I have a few more little bits of Mondo-related nonsense to share with you. These are just some small incidents involving blimp Mondo; they occurred over several years in several different places. They have been divided into three different categories: Fat, Feeble and Foul. Of course, all three are perfect descriptions of Mondo.
Fat: One night during some nameless and faceless inventory (read: I did so many of these fucking inventories that I can't remember in which one I overhead this conversation) bloated Team Leader Mondo was telling several of us auditors all about one drunken night at a local bar. He said that at one point he had tossed back so many drinks that he lost his balance and fell right off a bar stool. This must have been quite embarassing for Mondo (not to mention quite destructive to the floor. Imagine the damage a two-ton oily behemoth hitting the floor would cause) but as in many other incidents involving Mondo and something humiliating he tried to make a joke of it. "I don't know how I got up off the floor," Mondo quipped. "By a forklift?" wisecracked Gerry. Everyone laughed except Mondo. He might occasionally make fun of his morbidly obese condition but couldn't stand someone else doing it.
Feeble: Mondo ran quite a few stores as a TL, and had problems in every one of his inventories. His most spectacular failure occurred at a Cala Foods/Bell Markets inventory in Novato. Fleshy Mondo had all veteran auditors in this inventory but that didn't matter as most of us were dead tired from doing so many back to back stores. Every single one of us (including paunchy Mondo) made several mistakes while counting in that grocery store that night. Most of the errors were ones made by putting items in wrong categories: Liquor in Grocery, Grocery in General Merchandise, etc. Elephant Mondo missed a lot of these mistakes when printing out the areas, and simply handed over the error-laden printouts to the store manager, most without checking them first.
The store manager all night had received printout after printout filled with mistakes. With each muddled printout he got a little angrier and a little angrier. Finally he had had enough and confronted two-ton Mondo. He got right in Mondo's face (eeuuww) and verbally let him have it. The store manager went on at length about what a lousy job we RGIS auditors had done that night, and how he was not getting the quality inventory he had paid for. The guy was really pissed off and who could blame him? He had a bunch of burgundy-shirted zombies counting his store that night. We had done a lousy job in that Cala Foods store, and all of us realized it. Of course, that doesn't mean that we cared. All of us were worn out from so many back-to-backers and just wanted to go home and sleep. However, as lowly auditors we didn't have to experience the wrath of the store manager. No, TL Mondo, who ran the inventory, got the full blast of shit from the store manager. We peons merely stood around and enjoyed the spectacle. What fun it was to witness Mondo getting scolded and yelled at. Hurrah!
Finally, the store manager calmed down and stopped shouting at gargantuan Mondo. During the customer's tirade Mondo had not said a word. He was totally intimidated and cowed. At one point, while the customer was giving him a tongue lashing Mondo actually leaned his head against a post and stared at the floor. It was a totally unprofessional thing to do, and looked really bad, but that was Mondo.
The store manager was quite upset with Mondo and said to him, "So, as a representative from RGIS, what do you have to say for yourself, in regards to the job that you and your people have done?" Corpulent Mondo's response? He never said a word and merely shrugged his shoulders and continued to stare at the floor. Wow, a true leader. Disgusted, the store manager told Mondo, "This inventory is over," and we RGIS people quietly slunk out of the store and drove away. In front of the customer we had to appear chastened and a little sorry over the poor job we had done but secretly I was elated and relished the verbal clobbering that rotund Mondo had received.
Foul: When rumor had it in our district that malodorous Mondo was to be made the new Associate Area Manager, most of us didn't believe it. We couldn't imagine Mondo ever being able to scrub enough gunk off his huge moldy body in order to appear halfway decent as a dress-shirt-and-necktie-clad AAM. After all, it was Mondo who claimed that the reason he smelled so bad was because he was too fat to fit into his bathtub at home. That's why he never ever bathed, and that's why he smelled like a two-week old corpse on a hot summer day. How on earth would he be able to wash the funk off his carcass, if he couldn't take a bath? Helpful auditor Anna thought she had the solution. She offered to buy Mondo a shower attachment that he could hook up to the bathtub spigot. I guess she figured mammoth Mondo could sit on the edge of his tub and sprinkle himself with water, and thus wash some of the goo off himself that way.
Anna should have known better. Nauseating Mondo wasn't the least bit interested in improving himself in any way; not even if it meant moving his bulk up the corporate RGIS ladder. He was totally illogical and more than a little retarded in thinking that he could be both filthy and an AAM. Mondo said, "No thanks" to the shower attachment, and continued on his greasy way. He was eventually made an AAM, but that only lasted a few weeks, natch.
Fat: Jumbo Mondo used to have a terrible time during our summer inventories. We might be closeted in a stuffy Mervyn's back room for hours, scanning boxes of socks and racks of shirts. The atmosphere would be quite uncomfortable, as we usually did most of these inventories after hours, when the store's air-conditioning system had already been automatically shut off for the night. Most of us human-sized auditors were a bit uncomfortable, but for someone as massive as Mondo it was torture. He would be standing there, pawing through cartons of tube socks while the sweat just poured down his body in oily rivulets. TL Eric noticed the sweat gushing from Mondo's king size carcass and told him that he (Mondo) was going to melt into a puddle. "No, a puddle's too small," Eric corrected himself. "You're going to melt into a pond. We should call you Pondo." Mondo Pondo was not amused. Again, he could make fun of himself but he hated it when anyone else did it.
Feeble: Once a bunch of us were meeting at the office to commute to an early morning, out of town Long's Drugs inventory. This was during the time that half-witted District Manager Kevin was still having us park our cars in the tiny parking lot that surrounded our RGIS district office and a few other retail businesses. Kevin stood in the parking lot and directed auditors to park their cars at the other end of the lot, near Burger King. When Mondo pulled into the lot Kevin pointed towards Burger King. Mondo never stopped his Jeep. He drove to the other end of the parking lot and out the exit near Burger King, and disappeared into the early morning darkness.
It was so funny to see simpleton Kevin standing there in the middle of the parking lot with his mouth hanging open. He had no idea where Mondo had gone. In a panic he called Mondo's house but no one was there. He asked Mondo's hateful brother TL Luis where he thought Mondo might have gone, but Luis hadn't a clue. Finally DM Kevin had no choice but to leave for the inventory, minus his bloated TL Mondo.
When we reached the San Anselmo Long's Drugs about 45 minutes later, there was Mondo parked in front of the store. When questioned about his disappearance Mondo told us that when he saw Kevin pointing to the other end of the parking lot he thought Kevin wanted him to drive to the store himself. What a moron! But typical Mondo.
Foul: After we had finished an inventory in neighboring district Vallejo one night Mondo drove a company van full of us Santa Rosa auditors back to the Park-N-Ride. Riding with Mondo as a driver was always an adventure in terror, as he was both a horrible driver and a smelly one. You most definitely did not want to be sitting downwind of him, as one whiff of his gaseous fumes and you were a goner. Plus, as though his foul stench wasn't bad enough, he had a tendency to take every turn on two wheels. So one way or another you thought you were gonna die with Mondo driving.
One newbie riding in the van was already wise to the ways of repugnant Mondo. This became apparent when she told Mondo, "Hey Mondo, guess what? I had my shoe in your pants pocket." (This was not as difficult as it sounds. Two-ton Mondo flattened the driver's seat when he sat in it; his gargantuan ass was mere inches from the floor of the van) The newbie, sitting in the middle of the first bench seat, could by stretching her legs place a shoe tip in Mondo's pants pocket. One guy told her, "I'm surprised your shoe didn't melt." The newbie replied, "I'm surprised I got a shoe back." Once again, everyone laughed except for odious Mondo. Score one for the newbie.
Fat: As you may have already guessed, beefy Mondo had an enormous appetite. I once had the displeasure of riding with him to another out of town inventory. I had to ride sitting next to him in his stinky Jeep. Mondo couldn't even make it out of the office parking lot without getting something to eat. He stopped at the Burger King a few doors down from the RGIS office and ordered a double Whopper and a vat of Coca-Cola from the drive-up window. I watched in horror as he unwrapped the burger (I'm surprised he didn't just eat right through the paper) and took one, two, three, four bites without stopping or breathing and bam! the burger was gone. I mean that fat slob downed that enormous double cheeseburger in less than a minute. It was a most terrifying and disgusting sight. After seeing that nightmare I lost my own appetite for a couple of days. And after that ride with him I took care to keep my arms and legs safely away from Mondo's vicinity. Who knew when he might be hungry and need to feed again? What if we were doing a late night inventory and all the Burger Kings were closed? I didn't want to lose a limb.
Some stores that we inventoried would provide us with snacks if we took a break, and pizza or sandwiches if we took a lunch. Most of the Long's Drugs stores would give us coffee and doughnuts for our one and only break. We started counting at Long's around 5:30 am, and three hours later when we took our break the thought of a cup of hot coffee and a jelly doughnut was most appealing. Most of the auditors would take just one doughnut but then, we were human beings and not farm animals. Mondo, on the other hand, was like a pig at a trough during these Long's breaks. He saw nothing wrong in barrelling right into the store's break room and grabbing four or five doughnuts, all before any of us had even had one. He had his snout right into those pink bakery boxes, rooting around for the choicest pastries. Again, you had to be careful and not get your hands close to his mouth, lest you lose a finger.
Even foggy DM Kevin was aware of Mondo's greedy ways. Whenever we did a Kmart inventory in Santa Rosa the store was nice enough to provide us with pizzas and sodas for our half-hour lunch (This Kmart had a Little Caesar's pizza restaurant inside the store. I wouldn't touch the pizza after I'd heard that one customer recently vomited blood in the restaurant after eating the pizza. A special cleaning crew had to be called in, and thereafter I referred to the Little Caesar's pizza as "Haz-Mat pizza"). When Kevin called a lunch break he made sure to tell The Foul One, "Remember, only two pieces, Mondo." Kevin wanted to make sure that Mondo didn't inhale all of the pizza. Which he was perfectly capable of doing.
Gluttonous Mondo and pizza had quite a love affair going. While Mondo was known to consume anything (burgers, doughnuts, candy bars, possibly a small child or two) he held a special place in his oily heart for pizza. I don't think that he or his brother Luis (who lived with Mondo) knew how to cook. I believe they mostly ordered in food. I think Mondo would order a couple of pizzas at a time, and eat one immediately and save the second one for later. He wouldn't refrigerate the second pizza but instead would park it in his cold oven. He claimed it tasted better a day or two or a week later. Mondo called this "fermented" pizza. Puke!
Fat: If you had 450 lb. sweaty, greasy, smelly man asking you for a ride in your car, would give him one? Of course not. You would take pity on your poor vehicle and never think to transport something as foul as Mondo in it. Which is why Mondo could never catch a ride with anyone except his brother Luis, or maybe the company van; it was large and sturdy enough to withstand his enormous bulk. Luis' car, like everyone else's , was of average size and not really meant to cart around a hippopotamus, but Luis was Mondo's brother and couldn't refuse him a ride.
Which is why one morning several of us were treated to a most amusing sight. Me and a couple of auditors were in a car right behind Luis' car on the freeway. Even if you hadn't seen Mondo a few minutes earlier climbing into Luis' car, you would know immediately upon seeing the car that Mondo was riding in it as the car appeared to be driving along on two wheels. It was really funny to see this car tipping precariously to one side as it traveled slowly down the freeway. I mean, you almost expected to see it stop suddenly and about 30 clowns come piling out of it. But no, there was only one clown inside the car, the sad, pitiful, bloated, oily clown known as Mondo.
OK, this really doesn't have anything to do with RGIS, but your telling of Mondo riding in the car made me think of it. When I was a kid, I lived around the block from the head janitor at our middle school. The guy had to weight at least 350 pounds. And one day he got a new car -- a Triumph Spitfire! It wasn't long before the car was at a permanent list to the driver's side, surely due to the suspension system deteriorating.
I used to also work with an auditor who didn't bathe. No problem with her tub or size, though. She insisted that bathing would cause your body to rust. I'm serious.
This one was too funny. Mondo sounds so gross! How did anybody stand working around him. I especialy like the part where he ate the hamburger. I'm guessing he ate with his mouth open too, right?
Misfit, I've been reading your blog for a while, but this is the first time I've left a comment. Keep writing this stuff is great!
This story was pretty good, but what is hazmat? I didn't get that part.
I've enjoyed reading this blog a lot. A friend who works for RGIS told me about it and even though I don't work for RGIS he said I should try it. I havent read all the entries yet but the ones I have read so far have been funny (and weird!). My favorite one was the Wolves one.
Haha love your Mondo stories. He seems to be a combination of a few auditors we have here.
We have one guy, not fat at all, that smells very very foul.
His file folder is full of complaints from customers.
I hated having him in my inventories since I had to deal with the smell and
the complaints from store employees.
At the end of inventories we have the store manager have to fill out an evaluation of our performance (PIQA) on the portable in private.
Anything 3 or less (scale of 1-5) is brought to our attention by management the next day or so.
The most common complaint I would get is this guy's BO.
You would think someone like this would get fired. RGIS is so hard up for people it takes a special kind of retard to be fired.
Dude, this stuff is fucking hilarious. I was told about your blog and have been enjoying the stories. As a former HQ employee, who was privvy to a ton of ongoing problems in the field, I can better understand why there were always revisions being made to the Auditors Handbook. The California lawsuit you mentioned in an earlier posting was pretty much swept under the rug at HQ, but there were rumors of the amount of the payout ($20 million).
Since you're providing me with so much enjoyment, I feel it my duty to let you know that I've also been told that you are now a target of the RGIS brass and legal actions may be underway because of your postings of real names and RGIS copyrighted documents. Watch your back, this company has no regard for ANY of its present employees, let alone someone who badmouths them in public. Until then, I'll keep coming back for more laughs and updates.
Oh Misfit, every time you write about Mondo I think of more Fat Bastard stories.
When he was still a Manager Trainee and still acting like he was a nice person me and another TL rode up to a wedding with him. One of the managers in the office got married and her family lived in New Hampshire so alot of us car pooled. Anyway we went to this wedding with him and sat down to a lovely dinner. He pushed his salad away and I asked him if why he wasn't eating and he replied that he didn't like vegetables. (Surprise!) All he ate was the meat and dessert. I don't eat dessert so I gave him mine which he happily accepted.
Another time we were in a large department store and a couple of us were going out for dinner and he asked us to pick up a large chicken salad sandwich with a large order of potato chips for him. Watching him eat that sandwich was the funniest thing, it was like watching a cartoon character. The chicken salad was in one of those foot long rolls. He stuck one end in his mouth and it just slowly made its way all the way in until it was gone. I don't think he took a breath.
Ok, one more. We were counting this party store one day and I had gone in with the early crew to do the backroom. Well, after about 8 hours of counting there was still alot of the salesfloor remaining and I was very tired and wanted to home. I hinted around to FB, but he would have nothing of it. So I thought and I thought and then I went up to him and said "if you let me go now, I will go to McDonalds (which was close by), and buy you supper. Those turned out to be the magic words, only thing being I should have realized that buying him supper was going to cost me about an hours pay.
The biggest difference between your Mondo and my FB is that at least my FB was very clean. I think he must have spent a small fortune on clothes because they all fit very well and if you are that big then you have to go to a speciality store (i.e. Tents R Us) to be fitted. He did have good personel hygiene. I guess the garden hose worked well.
On your last blog, a couple of people mentioned a pay cap. I hope we hear more about that. That would be outrageous, especially seeing that RGIS doesn't provide anyone with any other benefits to make up for no raises. Aren't they concerned about morale. Oh, forget that I asked that, I already know that answer.
....you NorCal guys are nuts :P
the refugee: Lol! Loved the part about the giant janitor and his tiny car. And the auditor who didn't bathe because she was afraid of rusting? Huh? What was she made out of, tin or steel? Weird!
anon. at 1:52 pm: Welcome to my blog! I hope you'll continue to read, and to post your comments as well.
anon. at 2:24 pm: I believe haz-mat refers to hazardous materials. Usually, if there's something suspicious or otherwise dangerous that needs to be cleaned up, a hazardous materials crew will be called to take care of it.
catty: That guy does sound a lot like Mondo. He too has a personnel file full of complaints about his body odor. Of course, as you noted, he hasn't been fired because RGIS is always so hard up for warm bodies that they can scarcely afford to let anyone go, even the foul ones.
anon. at 1:14 pm: Oh dear, a big bad corporation like RGIS is afraid of a little ol' blog like this one? Sounds like someone's ashamed of all the skeletons in their district closets! But it doesn't surprise me. I see that someone in Auburn Hills, Michigan has been reading my blog an awful lot. Guess they don't have anything better to do at HQ.
jkat: I love your Fat Bastard stories! They're hilarious. When you described him eating that chicken sandwich, I could almost picture it disappearing down his throat, like it was on a conveyor belt or something. Of course, I don't know what FB looks like. I just sort of pictured him of course enormous, with oily black hair pasted down on his head, and for some reason with a pencil thin moustache.
You could start a blog of your own with just the FB material alone. But...oh dear, according to the post above yours, then that would mean big bad RGIS might be after you too! Eeeekk!!!
Thanks to all those who responded about the wage cap in the last posting. I think its hillarious that there are so many different versions going in the field. The whole issue about a new review system where we are rated after 50 stores is out there in our district as well. No real definition of exactly how that works. We were told that it was supposed to start in May, but don't think that has happened yet. Now when we ask the questions we get the dodge the bullet answer. My favorite thing I've just heard is that the whole RGIS management staff is going to Disneyworld for a 4-day meeting to boost field manager morale. There we go...does mondo really deserve to go to Disneyworld. The money has got to come from somewhere.
To anon. from HQ, Oh please!!!!
It is more than past time for HQ to take a serious look at this blog instead of going after the blogger. You should "never kill the messenger". It is time that they took a serious look at why people do not stay at this job for very long, to address things like favoritism. You have TL's running stores with no extra benefits. They are earning the managers their bonuses and that is it. You can never ever get a straight answer to any questions or have any of your concerns addressed. They always tell you they will address it, but never do. The auditors in the past few years have lost their medical, their bonuses, their travel pays, and now they are playing games with raises. Let's face it folks, this company would not exist without its auditors. All you would have is a huge group of managers and no one doing the actual work. The auditors are the core of this company and the most under appreciated of all the employees. The best AM's and DM's would be nothing without the auditors who are out in the field doing the actual grunt work. The big boys get their bonuses, their medical, their company vehicles, their raises, etc. Isn't it about time HQ finally took a look at the actual work force instead of always making cuts to the group that is doing the work? No, anon.
This company should be thankful for a blog that can actually open their eyes to what goes on in their districts and how the work force morale is at an all time low.
Way too many of the districts are operating like 3 ring circuses with Bozo the Clowns at their helm.
It is more than time that they face the fact that we can't keep our employees for very long and it is because of situations like the ones described in this blog. When you have people like misfit's Joe and JKat's FB who take pleasure in demeaning anyone who isn't considered one of 'their own', you should be able to go to your DM and complain and have your complaint seriously looked at like in every other company in operation in this country. We do have a policy against harassment of any kind but....you have no one to go to if you have a legitimate complaint. Get real, anon.!!!!
If these new owners truly want a company that operates well, to maintain its experienced workforce, and to keep people we spend so much money training and hiring, then they need to address the concerns of their workforce. Going after a blogger might stop the blog but it will not cure the problems out in the field and the discontent of most of the workforce except of course for the 'favorites'. And one more word about Team Leaders. These people do take on a lot of extra responsibility and what do they get for it?? They can run hundreds of stores for them, earn them good percentages, and if they feel like playing dirty with them, they do. Yet...think about it HQ, if you are reading this blog.....
your Districts would be in serious trouble without your Team Leaders.
If you have 15 stores scheduled in one day in January and only 3 managers, who will run those stores? In my District, people run so fast in the opposite direction when they are approached to be Team Leaders, you can see their dust. And you know why??
Because they see the lack of appreciation for the existing TL's.
These are the problems folks. You may not like what you are reading, but this is what is going on out there. You want straight answers, send out questionnaires to your workforce. They were sent out last year but they had to be returned to the Districts to send onto HQ. Guess what?? They only forwarded the good ones. Send them out so that they can be sent back to HQ directly. That should give you some idea what is going on and the extent to which the company morale is sinking daily.
anon. at 7:28 pm: You hit the nail right on the head, and said it much better than I could have. Thank you very much.
Auditors have lost their travel pay? OMG, can RGIS screw over their auditors any more than they already have? What are they trying to do, run this company into the ground?
Again, thanks very much Anon. Your comments were dead on accurate. Well done!
Misfit, the travel pay still exists in California. Apparently, California has much more strict labor laws than a lot of the other states. When we lost our travel pay here over a year ago, we were told California would maintain theirs. And thanks for your good words. It all needed to be said.
Going after a blogger would only be an attempt to sweep the problems under the rug and not fix them.
Travel pay did not exactly go away. They changed it to minimum wage, but paid only after the first hour in each direction. So if you spend 1.3 hours traveling in each direction, you get paid 0.6 hours at minimum wage.
For those who have been away for a while, they also changed the minimum. It used to be you were paid a minimum of three hours in a day, so if you worked 1.5 hours in the morning and another three hours in the evening, you were paid for the 4.5 hours you actually worked.
Now the minimum is two hours, but it's per store (unless it's scheduled as a run). So 1.5 hours in the morning and 1.8 hours in the evening gets you 4.0 hours pay.
From what I understand, the managers are getting hit, too. I heard they started putting gas for the vans as controllable expenses, so they are effectively paying for at least a part of the gas they use. And with the consolidation of offices and elimination of small districts, there is more travel, and therefore more gas used.
Refugee, in our District, everything is within an hour's drive so effectively, the travel pay has been eliminated for everyone but the designated driver.
If we drive 1 hr away, the driver still gets travel and auto, but no one else in the car does. It has caused a lot of people to refuse travel stores. As far as the 2 hr rule, it is still 3 in Massachusetts. Mass. labor laws did not allow for less than 3. Also, by Mass. labor laws, we are paid weekly and not bi-weekly. The labor laws do not allow for bi-weekly pays unless you are salaried. So, the auditors get paid weekly and the managers, bi-weekly. They had given us the 2 hr. form to sign then told us to throw them out because Mass. law states you must pay for 3 hrs.
So, some rules may be slightly different depending on where you are working. Fortunately, they still have to follow each state's labor laws.
the refugee: It just sounds like RGIS is getting worse and worse. Why oh why would anyone stay with this company? Is the flexible scheduling (really the only benefit, since of course auditors have no medical or dental) really worth it? I don't think so.
I think Mondo's excuse for not bathing(can't fit in the tub) is a load of crap. My impression is that he doesn't care about hygiene at all. If personal hygiene mattered at all to Mondo, he'd find a way to get it done. Mondo has probably been fat and disgusting since the day he was born, and he is content with himself, so he feels no need to change. Why didn't somebody bring in a can of air freshener and spray him with it, or push his lardass into any source of water.
Mondo's excuse for not bathing(he can't fit in the tub)seems like a load of crap! He just doesn't care about his hygiene. If he did care, and he couldn't bathe like a normal person, he'd find a way to get it done. I'm not at all surprised that he hasn't been fired due to all the complaints he's received from other auditors, as well as customers on this issue. Most companies would have washed their hands of a loser like Mondo years ago, but RGIS is the one place where someone who smells like the county dump can thrive if there is a need to be filled, as seems to be the case with Mondo as a productive auditor, and TL. If a newer less productive auditor was in the same situation, he would have been asked to clean up his act, and if this was not done, he'd be placed on the shit list, and not get scheduled for months at a time, until the district was desperate, like in January. A meth addict with 20 no-shows who can count like the wind when he does show up has more job security at RGIS than a clean, punctual person of average ability. It's frustrating, but until this company stops obsessing about productivity, nothing will change.
Mondo's excuse for not bathing(he can't fit in the tub)seems like a load of crap! He just doesn't care about his hygiene. If he did care, and he couldn't bathe like a normal person, he'd find a way to get it done. I'm not at all surprised that he hasn't been fired from all the complaints he's received from other auditors, as well as customers on this issue. Most companies would have washed their hands of a loser like Mondo years ago, but RGIS is the one place where someone who smells like the county dump can thrive if there is a need to be filled, as seems to be the case with Mondo as a productive auditor, and TL. If a newer less productive auditor was in the same situation, he would have been asked to clean up his act, and if this was not done, he'd be placed on the shit list, and not get scheduled for months at a time, until the district was desperate, like in January. A meth addict with 20 no-shows who can count like the wind when he does show up has more job security at RGIS than a clean, punctual person of average ability. It's frustrating, but until this company stops obsessing about productivity, nothing will change.
We had a guy that was easily pushing 300 lbs on our crew for about 2 months. He earned the nickname "Chicken Sandwich" since EVERY time we finished a store and piled into the van to leave, he wanted to find the nearest Subway or KFC or generic chicken joint and get FOUR or FIVE chicken sandwiches...
Misfit, you won't believe this. One of the auditors who now works in my district had transfered here from.....District 414.
I won't mention the person's name(for privacy), but after one inventory we were both working at, I asked the auditor about the district and some of the people mentioned in the blog.
I mentioned Mondo, who was easily remembered and your description was dead-on. Especially about his fat body and odor. Some of the others were not as well remembered by this person. Although I didn't go into great detail about the blog's contents, my co-worker had a much more positive impression of District 414. You might be quick to call this person a Friend of Joe, but when I mentioned him, this person did not know who he was. Maybe that lead to the more positive impression. I was also told that Mondo is no longer running stores. I was shocked at how he remained silent when questioned by the irate store manager. If I were him, I would have at least spoke to the crew and insist that they focus on details needed to count accurately. You might claim that to be a waste of time, but by not addressing the manager's concerns, Mondo gave an impression of incompetence. This is why the inventory was cancelled abruptly. When that happens, it creates major issues because the auditors still have to be paid for the time they worked, and the client may refuse to pay since the job was not completed. I hope Lardass Mondo got chewed out because he cost RGIS money by staring at the floor.
anon. at 11:16 pm: Hey, thanks so much! for that info. That was really interesting, what you wrote. Thanks for confirming the info about Odious Mondo. See guys, it wasn't just me! Mondo was horrible at running stores, and horrible at taking care of his hygiene. And anon, you're absolutely right about how Mondo should have done more than just stare at the floor when the store manager complained. Believe me, this happened more than once with Mondo. That's one of the reasons why he's never progressed further than TL (except for that ill-fated AM promotion that only lasted a couple of weeks). He's a mess.
You know, probably the reason why this new auditor in your district had a more positive attitude about Dist. 414 was because he/she came in after all the bad managers left. I don't know who's running the district now, but whoever it is, they HAVE to be better than those guys who were there in the past.
Oh, Mondo probably got chewed out, but he knew that the district was always so hard up for warm bodies to fill stores that he could pretty much screw up all the time and never get fired. Yet!
Fat gross stinking pig
Incompetent on the job
Will not ever change
raiderhater: I'm not usually a fan of poetry but yours? A+!!! Thanks for the laugh. :-)
Holy shit man!! I laughed so hard I started to cry!!
Awesome site.. ive been laughing my ass of for the past hour.
so i started work at a new district. and guess who one of the TLs is (not sure if its the same guy)..MONDO. Sounds the same.. about 350 on a good day.
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