That's a good idea about the comments page color/layout. I'm not sure if Blogger lets you do that though. I'll look into it because I think it would be nice if it matched the blog.

And I know what you mean about giving notice. Why should employees give notice when they're leaving when employers don't give notice when they're firing someone? It's not fair, and employees are just supposed to accept it as "that's the way things are."

Wretch said...

I understand what you're saying about giving notice. The things is though, I have a great relationship with my DM and AM. Like you and me, they both despise this ASET bullshit and they hate our OPS Manager with a passion. I guess we all hae to follow orders though, stupid and pointless as they may be.

Plus, Seeing as how I run a fair amount of our stores, I don't want to drop them in the shit. We don't have a lot of people in our District capable of running stores. Like I said, I have zero problems with my DM and AM, so I wouldn't want any uneccessary hassle on their shoulders.

Anonymous said...

Yes, fraternization is definitely the rule. An AM recently had a child with the secretary. His best friend, a TL, just had a child with the back-up secretary. The brother of the mother of this AM's other child, who used to be the local OPS manager, flew off to an island somewhere to marry the former DM of a neighboring district because he somehow got her pregnant while she was recovering from cancer. He's now the DM there while she is an AM. Then there's the guy who had been DM in both districts, over time, who kept forgetting he was married. These are the people in charge.

The Misfit said...

Anon: Wow! Was that a RGIS dist. you were describing or one episode of "As The World Turns"?

Wretch said...

Anon: Well, holy Christ! And I thought my District was screwy.

dead horse said...

Love the new layout! Love it that resonses are coming in again. Was beginning to think everyone had disappeared. Tha Avenue inventories are on again. I love "green stores". APH for the store is 750. Auditor and specialist APHs are under 750 and experts are just barely above 750. Had 4-that's right 4- scheduled for the store--1 auditor and 3 specialists. Made the 4 hour mandatory but do you think I made the APH? at an AQ store. Maybe should have had a Topgun @ 1180. Oh, that's right, they don't do auto quantity and can only batch in jewelry. Next store had 4 scheduled again with 2 auditors and 2 specialists--same store APH and store was 75% bigger. Went long on hours and no store APH. By the way , the store is not a bonus store. What is going on with the scheduling????? It's as bad as buying a car---planned obsolesence! Thank you for tips on planned bonus system. Regarding "Fat Paid". When were you making all that $$$$$? With the new ASET ranking system? Right. Best regards to all of you out there. Thanks for the various helpful hints-real and bogus. Thanks to MISFIT for the blog. Sometimes it's the only thing that makes my day.

Texas Auditor said...

Just so happens that I've recently heard of RGIS giving 2 weeks notice when they fired someone. In this case, that someone was the DM.

As for management/subordinate couples, the ones I've heard of in our district and nearby districts have been married couples or lesbians.

The Misfit said...

Thanks dead horse (lol). I'm glad you're enjoying my blog. I'm glad, too, that it's been helping people share and exchange info about their RGIS jobs and experiences in working for the company.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard of districts down sizing management? My district currently has 3 AM's but the word is it will be 2 in 6 months time or less. Anyone have the scoop?

dead horse said...

W. Covina (CA) is gone! Absorbed.

Anonymous said...

We lost an AM this week. Sucks. The person was given the option of moving or stepping down. The person didn't move. If you have 3 AM's in the dist. beware.

dead horse said...

Seems HD San Diego is also about to disappear at year end. Talk about downsizing!

Anonymouse said...

Misift: Yes, I was typing about two CT districts (well, a NY one was "absorbed" into the new Danbury, CT one...) - it's no soap opera! It's really the case. How? I wish I knew. I really like the AM of whom I type, professionally, but as far as his personal life (of which I have no say and try not to judge) he's not made the best decisions... And then there's my DM. He's taking shortcuts to please his superiors and walking the thin line of the law with respect to the hourly staff. Several people here got money by complaining to the labor board that they were not given notice of the last big pay cuts. Not all of us are that dumb (although keeping this employer is a sign that we're not thinking straight) :)

I'm so glad this blog is still here! I wish I had the guts to spill more!

o t l said...

Well, if RGIS is starting to downsize management and consolidate districts, maybe it`s because they are beginning to get nervous about the auditor lawsuit.(They must pinch every last penny in the event that they lose the suit and must pay out a settlement.) I just got a notice in the mail today from the law firm representing us auditors in the suit that a trial date has been set, at least for the West Coast and Illinois plaintiffs. The lawsuit is to be heard in the District Court for the Northern District of California beginning on February 1, 2010.It didn`t say anything about the rest of the country; maybe classification is still pending.

Anonymous said...

LOL at #'s 7 and 8. Spelling and grammar are so bad it's hard to tell what they're talking about at times.

sorry about the spelling I have that drun disablity --- What??

Misfit: New layout's pretty good. I like. I actually prefer some blank spots on the side. Gives a site less of a 'wall-of-text' look.

StewieGriffin: I give 2 weeks notice if I 'respect' the company I work for because it gives them some time to plan for a replacement. Years ago I would have given RGIS one but not now. BTW, more often than not I find if you give a 2 weeks notice employers will give you 2 weeks of shit-work and bad treatment.

Other topics: ------
Our district doesn't seem to follow RGIS rules. The employee guides say you're to clock in first before getting equipment but they adjust the TCA's punches so the start time is the scheduled store start time.

How many districts actually obey this rule?
One difficulty I've had in finding a new job is that the DM says RGIS corporate rules state RGIS management isn't allowed to divulge any more info other than 'you work(ed) for RGIS'. No letters of recommendation even if you're a spectacular counter.

Is this true or is our DM lying?

dead horse said...

Anon @ Sun. Aug. 9
So spill already! That's why we use anon. and don't spill at work.
o t l
I, too, got my letter and the Feb.,2010 date is just so much BS. The Co. has dragged its heels for too long. I think we ALL have contributed enough $ to the coffers what with our wage cuts, lost boguses(oops, spelling error), green store lost hours, etc. to have the suit settled.

Anonymouse said...

First, a quote from a Team Leader I haven't seen lately, to a store manager: "What time the store, it opens?"

Same TL, in a DSW Shoes, is speaking with their DM during our instructions (which HE gave, not her - against policy) when her cell phone rings, and she just answered it, as if the client was unimportant!

Same TL, in a Dollar Tree she was supposed to be running, has to leave to remove her sister, who got into a bitch-slapping fight with another female auditor who bruised her ego.

From the voice (I was two aisles away), I think it was the same sister in an A&P the other day who was loudly complaining about one or two of our TL's who actually suggest she stop talking and do her job - merrily dropping f-bombs along the way - and she wasn't the only one with the foul language. When will customers learn to complain?

Anon: for a spell the districts weren't even supposed to verify we worked for the company - it was a pain to get my last mortgage refi. There was

We still have three AMs... :)

Texas Auditor said...


**One difficulty I've had in finding a new job is that the DM says RGIS corporate rules state RGIS management isn't allowed to divulge any more info other than 'you work(ed) for RGIS'. No letters of recommendation even if you're a spectacular counter.

Is this true or is our DM lying?**

That's probably true. As far as I know, most large corporations have adopted that same policy to cut down on liability issues.

The Misfit said...

Anonymouse: "Same TL, in a Dollar Tree she was supposed to be running, has to leave to remove her sister, who got into a bitch-slapping fight with another female auditor who bruised her ego."

LOL! "Bitch-slapping fight" between auditors. That's probably one of the few things that I never saw during an inventory, darn it.

Anonymous said...


There was a fight after a Target one night between two sisters. And the best part is what the fight was over: Who was going to get to drive home. Store employees had to help break it up.

I believe they both got banned from Target after that.

Later on, one of the sisters got into an argument with a store manager, calling her a bitch. She got suspended for two weeks over that one.

As far as DM/AM recommendations, I'd imagine they don't want them giving anything other than confirmation of working there.

I do know it's illegal for an employer to speak bad of you to another potential employer. Might be a state by state thing though.

Texas Auditor said...

Damn, I wish I could get banned from Target. Since we are always support in Target, even when the store is half a mile from our office, a few of the flow leaders (notably the electronics flow) will direct us to all the crap areas so that his people can keep their APHs up.

Ex-AZ Auditor said...

Hi Guys. Haven't looked at this site for a while, but panic set in today when someone at work asked me when inventory was. OMG - is it that time????? Shit.

FYI-I worked for RGIS in San Diego for about a year. Moved to Tucson and worked here for almost two years. Travel for the Tucson district is unbearable and so was the cheating us on wages/travel.

I finally got fed up and started looking around. Hired on with Kohls on their freight team and have been with them for over two years. So now I must start getting in the proper mindset for inventory.

Our managers are really strict about us counting back the areas. (The store is open, yeah right) so last year I finally found the perfect solution. Early each day I actually do count back areas just to see how accurate the auditor is. If good or close enough, then I just flip the clothes or push hanger tops as if I AM counting (usually just singing along with the music and daydreaming). Hey, it looks good on the video. And on the second day I care alot less. HaHaHa.

Also, since I worked for RGIS my Manager sticks me with denim for the entire store, the shoe backroom and accessories. Wow, what a bonus.

Well Misfit I like the new look and those golden comments you just added are great. The last one is amazing - half of it I don't even understand. I still sit here and laugh out loud reading the posts, but am very glad I left RGIS. Its amazing how a raise each year and benefits changes your attitude.

The Misfit said...

Ex-AZ Auditor: Thanks, and glad to hear that you were able to escape RGIS hell, but sorry that you'll have to experience it from the other side. Lol at your verifying the counts method. :-)

Texas Auditor said...

Well, it's started. Our old DM is gone. Don't even know who the new DM is yet, but our travel time and reimbursement for taking personal vehicles to out of town stores is already getting cut.

Anonymous said...

Our 908's are being cut now as well. They have decided that it takes 3 minutes to carry the equipment in to the store and have put other "set" amounts of minutes to hang tags, read procedures, etc. All that time must now go on the store so with all the ridiculously outrageous APH standards that have been set it will be even harder for a store to bonus. All time downloading, transmitting, etc. must be put on the store if you want to be paid for it. I really hope the big guys are all fired so they can finally see how much these cuts are hurting everyone.

Anonymous said...

They're cutting 908's now? That job was horrible, but they are making things much worse, despite all the lawsuits over travel time and setup time. WTH?

RGIS is one of those companies you really shouldn't worry about walking out on... Because it just gets worse over time.

Next year, they'll probably shackle you to a ball & chain and lock you in the stores until you are done counting, for a set amount of pay (that doesn't cover your actual hours.)

Anonymouse said...

This week I can't wait to get the paycheck for: so far I've been in a Price Chopper that was understaffed and went an hour beyond contract, a Walgreens that went an hour longer than usual, and I'll finish with a Kmart that will probably cause me to finally quit - my fingers are crossed! - because the NEGATIVE bonus will wipe out anything I made last week when everything went well...

Anonymous said...

Love the new look! This blog is always fun to read. I have done this job 12 yrs and took a 25% pay cut. If it wasnt for the economy and no jobs out there I wouldnt be doing it any longer either. We used to have fun doing this but no more. Now we have to deal with cherry pickers, batchers and top guns & experts with egos bigger then they are. My AM didnt want me in a Home Depot because he said I wasnt a Piece Counter. What the hell have I been doing the last 12 yrs. He is such an ass. Right now I am a specialist and am not looking to move up. I am not going to bust my butt any longer. I get about three stores a week and collect unemployment to make up the difference. I am enjoying not getting up every morning at 2 or 3 am just to drive 3 hours and get paid for 2.
I hope those people can work better then they can spell. There is spell check after all. LOL Keep up the good work as we need someplace to vent!

Anonymous said...

Re: Shackling you to a ball and chain in stores.

I did a Borders recently, and not only being the snobbiest of all the bookstores I've ever done, but I was told by our AM that we were not allowed to go outside. Wasn't a big deal to me, only being there 4 hours, but those that did the backroom really deserved a break, but they were not allowed to leave the store to smoke, get fresh air, or go out to their cars. So being chained to a store isn't that far off. Of course, the next time I do a Borders I will make sure to mess up their shelves as much as I can because the manager walked over to me and griped me out for leaving an area messy, even though I didn't do the area. I told him so, and walked off.

As for bonuses, what a joke that system is. I would like to see everyone in the company slow down. What are they going to do, fire all of us? If we slowed down, we'd get more hours because it takes longer to do the store, thereby making up for the bonus money. As an Expert, I always make it my business to know what I'm supposed to be counting, and I count exactly that. If I'm 100 pc/hr over my APH near the end of a store, I'll just stand around waiting for it to go down. I already know I'm not going to bonus anyway, because the overall store performance will disqualify, so why should I work harder?

The Misfit said...

Anon @ Borders: Wow, that's some bullshit on the part of your AM. Not allowing you guys to go outside for a quick break, smoke, breath of fresh air? What was he, your jailer? What reason did he give for that?

Anonymous said...

Well, I think it was more to do with the Borders policy on not allowing us to leave the store, but it's not like the AMs like to give breaks anyway. You almost have to get the whole crew to mutiny before they like to give breaks.

dead horse said...

Read about it in the blogs. Took it with a grain of salt. RGIS doesn't hire AMs off the street. WRONG!!! 10 of us are support for K-Mart and the pre-inventory speech was the familiar BS that I tuned out. Next thing I hear is some new rhetoric about how wonderful RGIS is and what a dynamic reputation it has. LMAO
I don't need a pep talk, just reminders on this specific inventory. Ask flow leader who is your new AM? how long you had him?
Answer is 6 months and straight out of college-no previous RGIS, not even WIS. Right off the street.
RE Borders That is not Borders policy about not leaving store. Just did one this weekend, just bag check. Only time that ever happened to me was some rinkydink, wannabe jewelry store that we never did again.
Keep up the good (sloooow) work boys and girls. RGIS ISa great company to work (slave) for.

Texas Auditor said...

Well, for all they know you might smuggle a couple of coffee table books out in your pouch.

Maybe it's just in your region. When I've done the back room at Borders, we've usually gotten a break before moving to the sales floor.

Anonymous said...

RE: hiring AMs off the street.

Not only has the company done that.

They've also hired District Managers fresh off the street with no prior inventory experience.

Texas Auditor said...

I don't think our district has hired any DMs or AMs off the street. In fact, 2 of our AMs are former DMs from other districts. One of them was the DM of 192 (San Antonio East) when the 2 San Antonio districts were combined. The DM of 158 (SA West) got the DM slot in the combined district, probably due to having been in the job longer.

When we first heard our DM was heading back to north Texas, my first thought was that the former 192 DM would get the job. From the hints I've been hearing, looks like I was right.

Anonymouse said...

D355 is about to lose an AM (gave his notice) and a TL (or two) - could get interesting for a minute (or two)...

Anonymous said...

From RectalCounter in the previous blog post, so I brought it up here to respond:

"when i get fired or quit this job i will be visiting these top 200 stores and giving them full details of how rgis pay thier employees and how it effects thier inventory results."

Great idea. And it would be so easy. Start googling email contacts at all these Top 200 and start firing off emails.
That might actually be better than going to each store, where you only get a low-level manager.

Anonymouse said...

Ouch, our weekly memo from D355 sent shudders down my spine - in losing the AM I didn't love or hate, we gained an AM that used to be the DM here. On one hand, we work well together on a professional level, but his personal life makes it impossible to like the guy.

So it looks like we still have three AM's.

Popgun said...

These new owners of our company, shame on them for what they have done to my beloved company. They swipe a black Visa card and all of a sudden they know whats best ... might makes right ... and all of our gerble headed managers are forced to repeat the line. It is necessary that some of these things befall the earth but woe be unto them through whom they come. Shame on you for turning our payroll system into a gambling casino. Shame on you for turning a team oriented organization into a brother versus brother civil war. You have violated God's law of love, cooperation, and peace in a blessed land of plenty , by impossing and promoting the lie of lack and promoting the barbaristic law of the jungle mentality all toward's a greater profit for you ... just an investment ... so you can go public and sell at a profit. When many of you have never even run a sears your actions are contemtuous in my sight. These are lives you are messing with ... ownership is a very trickey thing ... who owns what? who says so? ... many things can change over time ... so my warning to you owners , beware the environment you are creating for your children ... the word instructs us to submit to those in autority because they will give an account ... so be careful profiteers ... we are not like you! ... you can't rely on our selfishness to come out and justify your selfishness ... this P4 program is YOUR folly ... YOU Suits should be pitted against each other to see what you will do to survive ... to see how far YOU will go to just have food to eat ... you who believe in seperation are in danger of exposing yourselves. That which you must do, do quickly.
9 year veteran Popgun

Anonymous said...

Cracks showing in some recent inventories.

In one clothing store we were told by the TL running it that she cannot tell us what the APH goals should be .. we were to just look them up on the sheet. (I guess stores are beginning to notice that all this talk of meeting APH goals is more important than accurate inventories)

Also -- I was in a jewelry store inventory and an AM would call and complain to the TL running it that the APH was too low ... IN A JEWELRY STORE. (Entirely the store's fault -- they were missing one person so the TL couldn't count at all and one regular auditor would have to sit around doing nothing for 10-minutes periodically as his partner (the store manager) needed to run around and check on things.) All the TL could do was let one auditor leave after 2 hours.. it may have helped but the whole store only took 2 1/2 hours.

The Misfit said...

Does anyone think there's a serious chance that RGIS could simply go under? I mean, with all the lawsuits going on (I just got a notice about another one in the mail recently) and all the problems in various districts that sound like they're getting worse...I just wonder how much longer can this mess go on before the owners just give up?

Anonymous said...

d169 vet ... you obviously do not understand how ASET works if you think an AM can manipulate your rating.

Anonymous said...

Misfit: I think at some point down the line, it could be a possibility. But right now, they are simply too big to just go under like that.

It could be interesting to see if they lose any accounts in the new year. If they start losing more accounts and word keeps spreading, it could be a quick downward spiral.

My guess is though that there are enough people at FSC to kiss enough store ass to keep a few accounts.

Anonymous said...

Dunno, but I can tell you this: *IF* they do (and I'm not sayin' they will, mind you), it's gonna be a feeding frenzy, with WIS, PICS, and others gobbling up accounts like a kid with a private tour of Willy Wonka's factory. :)

Anonymous said...

To Anon regarding cracks showing...Oh My God!!! Are you describing me?!? That is JUST how my last couple of stores went. We cannot speak out loud the APH anymore and I had a jewelry store just as you described except the area manger was in the store for the start of the inventory and told me to cut one at 2 hours due to the store not having enough people for one on one counting.

This is getting ridiculous how Team Leaders and Auditors are micro-managed. I have to literally time myself to the exact minute for 908's and document each separate task on a spread sheet. They even put in a line that has you document how long it took you to document the hours!! WTF!

Anonymous said...


That was awesome!!!! Well said!!!

Anonymous said...

Popgun, i had to read your post twice. It was that good. If i may piggy-back on your thoughts. The one thing that this P4 program has brought on that bothers me the most is the way the once proud and good people who are the AM's and DM's, have had to sell their souls and ethics to keep their jobs. Yes, of course you have some that would step on their own mother for a paycheck and a promotion, and not think twice.

But this program has pitted red shirt aginst red shirt and gray shirt aginst gray shirt. It has also created hate and distrust in the AM and DM ranks. I saw where the head of Blackstone is getting paid $100 million plus dollars. I wonder if he knows or cares at what price the lowly workers are paying for his kings ranson?

These AM's and DM's know what they are doing to the customers and auditors is unethical and unfair. But they have bills to pay and bellies to fill, so they swallow hard and look the other way. They have sold their souls to the company store. More and more of them cannot look you in the eye. They know, that you know, that what they are doing is wrong on so many levels. They have sold their ethics and morals to the company, and they can never get that back!

Texas Auditor said...

An AM can easily manipulate your ASET rating, just by choosing where to assign you. To a lesser extent, so can TLs and flow leaders.

dead horse said...

Yes an AM CAN manipulate your ASET rating. By working enough AQ areas, counting the CRAPpiest areas in the store, Doing non-counting tasks on the clock, etc., you can become one of the slowest, sent out @ 2 hrs. and suffer low APH. Enough of those and your rating will go go down.

Consider an earlier posting RE guaranteed bonus.
HD team-late this week. DM running around pep talking everyone "We're going to bonus, keep up the good work. Way to go!" For a $2 bonus (that wil probably be lost due to not bonusing earlier in the week), they got to leave 1 1/2 hrs early.

This is mandatory(not optional)! It must be used in all inventories!
"Good(Morning/Evening). thanks everyone for your attention during this briefing".
For this ans every inventory, ACCURACY in our Number One Priority."
Please remember that we're also expected to deliver world claa CUSTOMER SERVICE, and meet all RGIS' SAFETY 7 PRODUCTIVITY STANDARDS."
Please ensue you leave merchandise in the same condition you found it, & direct all store customers" questions to a store associate and act professionally at all times."
Remember to work safely by staying aware of your surroundings, use ladders and step stools properly and communicate any safety concerns to your Flow Supervisor.
> Announce and point out the Flow Supervisors and Prowler names and Flow locations.
>Review data capture an the RM-1 and the un-ticketed merchandise processes, any customer specific procedural changes and all DNI mercchandise.
>Review the correct salesfloor, backroom and recount downloads (if applicable).
>Go over the rest and meal break plans and procedures.
>Remind employees to avoid non-business discussions, not to use their cell phones or iPods as well as no food or drink while working.
>Introduce store manager (if in attendance) and offer them the opportunity to speak to your team.
>Remind all employees that they are part of an ELITE Team that works with a sense of purpose, utilizes proper tagging procedures and to direct questions and take direction from their RGIS Flow Supervisor.
>Review APH Productivity Goals for the overall inventory and by ASET level.
>"Thanks for your attention and remember ACCURACY is our Number One Priority!"
Now let's go and give (Customer Name) a great inventory!"
The PIB Should Be Delevered In 3 Minutes or Less

Sorry this is so long. Was in one of my packets this past week. It's official and unauthorized distribution should be directly to corporate counsel.

TL Too said...

Popgun and Anonymous, I have read your postings several times. You both have described what this company has become very eloquently.
You are right about Am's and Dm's selling their souls to this 'devil' the company has become. We run stores and are constantly being stopped to answer the phone always with questions about what our average is at that particular point. 6 calls=6 times we are stopping counting and the store average is going down. And, just what is the customer thinking while we are looking up averages, and getting these constant calls? Doesn't this even occur to them? But they are so scared for their own jobs that they can't see the proverbial forest for the trees. And, when this program first started, my DM was the first to spout the ridiculous theory that this would promote better team work. Better team work? People are all angry with each other, questioning everything you ask them to count, angry if they don't get the adder roles in stores, just plain angry. The inventories are not even the slightest bit fun anymore. We get constant emails before we ever go in to run a store from our DM with threats about hitting the average in the stores. So, you haven't even left the house and you are stressed about the store. You get there to deal with auditors that don't want to count certain things because of their ASET levels. If you have only topguns in a store, the junk still needs to be counted.
Or, should be just tell the stores we aren't doing certain areas because the people in the store refuse to risk their ASET levels to count those areas? The AM's are spewing nonsense and nervous babble and can't look you in the eye. I have adder roles in some of my stores that I assign only to have the people who got them call me to tell me the DM took their pay away for those adder roles. This company has turned into a war zone with people hating each other, team members resenting each other, TL's being pitted against TL's, and all in the name of profit for these owners. And they know with this economy that we are stuck because of the lack of jobs.
And, for Anonymous who thinks AM's can't manipulate your averages, then you had better think again. They can control what they assign you to count in stores that most definitely effects your Aset rating. I have an expert on my team who dropped to specialist. Know why? He did a lot of stores with one particular AM in my district who assigned him to all the one on one areas in his stores. The result is that he won't do that AM's stores anymore. Just maybe he can go back up to expert because that is where he belongs. Oh yes!!! They can manipulate and they do.
They can take an auditor level person, give them precounts, shoes, high piece areas, and boost them 2 levels just because they are family friends or favorites. This has always been the case with this company. This isn't new but now it effects our pay scales when they play their stupid games.

The Misfit said...

dead horse: "Prowler"? I don't think I've ever heard that term before, I mean not with RGIS. What is that referring to?

Anonymous said...

Prowler: Usually a top gun that works ahead of the general flow, counting the high piece count areas.

They are supposedly some of the faster, more accurate counters that can knock out high quantity areas quickly.

This would be one of the adder roles as well, where you get 50 cents more per hour. Of course, your APH better be way up there too, since you are counting high piece counting areas.

The Misfit said...

Anon: Thanks. I guess I used to be a prowler, then, when I worked for RGIS, only they didn't use that term. But when we would do drugstores, after finishing the perimeter and the checkouts and front set of gondolas, while everyone started at one end of the back set they would usually have me go in and count the OTC.

Most of the managers running the inventory didn't trust a newbie to count the densely packed and high-priced (compared to the rest of the store) sections like that but they knew I could go in there and knock a lot of that out while everyone else was still counting at one end, and they knew they could trust me not to screw it up.

I liked it because I always enjoyed a counting challenge (and counting little bottles of aspirin was a challenge next to counting large boxes of diapers) and because I was in those sections all by myself. Ah quiet, peace, bliss.

Anonymous said...

Misfit, that's about the same thing. It might be a little more pronounced these days.

If there is a 20 piece area or an area that needs to be autoscanned, the prowler is not supposed to do it.

They are only supposed to do the real high piece count areas, like over 200 pieces.

It's basically legalized cherry picking.

Some AMs go so far as to put stickers on the area tickets and no one can do those areas, except the prowler.

The Misfit said...

Anon: "Legalized cherry-picking." Lol.

o t l said...

Regarding management manipulation of ASET ratings of auditors: the practice is rampant in my district, although the DM denies it.Here`s a couple of recent examples from opposite ends of the ASET spectrum:
Example 1: AM hires teenage son as auditor.The son initially only works stores that his parent is running.The AM makes sure that the son counts either prelists (no problem, since he arrives early with his parent), or the highest piece count areas.Voila! Within six months or so, the son makes top gun. Now, since he is a "top gun", he works more stores that his AM parent is not running.Because of the "Protect the Five" policy, he is given license to cherrypick all the high quantity areas in any given store, and can maintain his ASET rating with relative ease.
Example 2:Ten to twentyfive year veteran auditors are making top pay at the beginning of ASET implementation.They are good counters, but not the very best "top gun" types.This is either because some of them are supervisors who can`t count continuously because they are running a store simultaneously, or team players who are willing to sacrifice their APH`s and climb ladders or count dump bins or other low APH crap, just to help get the inventory done.RGIS management makes the decision that their pay must be cut.For the next six months, the auditors are given mainly low APH items to count in mamagement run stores. The discrimination is so blatant that often these people are put on auto quantity(and given crap to count)in stores that previously they always ounted (as unofficial "prowlers") the best APH merchandise in the multiple program.Of course, the result is that their APH`s plummet,and consequently they all end up at the specialist or even auditor ASET rating by the end of the period.The intersting thing is, that if you look at these peoples` APH`s in stores that were run by gray shirts, their productivity is much higher-- at the expert or top gun levels.If this fact is brought to the management`s attention, they always claim that the auditor just didn`t have enough of those stores to justify an expert or top gun rating.And to no suprise,these people are continually scheduled into a disproportionate number of the "APH Hell" stores, to make it difficult fot them to improve their ASET rating, and recover at least part of their former pay.
There are many other examples between these extremes that I could document,too.Indeed,ASET manipulation is a clandestine "modus operandi"of the new RGIS.

TL Too said...

Lol at legal cherry picking.
Misfit, it may be a bit different than when you worked. When averages were figured on dollar totals, everyone ran away from checkouts and now everyone wants to do checkouts with all the candy and pieces. People used to run to high dollar areas like HBA and now people run the other way from that too. It's all about pieces. Cherry picking used to be people looking for the easy areas. Now, they look for peg hook areas,etc.
In supermarkets, people skip the diaper aisles and easier sides. Not piecy enough. lol lol

The Misfit said...

Yeah, diaper aisles were always stocked with noobs and feebs. :-)

God, from everything posted here I can't say enough times how glad I am that I'm no longer working for RGIS. Sure, it wasn't entirely 100% hell. I did enjoy working in a different location every day, the variety in that was interesting. And I truly enjoyed counting things; I got a kick out of counting high quantity areas. I knew that I could always amuse myself by trying to increase my numbers without sacrificing accuracy (I mean, when I cared about accuracy). I'd try counting from left to right, top to bottom, and then the next section maybe quartering the area of jpegs and counting four little sections instead of one big one.

And I was just thinking the other day about how sometimes I enjoyed those early morning grocery stores like Food 4 Less (now FoodMaxx). I liked being in an aisle at 4:00 am, just me, counting endless HABA, Campbell's soups, or thousands of Kool Aid packets. The store was without customers at that hour and it was peaceful. I mean when the idiots weren't running the floor waxer that belched noxious fumes. But I liked the idea of being busy while everyone else was asleep.

But all this fuss now over averages and things was just starting when I left and man, has it progressed (or should I say deteriorated?) so much since. I know I would probably hate the job even more than I did when I was working for RGIS. And there was some serious hate there at times. But whatever hatred and disgust I felt at RGIS then would probably be tripled if I worked there now.

Anonymous said...

A concequence of having AMs call the stores every hour or so:

I had a few phone number changes -- apparently some AMs have been told they're using up 'too many cell phone minutes' and should use their own personal phones for more things.

Wow... why are they even bothering to have company phones then?

I wonder what phone plan they have -- I know personal unlimited plans are $100/month typically. A semi-decent 900minute plan is about $60/month but if you go 100minutes over your limit the cost is about the same as an unlimited plan.

Anonymous said...

Re: Cell phone plans.

An AM told me this once.
They have some sort of bulk plan for every AM/DM in the country. One large pool of minutes for everyone in the company.

This AM asked what if they go over their minutes. They told them, oh we have so many minutes we'll never go over.

Countess said...

I talked my brother into applying for RGIS by telling him how I got paid minimum wage to sit in a van for three hours and BS with my friends. And then when I got out of the van I got paid nearly twice as much just to punch a few numbers into an oversized calculator. And back then it was all true.

But now the van rides are just one long griping session. "I'm not gonna count this!" "They better not stick me with that!" "Why does so-and-so always get to prowl?" Nobody is friends anymore. We're all competitors trying to snag the best areas and basically screw each other to keep our own ASET ranking. I've seen some pretty nasty verbal fights over it. I wonder if RGIS will take responsibility for the environment they've created if one ever turns physical?

And all of the fun has been sucked out of the counting too. I go home every night feeling like a sell out because I walked past any aisles that would hurt my APH and I know my accuracy wouldn't stand up to close scrutiny. But my boyfriend is out of work right now and I can't afford to take another pay cut. And right now I am dangerously close to one because I run nearly every store I go to and in the few I haven't run I've gotten stuck with crap areas or had to hang area tickets for my AM. Sure, I got to do the back room precounts, but that isn't enough to recover from an hour and a half of down time.

On the plus side, since every store is now staffed exclusively with top guns so we can always go green, I am getting more hours than I can handle. The fifteen or more hours of over time every week is almost making up for the $1.50 an hour they took away.

Texas Auditor said...

Hmm, hiring AMs off the street might be in the company's best interest after all. One of our AMs got tired of working 90 hours a week with no overtime, so she demoted herself to a redshirt.

Of course, she also rated herself a top gun first, but she has the skills to justify it.

Anonymous said...

A prowler is just a glorified cherry picker who gets paid extra to count ONLY EASY stuff. I'm talking an extra $2.00 an hour!!!!! You know this causes hostility and hatred between us. I know it's 2.00 an hour because I've been lucky enough to get it every now and again, but it's usually the same old pets who get it. F you rgis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for letting me get that out. LOL

TL Too said...

Anon, oh, yes, about the prowler roles. If you run a store with 4 topguns and you only have 1 prowler adder role, all 4 think they deserve it and are the best counters. You can only give out 1 role, so the other 3 are ticked off and everyone ends up mad at everyone. The topguns at each other, and mad at you for not giving them the adder role. This is called creating a team work atmosphere. lol I am so sick and tired of hearing the people on my own team complaining that they didn't get the adder roles in AM stores yet they counted the most, etc. And now that people have figured out that the bonuses are really bogus, all they care about is the adder roles and maintaining their own ASET levels. To hell with helping people at the end of a store in a slower area. They just sign out and leave. For years that I have worked, we went into stores with 1 common goal. Counting it and getting the hell out. People helped people. Last time I checked, that is team work.
Not this nonsense that is going on now. People are cheating and screwing themselves in the end. It raises the store averages, and next quarter, the expected averages will be even higher. Don't they realize that the goal is to make the averages so high that they will not be paying out any bonuses? That everytime they raise the store averages, the average of each ASET level goes up too? It will make the averages so high that your pay can only go down. But, isn't that their ultimate goal too? To bring all our pays down to starting pay? I recently ran a bonus store. We worked our butts off. We hit the average they were looking for. I ran the bonus calculator. Are you ready for this? 4 cents an hour bonus. 5 hours of killing ourselves for 20 cents. Next time, we'll stay in the store 30 minutes longer and be ahead of this bonus scam.

Popgun said...

America has moved from racial discrimination (not that that's over or completely healed), to class discrimination. Perfect example with RGIS even before the P4 program was that rediculous health insurance "for hourly employees" that began being offered several years ago. Probably mostly a marketing program (read 'lie') to get new employees in the front door it still seems to satisfy some ability to cover-up what the suits are doing. It allows your manager to look you straight in the eye and say defensively 'RGIS offers health insurance'. I suppose at that point your supposed to stifle down ... instead look him in the eye and say 'really, is it same health insurance plan YOU have? and why is it different?' ... they never talk about that.
The new P4 program is an extension of the same philosophy ... differential treatment within the company ... an umbrella for the upperclass and plastic raincoats for the rest of us.
The real trick here is to recognize that the suits are not necessarily against all of the mayhem that these new strategies are causing. The rich have been doing it to the poor politically for centuries. They set us against each other because it takes the attention off of them. The one thing they don't want is a unified voice or a unified action. They probably feel a sense of relief at all the anger and chaos going on ... in their mind it only proves how barbaric we are, therefore unworthy ... jealousy, envy, greed, anger ; all aspects of fear, are actually projections of THEIR personality type which is seperation belief based on ego identity. These are projections because common people(the actual workers) have a real tendency to pull together in tough times. You may have started to see signs of this already in some of your coworkers. Just watch ; as the dust from all this starts to settle and everyone starts to figure out which way the cloud is moving ... RGIS will become more of a shared joke than anything else, humor and pleasant dispositions will be the new weapons which don't attack or defend ... as we realize that a couple of civically disfunctional capitalists can not conquer an indominable spirit within man. So look for the slow change and try to enjoy the ride. I've read the end of this book , spoiler alert! ... we win.
namaste Popgun

The Misfit said...

Popgun: Interesting about the insurance thing. Someone may have mentioned it before and I just don't remember but how is the insurance different between "hourly employees" and salaried employees?

Anonymous said...

About the "insurance", one of the biggest jokes (which there are many) is the emergency room. The plan pays $75.00 per visit/ $300.00 calendar year max FOR ILLNESS ONLY!!! It will cost you $70.00 a month to even have this crap. What a joke.

You are so wise. We all need to listen to you

The Misfit said...

Anon: $75.00? That's ridiculous, especially when you know that a trip to the ER can reach over a thousand dollars, even for a minor injury or illness. Absurd.

Popgun said...

"We hold these truths to be self-evident. That ALL men are CREATED equal and are endowed by their creator with certain in-alienable rights. Life ... Liberty ... and the pursuit of happiness"
now THATS wisdom anon !

Anonymous said...

Misfit, it is just an insurance that they partnered with to offer benefits to employees. Management has regular medical insurance. It is 100 percent employee paid. And it covers nothing really. 1000.00 for surgery. Someone on a street corner might operate on you for that amount, but there isn't a doctor in the world who would. One of my team member's just had to travel 80 miles one way to get a dentist who would take this insurance to begin with. I have to believe the company is probably getting something for using this insurance company.
Their latest scam: pants. We got a flyer for pants with built in knee pads. 59.95 a pair, but being introduced to rgis at the lower rate of 49.95 a pair. Could be a lot of people are going out on worker's comp for knee issues.
Who the hell is going to spend that amount of money for a pair of pants after they lowered our wages, don't give us hours, etc. ?
Ummm, maybe we can save up our bonus money and buy a pair in 6 months or so.

The Misfit said...

Anon: Wow, that health plan sucks. The overpriced pants sucks too. Leave it to RGIS to find new and exciting ways to try and screw over their employees. Fifty dollar pants with built-in kneepads. Lol.

Anonymous said...

They started this P4P and I immediately lost $4.50/hour. I only stay because when I do walk the they will have no one to run bigger stores. I really feel sorry for my DM who has to be our OPS secretary as well as do her job. Now we have this new DVP who thinks he can just change company policies to suit him. I thought we got rid of Dick but I guess we got his twin.

I do not know if it is the same everywhere but here in Colorado things are a mess. Almost half the staff left in Colorado lost money and do not care about the job. We had a wonderful district but now we have about 20 people that have been her over a year and about 40 newbies. The sad thing is we are the top district here.

We are just waiting on the day Scott and Rob go away.

Popgun said...

There's this show on MTV called Bully Beat Down where viewers write in with local stories of aholes in your town. The Mtv crew bring in some looney host and an octagon veteran to challenge the local bully in front of his friends to a age match to win 10g's. Of course the bully plays into it every time cause they catch him off guard and use his own tactics... then they spend the next 30 minutes of the progran, showing the bully that they have his number and he aint shit ... and in essence He is really the bad guy when all along he was dissin on everybody else. The show doesn't cure bullies ... it just out bullies the bullies.
As our society evolves ; one day there will be a show on MTV where people don't beat down the bully but uplift him in front of everyone ... if you really want to embarass someone one you put them in the context most different from the one they understand and relate to ... so take a bully and surround him with people who are cool but not intimidated ... people who love him rather than fell sorry for him ... people who identify with him rather than see him as separate from themselves and therefore pull him in rather than push him out ... and you will see a show like you have never seen.
One of the atrractions of the bully beat down show is being able to see fear in the eyes of the local bully when he is confronted with like minded but greater men of physicality ... oh . I do too ... its a real thrill too see the contrast and humiliation, oh how the great have fallen ... what was once real has transformed into unreal ... fantastic ... the proud humiliated.
Imagine the humiliation of being confronted with a mentality you can not understand ? In this show the bully understand the greater bully and still he is afraid ... imagine how wonderful it would be, you being the spectator, to see not something he could understand but something totally foreign ... something he could never understand ... they day the bully encounters ... love and cannot escape. You like to see people off-balance? well wouldn't that be a treat?
You at RGIS want change? then confront the bully with that witch he cannot understand. Believe everything the bully says ... do everything the bully commands ... when the bully desires inclusion, acceptance, reinforcement ... DO NOT DENY HIM ... as this is your freedom.
Give the bully everything they ask for ... except maybe ... seperation ... in your service you have earned oneness with him/her ... so this is yours to use as you see fit.
I emplore you red shirts ... handle these people ... embrace these people ... control these people ... through your love ... posses the territory ... through your love gain access ... through your love gain acceptance and priviledge ... accomodate ... facilitate ... then occupy.
Do you get it saints or am I just preaching to the wind? This is your call, dry bones rise up ! and walk in newness of life. Sow your heart into those that trouble you most ... get crazy with it and put it forward ... rewards come later; this is a time to stand firm and hold your ground ... keep loving and do not loose faith. Thats an order!
namaste your brother

Anonymous said...

As wannabe RGIS survivors, some people mentioned two weeks notice and other tactful things to do for a *coughs* reputable business. I left by confirming my schedule for the next week with an I quit (and damn it felt good).

For the record I, being one of the "team players" who sacrificed my top gun APH to count what needed to get done to leave a store, was cut in March without notification (illegal in CT) and I was the one in 355, mentioned by an earlier anon, who made a claim to the labor department, and then encouraged everyone who got cut without notification the way I did to join me in making a claim. I tried to mobilize the masses (as someone mentioned earlier, the proles will rise) got ten people (I think) to join me. It's hard to shed the years of Stockholm syndrome acquired by those who have endured decade(s) of abuse (as the commenters defending RGIS prove).

I claimed the difference from what I made before the cut to what I made with the cut X the two weeks I worked without being notified. I only got cut $1.50, and the difference ended up being $98.55. One of the people I mobilized into claiming was cut from $16/h to 12 in September last year, and in March from that to $9 (both illegally). When people were cut again in July, our DM sent form letters that said something like due to your performance over the past 8 weeks your pay will be cut by $x effective on x day.

-1.5 months of survival so far, and still enjoying every minute of freedom (what, you mean weekends are for not working, not for working doubles?).

Anonymous said...

Also as an addendum to the comment I just made about taking their pay structure to the labor department, I found you the last tripe email I got before I quit. See if you can read between the lines.

"There is a reason why RGIS is the worldwide leader in
providing Inventory Services!
First and foremost, it’s because of employees like you that work hard in every event. Our
customers see the difference every day!
RGIS has been very successful over the years and we continuously work to stay on top. As we evolve to meet the challenges of today, we know we can never stand still. In order for RGIS to remain as the industry leader, we need to continue to become more efficient and thanks to you, we are doing just that!
RGIS must always work to improve our services and increase our productivity, while maintaining
accuracy. We will always work hard to ensure our customers receive the best service we can provide
– better than any of our competitors!
Happy customers mean more business
So why is more business important to you? It’s because more business gives you an opportunity to count in more events. Attending more events means you get more hours and earn more pay!
More Customers = More Events = More
Why are we telling you this?
Simply put – As a part of the Pay for Performance Plan we review the productivity achieved in each account. You and the teams you work with have proven that you can meet the current productivity or standards, so now its time to raise the bar and challenge ourselves once again!
The Average Per Hour (APH) Standards will be raised in several of our accounts. More than half of our teams are already operating at levels that meet or exceed the “New” APH Standards, so raising the Standard may have little effect on you. Ask your
Inventory Supervisor what the APH Standard is for each event you work.
So how does this change affect your pay?
There are three parts to your pay:
Skill or ASET Level: Your speed and accuracy determine whether you are an Auditor, Specialist, Expert or Top Gun. The hourly pay changes for each skill or ASET level. The greater your skill, the higher your hourly pay.
Adder Pay: If your performance and skill level show you are able to take on an additional responsibility, or an “adder,” role such as a sweeper or prowler, you will be given that opportunity. You will receive additional hourly pay depending on
Team Bonus:If the team achieves its APH or Bonus Goal for an inventory, all team members at the inventory will share in a Bonus credit that is accumulated throughout the pay period.
Raising the APH Standard also raises the Bonus Goal. Once the Bonus Goal is met your share of the Bonus begins to calculate. Since APH Standards also help determine what Skill or ASET level you attain, counting efficiently will continue to be an important focus.
As we strive to execute at higher levels, we must never jeopardize accuracy or customer service in the name of productivity!
It is only through your efforts and working as a team that helps us all to succeed. Your District
Management can answer any additional questions that you may have."

dead horse said...

Speaking of pants and insurance, let's mention Shoes For Crews.
Did you know that IF you should have a "slip or fall" while wearing a pair of Shoes For Crews, it is RGIS who is paid by Shoes.

The Misfit said...

"Speaking of pants and insurance..." I'm not sure why but that really made me LOL.

TL Too said...

Dead Horse, I knew about Shoes for Crews paying Rgis. Also, if you go directly to their website to order them, you can't use payroll deductions. It only applies if you order them through your district. One of the guys on my team ordered shoes through the website and had to pay them in full. I'm quite sure if we injured our knees while wearing the 'super pants' that rgis would get paid too. Of course, that's where our great medical plan would kick in and pay us. lol lol

Anonymous said...

What's even more funny about the "insurance" is this.

If you get sick or hurt and can't work for a week or two, they can't take the premium out of your check, so your insurance stops also.

The Misfit said...

The following is from a RGIS OPCOM weekly message dated 08/22/09:

Turnover--Would you Work for you?
Our Goal for turnover in 2009 is 125%
1W1Q 2009 2008 Diff

Beginning 23,123 29,656 -6,533
Ending 17,875 24,105 -6,230
Terminations 23,415 45,977 -22,561
Avg # Emps 20,499 26,881 -6,382
Turnover % 114.23 171.04 -56.81%

HQ is also tracking # and % of inactive employees.

Anonymous said...

Misfit, I believe if you don't work for 45 days, they consider you as having terminated. However, this is where the DM's who choose to schedule the same people over and over again, while others sit at home will get caught.
They are sending 'exit surveys' to everyone who terminates wanting to know why, and how they can make things better to retain more people. I've had several on my team who suddenly stopped being scheduled by our office after working for years, and they received exit surveys as to why they decided to leave. They filled them in explaining that they didn't make the decision but that our office stopped scheduling them. I have a couple who only get 1 or 2 jobs every 3 weeks or so and now I understand that is only to keep them activated. More and more of the people who don't get scheduled much are seeking other jobs, even if they are only part time and still have to work RGIS because the scheduling is so rampant with favoritism. And, if they get those jobs, then their availability will change also. But, they had to realize that when they lowered people's pays, this would eventually happen. That isn't exactly a way to retain people. If some were making 15.00 an hour, they would have never entertained the idea of a 10.00 an hour job and lost all that income.
However, if they were dropped to 11.00 and can work much closer to home with set hours weekly, for 10.00, it isn't such a loss and they take the jobs. In my district, we can't even justify that only those at the lower end of the ASET ratings are not being scheduled. We have topguns and experts who are on OT, and others with the same classifications who barely work. From your posting,
I have to believe that Hdq is looking for a higher retention rate since their goal is 125 percent and the turnover rate in 2008 was 174 percent. Again, they really need to take a look at the DM's they have running their districts to find that a lot of their problems stem from there.

Rough Guess said...

New pay scale:

They took another #@!^$&* 10 cents!

Watt D Fark said...

it's pretty f'ing sad when 125% turnover is a goal to be achieved, and not a symptom of horrifying failure.

Especially in this economy...

Rough Guess said...

Oops, my DM who has a problem with typing "miskeyed" it. No change in pay. But a freaked out employee...

Anonymous said...

rough guess, we're capped off at 11.00 in our district

Anonymous said...

TG $11
E $9.75
S $9
A/New Hire $8.25

Only one I'm not completely sure about is specialist.

PICS starts people out at $9. Not sure what WIS starts at.

Anonymous said...

It all depends on what part of the country you are from and what your starting pay is. We are at:

9.50 starting pay
10.00 specialist
11.00 expert
12.50 topgun

So, if you are a topgun in one part of the country, you may make 1.50 less an hour than in other parts. Seem fair? Not, if you are all counting the same amount.

newbie said...

Hello everyone. I just came back from my 'interview', to use the term loosely, and am actually considering taking this job on. I have alot of concerns as I have read all these comments. I will be in district 173....haven't seen any comments about this one so keeping my fingers crossed. Any advice? Suggestions? Being new will I get all the crap areas of stores? And how will I even know what a "crap" area is?

newbie said...

So I just came back from my interview and actually considering taking this. Starting pay in my district is $8.00!!

Anonymous said...

I keep reminding myself that I am just grateful to have ANY job. (I always look for the positive. Pretty sad that is all I can come up with.) I guess that the one GOOD thing I can say about the company is that they never seem to fire anybody.

New ASET pay rates are awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Accuracy is our primary concern my ass! Maintaining my current pay rate at all costs depsite the rising APHs. The company is deliberately creating a losing situation for us. We meet or exceed the APH and they raise it and then they raise it again. They keep changing the rules. RGIS is EVIL.

Bottom line - if you can get another job get it. Working in a convenience store or pushing carriages at the local grocery store is better than RGIS. At least there you will know what your schedule is and that your hourly rate of pay is likely to go up and not down. RUN FROM RGIS WHILE YOU CAN! RUN FAST!

Raise your APH in financial inventories. Whenever possible record quantity as price and price as quantity. They still get the same dollar amount but you get Top Gun pieces everytime. Here's an example if you need it. 10 pieces at 2.99 becomes 299 pieces at .10

Anonymous said...

Any retail job would be better than RGIS.
Hell, it could be fairly easy to get one too, if you've run stores and been able to network with the DMs of various stores.

I've had DMs tell me to call them if I ever wanted a job.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the tip anon. I haven't started training yet, so I guess my question would be....what if they audit my count? Is this a routine practice? Im sure they probably guess that people know about this loophole and look for it? Or am I giving the higher ups too much credit? And wouldn't they wonder why a particular auditor has so many low priced items? I guess the fact that I am already looking for ways to get around the system doesn't say much about my loyalty to the company. LOL! But if RGIS IS indeed EVIL..... (cripes! for some reason my PW is not working)

At This Too Long said...

Anyone do the 'advanced' training thing yet? I had it a few days ago and it consisted of 3 parts:

1) Entering in prices and quantities from sheets.

2) PowerPoint slide shows where you tally up displayed numbers, or tally up objects being displayed.

3) Video tape where you tally up products on a shelf as a camera pans past them.

Part 1 had a few problems where the sheets had SKU numbers and prices like $205.99 but the program we were set up with didn't do anything with the SKU numbers and only allowed prices up to $9.99.

Part 2's Powerpoint slide show had to be fixed before it was usable at all and even then it had to be one of the most unprofessionally made Powerpoint presentations I've ever seen. It looked like it was cranked out in an afternoon by someone who barely knows how to use the program.

Part 3's video (viewed on one of the portable computers) was reasonable until the third pass... then the products zipped by so fast you couldn't read the motion-blurred prices (might work better on a TV)

Part 2 would work much better as an interactive 'Flash' file. You could randomize the tests more and incorporate some kind of speed control and built-in timer.

The biggest problem was probably that the person administering the test didn't explain anything and didn't seem to follow the instructor's guide. She just started them up and said 'go' and went off to do other things in the office - so I had to rewind/reset the tests and start them over when I figured out what each test was all about.

I call this the 'Standard substandard training' we get at RGIS.

Anonymous said...

"Top Gun"

Someday I'm gonna be a Top Gun, do I know how to count, well no
These days you don't really need it thanks to the new bosses
Can't wait to date the company whore, can't wait to get sent home.
Can't wait to fuck up an aisle on my way to be a top gun.

[1st Chorus]
'Cause when you're a top gun
It's adios reality
You can act just like a fool
People think you're cool
Just 'cause you're a top gun
I can throw a major fit
When my laser isn't just how I like it
When they say I've gone insane
I'll blame it on the store
And the pressures that go with
Being a top gun

I'll get to cry to the Dm when things don't go my way
And I'll get a slap on the wrist no matter which law I break
I'll make the rumor mill, they'll say some awful stuff
But the more they run my name down the more my pay goes up

[2nd Chorus]
'Cause when you're a top gun
It's adios reality
No matter what you do
People think you're cool
Just 'cause you're a top gun
I can fall in and out of stores
Have stores that barely last an hour
When they go down the drain
I'll blame it on the store
And say it's just so tough
Being a top gun

So let's hitch up the wagons and head out the store
To the land of the bullshit and the lies
We'll be real world rgis jackass top gun counters
Hey hey, MICHIGAN, here we come
[3rd Chorus]
'Cause when you're a top gun
It's adios reality
No matter what you do
People think you're cool
Just 'cause you're a top gun
Being a top gun
Yeah top gun

Anonymous said...

This site is the only thing helping me keep my sanity with this crappy job. I held my last job for ten years got laid-off, and this is the only job I could find. I once held a job sorting recyclables for four hours, damn I miss that job.
As for APH I don't give a damn, just give me my hours, I don't care if I count 5 or 500 pieces an hour. I already know that if it takes me 6 hours to count a store at 300 APH I'll make more money than if count it in less time at 600.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I found this blog! I hate working for RGIS so much but they're one of the few places that are hiring so I had to take the job. I hate how the managers give the veterans all the work they want and if you're a new person then you hardly work at all, even if you've done well in inventories, show up early, stay after to help, etc. I'm glad this blog is here so I know that I'm not the only one who gets pissed off at this company.

Anonymous said...

as for the pants they really tout appearence with knee pads outside on your knees as being unsightly. But what they dont realize is that for 19.99 for pants and 15-20.00 for knee pads I would rather be ugly then poor. They just moved our office with my DM implying he could hire a better class of people at the new office. But no one in their right mind stays here for long. And according to the news the economy is picking up. What will RGIS do when jobs start becoming more attainable. They can just keep screwing us all they want as the jokes on them. I truly miss the "old days" for this job is no longer any fun nor do I make much in the form of money.

mollytower said...

I worked for rgis for 4 years, and everything was fine. I was the first person they called for jobs in my town of about 65,000, which isn't saying too much. But anyway, I wasn't even close to having seniority. I was good at my job though to say the least. So I moved to Portland, OR and eventually transferred to the Vancouver, WA division after not working for 6 months. It sucked! They were so corrupt there. They ran things completely different, in a bad way. I got no hours. I asked, "well is this normal to only work 2 or 3 hours at a time"? my manager said it's not typical. Total lie. I'd go on my first break, go back to work for ten minutes, and then they'd send people home. It was so unefficient. I'd tell them that we did things differently where I worked before, and they'd tell me that was impossible, that they'd never done things that way ever. They wanted to get rid of me, because I knew something that they didn't want anybody to know. My time with them was short lived and weird. Fuck you Vancouver RGIS. You suck. Why do you even exist? I got less work there than in my rural state. And you know what? Everybody else did too. It was weird

dead horse said...

Has everyone received their copy of "Cover Your Cough"? It is supposed to be "printed by District Management to provide to all hourly Team Members no later than Friday, September 25, 2009." It is also to be displayed in all Division, District and Satellite offices no later than Monday, September 21, 2009. Distribution is to be through e-mail, handouts at team meetings, included with your earnings statement or attached to your work schedule.
Have not seen or heard anything about in my district yet.
OBTW It's only about the upcoming flu season, including seasonal flu and 2009 H1N1 flu.
"RGIS is committed to providing information and guidance regarding flu prevention and preparedness."
I do hope everyone has not succumbed to the flu and I am the only one left.

dead horse

Our People Are Our Greatest Asset!

The Misfit said...

dead horse: "Cover Your Cough", LOL. How nice to know that RGIS is so considerate and caring about their employees. I still remember the time DM Kevin infected nearly half the district when he had this horrible cold and was sneezing and coughing all over the place yet still insisted on personally handing each person an audit machine at a Border's inventory. Gross.

404girl said...

Mollytower: As someone else who worked for that same district, all I can say is AMEN!

They were one of the reasons that I even transferred back onto the Home Depot team...even though that was HELL in itself; I wasn't getting ANY hours at local.

My last memory of the Vancouver office is the day I went to turn in my stuff after getting another job. All I got from my former supervisors was looks of "How dare you leave US for something better" and a casual "see ya".

BTW, if RGIS really wants to cut down on sickness, how about cleaning them company vans once in awhile? If they're anything like they were when I left, I swear the next plague is growing amongst the layer of crap on the floor.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the rms are germ breeders in themselves. And the finger lazers. God knows where everybodys hands have been or if they ever wash them. yuck. All we can hope for is we all feel ill and call out. Thats what the doctors are recommending. If you feel ill stay home. I dont think anyone has ever cleaned the rms we use. The screens are so smugged that it takes forever to clean the smog off them and the keys tend to be very sticky. Germ City if there ever was. We havent received any info about covering anything in our district.

Anonymous said...

some advice

When cold and flu season comes I'll usually keep a few alcohol wipes (diabetic supply aisle.. box of 100 is usually about $2) in my tag pouch and I'll wipe down the keyboard. screen and buttons of my audit before I start.

Some hand-sanitizer afterward is probably a good idea as well.

H1N1 or not I don't foresee a lot of employees staying home if they're sick because they simply can't afford it .. with pay cuts and hour cuts you need ever job you can get.

Anonymous said...

I used the diabetic alcohol wipes too, because I learned in the computer industry that keyboards are very dirty. The RGIS equipment is filthy, and it is NEVER cleaned. NEVER!

Here's how to do it though, because carrying around alcohol swabs may get you branded a junkie! Get your equipment, go through the pre-inventory BS, and once you are assigned a spot or sent off to count something... Find a semi-private area, and swab your fingers and palms first. Next, clean the machine's keypad, and anything else.

The first wipe will burn dark brown with filth, maybe even black. Follow up with another swab, remembering to start by wiping off your hands. 2 swabs per job, so a $2 box will last you several months.

The equipment is filthy. The vans are filthy. Several of our vans were sprayed down by auditors puking on the seats and floors. You are on the road and tired. The food you are eating is not nutritious. You are crammed into close contact with your coworkers, and eating at filthy cheap restaurants.

It is a bio hazard in the making! And yes, it was a real blast being puked on by fatso, and spending the whole day 300 miles from home counting and smelling of someone's vomit.

The Misfit said...

I've heard of the alcohol hand wipes of course but I've never heard of them being referred to as diabetic hand wipes. Why are they kept in the diabetic supplies section?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if healthcare supervisors are REQUIRED to have a drug screen and background check? I had to have both for one type of pharmaceutical account but others in my district have somehow gotten around their drug screens. Perhaps because everyone knows they will FAIL!

dead horse said...

to Anon Tue 10-6

Have lost out on several pharms both as super and counting due to that. Don't care about drug screening as I don't use anything other than nicotine, but background checks? It's none of their d--n business if I'm married or divorced, hetero- or bi- or homosexual, pay or do not pay taxes, or anything else. IF it is required from my new employer I could care less, but not as a subcontractor.
Of course, I'm sent in to count anyway when they need me. Who cares?????

The Misfit said...

I personally would not have a problem with a company who wanted to do a background check on me. I've applied for several jobs in the past where both background checks and drug testing were done and to me it's no big deal. I think background checks are done primarily to see if the applicant has ever been convicted of a crime; I don't blame a company too much for not wanting to hire a convicted felon, for example. It could possibly speak to their character and trustworthiness while on the job.

The Misfit said...

Does anyone know if RGIS still does inventories for Penney's and Sear's? I was just wondering because I never see them at my local stores anymore (Santa Rosa, CA). Target either. Did RGIS lose these accounts and if so was it just in this area or overall?

Anonymous said...

Might just be your area, Misfit. I've done Sears, Target and Penney's stores here within the past three months.

I know WIS has a lot of Target stores here as well. RGIS probably only does about half of them in this metro area.

Anonymous said...

The little wipes are mostly intended for diabetics. It is a good idea to clean the area of skin before they prick it to test blood, and it is always a good idea to clean any area before you inject insulin... or inject whatever.

Texas Auditor said...

Just saw on the news that the Blackstone Group is buying Seaworld.

I wonder what Shamu's ASET rating will be?

o t l said...

Shamu will have to speed up now--but still be accurate on his jumps and rolls--or Blackstone will cut his fish rations.

Anonymous said...

The difference between Shamu and a RGIS auditor's reaction to wage cutbacks, is that Shamu will probably bite someone's head off.

The RGIS auditor will probably just whine to co-workers and this blog. (At least until someone starts the 187th class action lawsuit against the company.)

RoughGuess said...

The GOOD news is that the Blackstone shares I bought at $5 not too long ago are now trading at $15! Getting my money back any way I can!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just like everyone else Sears and Penny's only go once a year now.
Sears used to be twice, a full inventory in January for the manger bonus and then an order inventory in July of selected departments.
They also split off Sear's Auto and Hardware to separate accounts as well as in the full store inventory.

Every customer is cutting back on the number of inventories they do a year.

The latest BULL from Blackstone is our grocery financial inventories they are going to hold us to a PIECE AVERAGE PER HOUR.
Come on give me a break. Every hour all I have to do is enter $0.01 times 9999 (Over-ride) 10 times to make their 10,000 an hour.
I've also learned to count beer suitcases by the can or even 6 packs of soda by the can. $2.99 for 6... nah that is $0.50 per can.

Then we have the problem that the Financial programs DO NOT SHOW PIECES... Did anyone think of that?
Yah the portable shows the average on the live inventory screen but even display totals does not show any pieces just dollars.
Stupid unthinking drones...

Anonymous said...

RGIS gave me a "sleep impediment" and for at least two years I was pissed about that fact. However, I have come to rely on this "impediment" as a tool in certain circumstances. No one can stay awake longer than I can! NO ONE. Seriously. If there is one thing that RGIS 'gifts' you (especially if you live in a rural district) is the ability to deal with sleep deprivation. In January one year, RGIS had several of us working for 72 hours straight. That is until the AM fell asleep in front of the printer.

It's not permanent damage... It's a perk! A tool you'll need in this new economy and housing market.

Anonymous said...

hey anonymous 12:15--i've submitted this story before, but one of my sleep-deprived RGIS colleagues was killed in a car wreck one snowy January night, the year after I left the company. I firmly believe sleep deprivation was at least a factor, if not the primary cause.

I know it's whistling past the graveyard to laugh about it, but truly it is abusing the employees to expect 72 hours without letup.

Anonymous said...

Recent January's are nothing compared to 5 or more years ago.
RGIS has lost too many accounts I believe.
12 hour AM store right on to a 12 hour PM store and then your next AM store. Those were January's I remember.
Rotating out 2 counters at a time each hour to the van so they can power nap and telling the store manager "Yah all 20 of us are here".

Oh well my DM has to "see me" before the end of the week to "go over some numbers". I guess there will be new company BS coming down hill.
I told the DM I'll drop by tommorrow, get out the 908.
Stay tuned....

dead horse said...

Anybody hearing anything about how long it takes to 908 store arrivals or whatever? What about the grocery store APHs?

End of quarter--Anybody up their ASET level? Missed mine by 0.02.

Texas Auditor said...

Well, some good has come out of Blackstone acquiring Seaworld. They're using RGIS personnel for some sort multi-day of job there, haven't heard the details. Those of us who weren't picked for it are getting a few extra hours covering for those who have been pulled out of stores to work on it.

Anonymous said...

ok so I can work a food lion, starting off in frozen keying upc's if you know what I mean, and I can come out with 6 to 8 k pieces, then I do something like go to canned and get 7 to 8 for the day or I say F-it and go do 2 sides of hba and get like 3 to 4 for the day ... I don't care ... the point is that I control what I do ... not them, they think they control things but they get up every morning and put on a grey shirt and reperesent someone elses' interests ... sellouts ... me I get up every morning and put on a maroon shirt cause I only represent myself ... that makes me a non - sellout ... and nobody controls me but me ... I'll let them think they do but in truth ... I still belong to me ... because I maintain my integrity, I maintain my honesty, and I keep my word while all around me others are selling out ... I maintain my integrity with divine Self ... and they fade away ... fade away !
They think might makes right ... that you are guilty just because a majority of them say so ... well they're wrong ... they are supposed to support their employees rather than attack them ... we are supposed to be a team rather than a bunch of seperated individuals ... and I expect management to support me rather that seperate me out and attack me and discredit me ... that's not what I came here for.

Anonymous said...

I just got the speech about "APH Calculated Standard".
THEY just changed the rules once more. Not only do you have to meet the account APH, lets say 600 for a clothing store you have to met or exceed your "APH Calculated Standard". This means they take everyone that is scheduled for your store and their current APH average for that type of event and come up with a calculated average. So the account APH is 600 but because you have two Top Guns and and a couple of Experts in the event your APH Calculated Standard is 856 you have to do 756 or better.
This APH Calculated Standard will appear on the master schedule shortly as well as in the portable after you send the TCA. Of course the what is on the master schedule won't be what you have to do in the store as it will be calculated from the TCA and who is actually in the store.
And why are we carrying AM's as Top Guns? That will hurt the Calculated APH as well as the other scoring like OPES.
Stay tuned, next topic will be OPES Scores and rankings...

What for end Dec/Jan and the Grocery Financials they will enforce a piece APH. They tried it on me this last quarter but I pointed out that no where on any report or screen view on the portable does the program show pieces (except the close out report). Management had no clue port-fin's with previous do not show pieces (Port-Fin without previous does show pieces).

Anonymous said...

So how's everyone's November look so far in terms of schedules?

I'm assuming not heavy, but since a lot of districts have been combined, has there been more work than usual?

Or is it still fairly dead?

TL Too said...

The APH Calculated Standard has been in effect in bonus stores and really applies only to them. For example, I ran a store with an expected aph of 1400. Because of the ASET levels in there, we were not in the positive end for a bonus unless we hit 1600. However, the store hit the 1400 so we were considered as having hit the average. Our bonus for the store was -15 cents an hour. You can see it when you run a productivity report. It shows you what you need to hit to be in the 'positive' for a bonus with the ASET levels you have in the store.
As far as APH being in pieces for supermarkets or financial inventories, I don't know if all the other Districts have been different than ours, but our APH in financial inventories has switched to pieces since P4 kicked in. Again, if the store is a bonus account, you can run the productivity report and it shows you what you need to hit as a group to bonus, and what everyone in the store is averaging in pieces.
Since we are now top 600 stores, and we only have about 20 accounts on bonus at my end, the calculated APH doesn't seem to matter except in bonus stores.

Texas Auditor said...

I've got 2 Walgreens and a Pep Boys in week 7, nothing in week 8.

dead horse said...

Just heard we'll be busier than usual for year-end but it is still not much. Has everybody filed for unemployment????
Also seems this coming Jan. will be busier than previous two years-OT & 2X. We got Toys R Us back plus several others.
Calculated APH-info is same as on blog. No word about OPES-what's that about?
Would like to see details about CAAP program.
HAPPY T-DAY to everyone!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't you find it amazing when this APH/Bonus thing started they said how stores will be on the bonus program.
I haven't done a bonus store in two months. I did a run of Game stores and show stores no bonus.
Did anyone hear that THEY are now counting the end of inventory from when you send the closeout and not the time sheet. I got reamed out for an 8 hour inventory when the store did not have a fax line and I got stuck in a traffic accident traffic that took almost 3 hours to get home before I sent the store.

Anonymous said...


Remember when the APH bonus system came in and the paycuts as well.

All of the talk was how the bonus would make up for the paycuts. They said bonuses would average about $70-80 per check.

Ha, more like $20-40 per check.

Anonymous said...

must be nice. I've gotten barely over $300 total for my so-called bonus since it began. What a freakin' joke this piece of shit company is!!!!!!!!!!

rectalcounter said...

misfit i am mad at you. for months i have been checking your last blog "our custumers..." and i did not see you started a new one. i figured people just stop i will have to read 143 comments to catch up.

so i skimmed the comments...i saw something about cutting 908's ... did not happen in my district. thats how we make the average in some stores. just add it to a 908.

bonuses i have made like 75.00 total, if that. Money i have got for adding time to stores about $400 (about 30hrs)...this is where i have a 1700pc average for a store and only need 1400...well i want to meet company expectations so i add extra time to lower my average to something like i have made like an extra 30hrs doing that. rgis can keep thier 2dollar bonus i will take my 13.00 you would think with people as smart as rgis upper managment would wonder why on a timesheet i show up for a 6am store at 330am-4am. the bigger stores with lots of pieces it is easy to hit the marks, the smaller unit stores it very hard so i use a 908 hour or two...

in the last blog i mentioned how one top gun in my district counted shirt at k-mart k-keying them in like cans of soup. someone responded with you don't do that in old navy...

i finally went to an old navy and i saw how we got a 300aph up to a 550-650aph (what ever the standard was, i don't care unless i am running the store) well i went and started counting tables 400-500pcs an hour...and i was like there is no way in hell we are going to make 600pcs...well i figured out what we did. i ended up doing 1400pcs by the end of the store...the next old navy i did 2000pcs an hour and the next one i did 2500+APH...anyone think i auto scanned each piece?

we dont use (yellow)tags either...and we dont verify...i never did the last two anyway. also you might of noticed i dont capitlize or use punctuation often because it is a waste on my time :-)

Anonymous said...

about unemployment, what do you guys put for the return to work date?

The Misfit said...

rectal counter: So why get mad at me for not paying more attention yourself? Or is "paying attention" a waste of time too?

Anonymous said...

Please any Gap, Old Navy included it is a simple formulas to count shirt tables.
3XS - 3S - 6M- 5L- 3XXL or something like that.
No Tags, No recounting pcs, no Sku checks, Batch Fest is the new RGIS.

Those Office Supply Stores sales floor is going in an hour and fifteen minutes.

BTW, we have T-R-U (Toy Store) back for this January 1st week. Aren't we lucky the new year is during the week, get an extra weekend of triples (Grocery stores should be the first weekend in January).

dead horse said...

Re Unemployment

Reason for unemployment is due to seasonal slowdown, still working, back to work Jan. 2.

rectalcounter said...

misfit i was only kidding about being mad at you.

as for me not paying attention...i have a shortcut to your other post so i never would of known if you started a new post/blog. it was not like i was not paying attention. i was just looking in the wrong place...a thought finally came to me that you might of started a new blog, so i looked.

Anonymous said...

someone got fired for batching in chicago

rectal counter said...

in responce to..."someone got fired for batching in chicago..."

that person must of really sucked...or had some enemies, in the distrct...

noone gets fired for accuracy in my district...only if you are slow and inaccurate...

we had a employee that was caught making up prices in a grocery chain store (by the actual store, since rgis never checked anything). he walked out of the store telling the store we do it all the time and nothing will happen. after my dm talked to him, told him not to "mock" the custumers...he is now our area manager. He was sent back to this grocery chain store like 10 more times he was kicked out 2 or 3 more times for fudging recounts. its not bad he fudges recounts but he gets caught so much. my DM just keeps it at a local level.

i think i am the only one in my district that actually still does real recounts in smaller stores. we don't even pretend to do recounts in most...

rectal counter said...

i heard there is going to be a new method of calculating standards for the top 500 in 2010, anyone here about this yet?

i am sure they found new ways to screw over thier employees. 9to1 odds it is going to be stupid. if it is better i will say that also. i will find out in december what holiday present rgis is giving us. make sure to bring extra lube just in case.

Jonathan said...

I just heard from one of the Attorneys that the lawduit has been moved to August but, the rgisovertime website hasn't said anything about that. It's odd I talked to two different attorneys one in TX the other in Washington the one in TX said it was in February, the one in Washington said it is in Auugust. Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

The class action was not certified for my State (NY) so I would not get any notice.

dead horse said...

PLEASE start logging your time ins and time outs. This is especially necessary for green stores and district splits. The reason? To make stores go green DMs, AMs and TLs are shaving time from the TCA in order to make green. Math?---Shave the last minutes from the TCA---2357 becomes 2300-times maybe 10 auditors and voila! you have made green because 1 hour has been eliminated(shaved). Same thing holds for splits, big box(bad violator in my area) and any others. Sure it's only a couple of dollars but it adds up FAST. Make up the difference in bonus bucks - Yeah, sure.
So, if you're not already logging your hours for your personal reference please start. Keep your log with you at all times because we all forget what time we clocked in or out. We're being screwed enough by THEM, let's not do it to ourselves.

dead horse said...

Meant to say 2350 hrs. That shaves only one-tenth of an hour from the individual's pay, but when it is multipied by 10 or 20 auditors it is the equivalent of 1 or 2 hrs.

Anonymous said...

that is nothing new. they've been screwing with our times for years.

Anonymous said...

I've always kept log of hours. Better yet write down your travel times. It is amazing that it takes 2.5 hours to get to a travel store and your return trip on the pay statement it only takes 55 minutes?

I remember back in the day of the time sheet the third blue copy said "Team Leader" on it. The TL running the store was suppose to keep that copy. They put a stop to that real quick, Oh blue copy is for the office the fist two (white/yellow) have to go to HQ...

Nothing has changed in over 20 years, just the name of what you call it (TCA/Timesheet) is different.
Keep records of EVERYTHING. I even get a copy of what I counted 9 times out of 10 ask for a screen print of Display Total by Auditor in your name. Prove that your average hasn't gone down. Gotten into fights asking for that but if you are going to cut my pay by what you claim is my average, PROVE IT.

o t l said...

That`s for sure.I still think that the most sneakiest method to cheat everyone is still the way management deliberately withholds the TCA ("Oh, I forgot all about the time machine!") until a few minutes after the store start time, then they slowly pass it around,usually during the pre-inventory briefing, for everyone to sign in--invariably not bothering to later change everyones` clock in times to the actual correct store start time. That saves RGIS at least a hour or two in payroll costs every time at big stores.(However,if an auditor happens to clock in a few minutes EARLY, the management usually will find the time to change the clock in time to the actual start time.) :)

Anonymous said...

Now if we are short on number of people we putting in the TCA managers ID's.
That kills the APH, they carry mangers as Top Guns at $20 an hour.

rectal counter said...

new higher standards yeah (with new and improved (calc standard)...i guess there are some people in the country still making a bonus. RGIS has to stop that at all cost. i am thinking next year will be my last year with this shit hole company. i will cause so much grief for rgis. i will work so slow they will have to drop my asset ranking. i will still work so slow they will stop scheduling me and i will collect unemployment. this is all because with some of these stupid standards they are basicly asking us to cheat (commit fraud).

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's time to begin introducing some thoughts on how we are going to get out of this mess.
The only difference between an expert and a top gun on a 6hr job is one extra hour. Now you've got management on one hand going faster,faster ; harder,harder ; like you aren't good enough and every day you have to prove yourself ... on the other hand you have all your buddies standin around starin at each other in fear and suspicion. Its like everyones waiting for it to dawn on them that WE together determine how much our paycheck will be ... not them. You think you might subtley encourage everyone to relax, have a good day at work, don't let them get you down, be happy for a change? You see the owners have used a strategy of divide and conquer and simply renamed it "performance" ... all we have to do is take the "divide" out of it, become one again, don't fall for the trick of thinking your coworker is out to cut your throat, they're not. And if you do outperform some of the others then this is your chance to show some true character ... back off and lend a hand to a newbie and don't let them scare you. Above all be subtle so as not to be targeted and let this thing unfold like its bound to, see the end from the beginning and know that to be of service to another is the highest thing one can do, not the lowest. Be in control and forgive your managers if they still are drinking the coolaid and you will in so doing dump fiery coals upon their head. This can only turn out one way ... its only a matter of time and how long we want to wait.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they think think they can scare everybody with their officialdom, they're a bunch of punks. Amateurs, wannabees, losers, exploiters of the system who didn't get enough love from mommy so now they have to use the world as their spiritual punching bag, oppressing people who came to help them, like nazis. At least Bob Dole embraced his erectile dysfunction and did a commercial. These owners are totally underground ... come-on guys what's your problem ? share the wealth, give up the hating, its not a thing, beating people up financially doeasn't make you a bigger man, it doesn't give you a bigger dick ! who cares how big your dick is ... size doesn't matter, we like little dicks too.
If you continue to act like a little asshole then I promise you, you will be making me cum! Do you want to be a sub forever? or would you like to learn how to be a dom? Look, this economy has a couple years left tops... are you gonna be bigger than the system or are you gonna suck their teat? Do you hate yourself THAT much, that you would never try to do a noble thing? I just don't get it, how can you enjoy yourself AND be seperate from everyone at the same time? your scared but you don't have to be.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I would never want to meet a majority of those people in real life. They are complete and utter idiots, who can't type, can't spell, and just are plain worthless. That is why they didn't make it far in RGIS. I'm not saying the company is perfect, but dang, no company short of Enron is that bad.


Hi batchers, top guns, cherry pickers and the annoyed by the above!

First of all I am one of the above, the dreaded top gun...but I am a legitimate one (if ever there was!)

I hate this idea of qualifying people for certain areas, to use myself as an example...why the hell should I do the easier areas when any of the A/S/E levels could?

My intention when I go to an inventory is simply to get the hell out hatred for RGIS and all it encompasses is as strong as it will ever be!

Being from the UK, I would like some the handbook does it actually state that you should recieve your equipment after you have signed in?Because as stated in similar messages here that is not the case...obviously the standard is that 90% of the way through the 'briefing' (aka waste of time) then you sign in...

Secondly, as I mentioned earlier I'm a top gun and used as a prowler in my personally I like the fact that I get that recognition, I am a fast and accurate auditor however it is unfair for one person to be th beneficiary of this...without bonus because that doesn't apply to mainland UK.

When I started I counted the shit areas, the confectionary in supermarkets (its a SKU!) and I went from that to now...and I gained nothing.

Now when I attend counts, I just do the most logical things...nobody controls me as such as I do the right things but given these stupid projected PPH's (1800 AQ in a me a favour and **** ***!)

This company will never learn a thing until it stops pressurising its ATL'S and TL'S.

And releases the pressure on PPH's...

This is a company that employs a wide range of people worldwide, and all should be treated fairly within the concepts of employment law...

NO preferential treatment.
NO preferential scheduling.
NO protectionism for people such as myself.

We are all born equal...we should all be treated equally and given our fair opportunity.

Next briefings...unpaid here in the UK.Now if you worked 9-5 in some other job and the manager decided that he would tell you something important before 9am, would you turn up?Probably not is my answer, you are paid for your efforts working for the business!NOT listening to somebody flap their gums about tags!

Lastly, as a top gun I have one request from here in Newcastle...the stores will only be counted as quick as WE count...chill the fcuk out and lets take some enjoyment back from the management that took it, sod cherry picking..the faster you do the easy areas then the sooner you are out of money.tu comprends?

Somebody needs to consider OUR lives, OUR attitudes and OUR behaviours...its now your time to consider yours.


Hi batchers, top guns, cherry pickers and the annoyed by the above!

First of all I am one of the above, the dreaded top gun...but I am a legitimate one (if ever there was!)

I hate this idea of qualifying people for certain areas, to use myself as an example...why the hell should I do the easier areas when any of the A/S/E levels could?

My intention when I go to an inventory is simply to get the hell out hatred for RGIS and all it encompasses is as strong as it will ever be!

Being from the UK, I would like some the handbook does it actually state that you should recieve your equipment after you have signed in?Because as stated in similar messages here that is not the case...obviously the standard is that 90% of the way through the 'briefing' (aka waste of time) then you sign in...

Secondly, as I mentioned earlier I'm a top gun and used as a prowler in my personally I like the fact that I get that recognition, I am a fast and accurate auditor however it is unfair for one person to be th beneficiary of this...without bonus because that doesn't apply to mainland UK.

When I started I counted the shit areas, the confectionary in supermarkets (its a SKU!) and I went from that to now...and I gained nothing.

Now when I attend counts, I just do the most logical things...nobody controls me as such as I do the right things but given these stupid projected PPH's (1800 AQ in a me a favour and **** ***!)

This company will never learn a thing until it stops pressurising its ATL'S and TL'S.

And releases the pressure on PPH's...

This is a company that employs a wide range of people worldwide, and all should be treated fairly within the concepts of employment law...

NO preferential treatment.
NO preferential scheduling.
NO protectionism for people such as myself.

We are all born equal...we should all be treated equally and given our fair opportunity.

Next briefings...unpaid here in the UK.Now if you worked 9-5 in some other job and the manager decided that he would tell you something important before 9am, would you turn up?Probably not is my answer, you are paid for your efforts working for the business!NOT listening to somebody flap their gums about tags!

Lastly, as a top gun I have one request from here in Newcastle...the stores will only be counted as quick as WE count...chill the fcuk out and lets take some enjoyment back from the management that took it, sod cherry picking..the faster you do the easy areas then the sooner you are out of money.tu comprends?

Somebody needs to consider OUR lives, OUR attitudes and OUR behaviours...its now your time to consider yours.

Anonymous said...

I just wrote a huge message about RGIS behaviours here in the UK.

I would write it again but I can't be bothered.

I enjoy reading about you guys over the pond.I hate the fact that you are being taken for a ride what with the target driven PPH's...thats a load of bull because if they need you then you can produce (the factor to consider is 'if they need you')

We in the UK don't get any form of bonus...not even 20 cents worth.I haven't had a pay rise in 3 years and I have a friend who was dropped a pound for nothing!per hour....

Can anybody clarify whether you should sign in and then get your equipment?I'm sure that we should be paid from the moment we get to the store?

About the prowler stuff...hate it!I am a TG but yet never get chosen for that role...pisses me off!I am worried because now I can see what occurs with you guys in the US I don't want to have my hourly pay reduced just because somebody else is a favorite...

Any advice anyone?

Anonymous said...

I just started a rgis 2 months ago and it was plan that this job was bullsh!t. you feel scumy when you at work cause your maneger is to stupid to do there job.

Anonymous said...

These comments are hilarious and sadly, true. Even sadder is the fact that after 10 years I need to go back to RGIS, the company that took 70+ hours a week out of my life as an AM. Lucky it's a salary job for them. I slept through my alarm one morning and due to a new AM got FIRED. Gave them 10 years, and my dad actually dropped dead while counting a pathmark in camden, nj.
The AM wanted to keep counting!!!!Unfortunately I need a job, but this time I'm just gonna go count (yeah top gun style)and chew bubblegum as fast as my fingers go.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah my DM put me up in a hotel and then tried to get with me. Loved that!!!

Anonymous said...

Pass that shit.I am exhausted and really need a hit of what you people who work with rgis for more than a year are smoking.Will the shards make me smart like you?