Saturday, April 18, 2009

Our Customer's Customers

Most of the inventories that I did for RGIS were either before or after store hours. That is, the store would be closed to customers while we peons, er, auditors counted the merchandise. However, for whatever reason some stores chose to have us inventory their stock while the store was open for business. That kind of inventory could be a headache or a hilarity, or both. A headache because if it was one of those inventories where a lot of verifying would be done then “mistakes” in counting were bound to occur. I mean, if an auditor is counting merchandise and a customer comes along and takes an item that was just counted then of course your totals are going to be off. Or if a customer pulls some items out of one department, wanders around the store for awhile, decides that she doesn’t want those items and then just dumps them in a different part of the store then the counts are going to be off in two different areas. To us RGIS people it would be clear that incidents like this were bound to occur and we wouldn’t expect to have perfect counts. However, to some thick-headed store personnel something so glaringly obvious just never crossed their minds as a possible happening and the areas in question would need to be recounted. Ooh, fun!

But sometimes having the store’s customers shopping right along with us counting could be funny too, in a weird sort of way. I remember this one time when I was doing an inventory at a Toyworks (local independent toy store). It was late morning, and I think I was counting all the Brio or Playmobil or some such crap. This little boy was in the store with his mom. They spent around 15 or 20 minutes in the store and the whole time they were there the little boy kept following his mom around the store saying, “Mama, my butt itches. Mama, my butt itches. Mama, my butt itches.” On and on and on, over and over and over again, for 20 minutes! Jesus. After hearing this for just a few minutes I wanted to yell at the kid, “Well then for Christ sakes, scratch your damn ass!” But of course you can’t say that to a little kid, can you? At least, not if you’re wearing a RGIS polo and counting wooden trains in a toy store. The whole time the kid was complaining about his itchy ass his mom never said a word. Sometimes I wonder if now, years later, the kid is still saying it.

Another kid incident happened when I was counting in an Albertson’s grocery store. This inventory was at night (start time 8:00 PM). I think the store closed at midnight, or maybe it was open 24 hours. Anyway, it was around 9:00 PM or so and I was counting dairy, or soda, or something in the cold cases. A little kid around 9 or 10 came running into my area to grab something. He, for some bizarre reason, wasn’t wearing shoes and was just in his socks. I guess the floor must have been highly waxed because when he reached the section I was counting he must have slid about 10 feet before he landed right on his butt (ass comes into play again). I asked the kid, “Hey, are you all right?” He just laughed kind of embarrassedly and said, “Yeah, I’m okay” before standing up and grabbing whatever it was he had come into the store for and leaving. Walking, not running this time.

At another Albertson’s I was counting some canned goods when these two young men came in late one night and asked me where the condoms were. I hadn’t even been in the OTC that night so I said I wasn’t sure. I explained to them that I wasn’t a store employee, I was only there doing inventory. One of the young men said very snottily to me, “Well, if you’re doing inventory then you should know where everything is, right?” Oh, really? Everything? Because little old me counted every damn thing in the whole supermarket, is that it? Me, one person, counted every single piece of merchandise in the whole goddamn place, is that what you’re thinking? You snotty little shit. But once again of course I couldn’t say what I really wanted to, since I was wearing that damn RGIS polo. So I just suggested very politely (gag) that they should check with the store personnel. They stomped off in a huff. And good evening to you too! Jerks.

Then at yet another Albertson’s (what’s with that store and their customers?) we were doing an inventory after store hours. You’d think that would keep us safe from the store’s customers but not that night. A group of teenagers came to the front door of the store and tried to get in. They were confused because:

1. All the lights in the store were on.
2. They could see people (RGIS drones) inside.
3. The doors wouldn’t open.

They started banging on the front doors and yelling something unintelligible. The store manager was in the back room so our RGIS AM went to the door and told the kids through the glass doors that the store was closed. The kids grumbled a bit and then went away. We thought that was the end of it until a few minutes later. I was counting the stuff at one of the checkout stands when I heard banging on the glass doors again. I looked up and was treated to the sight of some pressed ham under glass. That’s right, three teenagers were mooning us with their bare asses. They did so for a couple of seconds, laughed uproariously and ran off. Oh my God, I just realized. That’s another ass story!

Finally, I was counting some OTC at a Long’s Drugs once, and a store clerk was in the same aisle chatting to me about something. An old man appeared at the front of the aisle; he stood with his feet planted firmly and absolutely shouted out the word “TYLENOL!” Not, “Excuse, me, where’s the Tylenol?” or “Do you know where the Tylenol is?” but just “TYLENOL!” at the top of his lungs. The clerk turned to the guy and calmly said to him, “Are you giving a testimonial as to the wonders of Tylenol, and how much you love it? Or were you looking to buy a box of it?” The old man blinked and screamed just as loudly, “WHERE DO YOU KEEP THE TYLENOL?” The store clerk showed the old man where the pain relievers were, and then came back to me and told me that that sort of thing happens all the time, so when it does he usually liked to have some fun with the customer first. He said that the customers almost never had a sense of humor and never got the jokes. Oh well, at least he never got mooned at work.


Countess said...

I remember once in a Sear's after about a dozen customers had come up to ask a bunch of questions about what we were doing, i finally told one of them that we were scanning the merchandise to prepare for a big sale and the next day everything would be 50% off. Too bad that store was three hours from home, I would have loved to see the fallout the next day when that customer came back.

Another favorite is telling the "twenty questions" type customers that the yellow tags are part of a scavenger hunt and there is a large cash prize for whoever brings back the most.

The Misfit said...

Countess: OMFG, those are hilarious! God, I wish I had thought of those things to say, especially the 50% off-the-next-day thing, because it's something that you know would cause a lot of trouble but you wouldn't be around the store to get blamed for it.

Anonymous said...

Grocery stores are sometimes the scene of conflicts between store customers and RGIS employees. A few years ago in an Albertson's, I actually got yelled at and cussed out by a customer looking for bags of dried fruit.

I had vaguely overheard the customer (an obnoxious redneck type) asking questions of other RGIS employees in adjacent isles, and I know they explained to him that they did not work for the store and couldn't help him in his search. I was not too surprised when he found me atop my step stool, counting soup cans.

He asked me, "Where's the goddamn dried fruit?" Since I really wasn't sure, I told him to try the baking isle or the produce section, and I repeated that I "wasn't sure, because I don't actually work for the store." He started toward me with "For chrissakes, all I want is some #@%$ing dried cherries, why can't you @22holes tell me where they are?! DO ANY OF YOU #@%$ERS KNOW WHERE ANYTHING IS AT?!! GOD DAMMIT, ANYTHING AT ALL??!!

I have to admit I was a little shocked by his overreaction. "No." I said. He stood there scowling at me for a few seconds, fists clenched, and then turned and walked away muttering under his breath, shooting a few scowls my way until he was out of sight.

Being exhausted, and generally fed up with RGIS at this point in time, I wasn't too concerned about any potential fallout from this obviously irate customer. And being somewhat of an obnoxious sort myself, his behavior wasn't too much of a shock for me. It did, however, mark a turning point in my RGIS career...

I decided that, exhausted as I was, I just couldn't afford to bother myself with these type of interactions with customers any longer. I had always tried to help customers. I always gave customers the benefit of the doubt, but this was one was just too much. It was the incident that broke the proverbial pudding/jell-o counter's back.

I started to wonder, what could I do in the future to get these idiot customers off my back? Half way through the Chunky soup section it hit me... "I know!" I though to myself... "Whenever a customer asks me a question, I will answer them in Russian!" And from that day onward, I no longer had a single problem with customers, other than very minor interruptions.

Wreju said...

Great post!

A few years ago, we were counting a Heatons (clothing store in merry ol' Ireland). I was on top of a ladder, bored senseless, single scanning a rack of t-shirts. As soon as I stepped off the ladder, I felt something smack me in the head. I turned around and some kid is standing there laughing. He'd thrown a football at my head! I walked towards him, as to chase him off and he ran away. Little bastard.

In the same store, I was in my first area. Multi scanning plates and cups etc, when this elderly woman came along. She asked me what I was doing, I replied "we're doing a stocktake". She says "okay" and then goes about her business. A few minutes later, she comes along again, looking at the plates. She looks up at me and says "Jesus boy, you're really annoying me with that calculator" (the constant banging of my wicked cool 6K skills :P). I told her I was doing my job so she walked off. A few more minutes pass and she comes back with the store manager, wanting to make a complaint! What a bitch! Luckily, the manager just sweet talked her and eventually left me alone.

Another one. Funny, as I'm typing, more horrible customer stories are coming back to me! We were counting another Heatons (our biggest customer over here) in Galway (I think). I was scanning away, minding my own business, when some American guy and his kid suddenly appeared. The thing is, he didn't actually see me (I was on my knees counting the bottom shelf - I could hear his accent from the next aisle). He went to the end of the aisle, looked around to make sure nobody was near, and let out the loudest and probably wettest fart I've ever heard in my life. I pissed myself laughing, then popped my head around the corner. This poor guy looked so embarassed! Quick as a flash, he says to his kid "Oh man!!! You stink!". Yeah, he blamed his poor kid. I was laughing to myself about that for the rest of the night. There you go Misfit, another ass story ;)

Texas Auditor said...

Back when we still had the Whole Foods account, we had to do an inventory there on Easter Sunday. As it was the only grocery store open that evening it was packed, and had a lot of customers that don't usually shop there. I was at the fake dairy case, counting the soy cheese, corn oil cheese, almond cheese (and for all I know, toe cheese) and such. This customer comes up behind me and asks "Do they have any *real* cheese in this place?" My response "I don't know, I've never seen any. Let me see if I can get a store employee to help you find it."

And speaking of, how many of you have called for customer service and seen all the store employees in sight immediately turn and quickly walk away?

Then there was a time I was at Lowe's counting sink faucet parts. A customer came up looking for a part and fortunately a Lowe's employee was too close to get away. Unfortunately, the employee new damn all about plumbing, and left promising to return with someone more knowledgeable. So the customer drags a stepstool in front of the area and sits on it, announcing that he isn't moving until he gets some help.

Fortunately, he was pretty quick on the uptake, realizing that I didn't work for Lowe's and that I was politely waiting for him to move so I could get back to work. He only delayed me about another 15 seconds before moving.

I don't have any good Albertson's stories, because there are only 2 left in our district, both in outlying communities. One of them should be closing down in a few years when HEB (our regional and much cheaper grocery chain) gets them bracketed.

Oh, and we don't have any Kmarts in our district.

The Misfit said...

Anonymous: Hah! The guy looking for the dried fruit was probably "backed up" and really needed his prunes, thus his agitated state. Don't you wish you could have said something like that to him, like "Oh, hey mister, why all the fuss? You must be REALLY constipated, huh?" Where's Countess when we need her? Oh well. I like your solution too, to speak in Russian. That's great. :-)

Wreju: Oh man, that guy actually blamed his poor little kid for his own gas? I thought people only did that with their dogs. That kid's got to be so confused...

Texas Auditor: That guy with the stepstool was funny. Hey, that wasn't your stepstool, was it? And no Kmarts? I guess they're disappearing slowly too, like a lot of other department stores. Bye bye Mervyn's, Gottschalk's, etc.

404girl said...

Texas Auditor: There's been a few Home Depots where my ex-coworkers have reportedly told customers to go to Lowe's because the customer service is so bad.

Don't really have any funny customer stories from my RGIS days...other than a couple of customers bitching about we should do inventory when the store (Home Depot) is closed, or a couple of them saying a bunch of assorted numbers randomly to throw us off. Hate that.

I do have a semi-interesting one with my current employer. I was in the middle of counting the pet food aisle at a Grocery Outlet when...

Lady: Do you have to count everything in the entire store?

Me: Yes, ma'am. We do.

Lady: Why?

Me: (thinking) Good question. (speaking) Because it's our job.

Lady: Oh, I feel so sorry for you. (leaves)

Richard said...

Well I have an Albertsons Story. We showed up one evening set up and started to count. The store was expecting us they had no problem with us being there.
THEN someone decided to call the Store manager, who was at home. He had forgotten the inventory. Our DM was on vacation so the supervisor went higher, so after 45 minutes of counting we were told to get out as fast as we could.
Oh well good to have that 2 hour minimum.

By the way any of you USA counters see those store bonuses? I got $2.10 extra tonight, I might be able to by a soda with that.

Sir Batchalot said...

Haha I liked when customers were shopping while we were counting.
That way if my count was off in an area I could always blame it on a customer. Even if I knew no customers were near my area.

It's also great when you get the 1000th "Wow youre fast on that machine" as you are keying in a grocery store.

It's also great when a customer gets told you're with an outside inventory crew only to go another rgis employee and ask the same question.

Texas Auditor said...

Misfit: It was the one I'd been using, but I had counted down to eye level at that point. That was before I decided to buy my own.

Oh, and in reference to customers messing up counts, one time Walmart tried to tag my wife with an error. We were counting the drink aisle, I was on the soda side and she was doing the bottled water and juices. She finished her side and moved on, and shortly thereafter a customer came by and put an entire shelf of bottled water into his basket. Fortunately, I was still finishing up my last area when the Walmart crew DM and one of the Walmart managers came by to check it out, so I was able to explain what happened.

But I've seen more problems like that caused by store employees than customers. At a different Walmart, they tried to nail me with an error because a Walmart employee rearranged OTC after we had counted it. Fortunately, she owned up to it.

The worst was this one golf store. They had employees verifying the piece counts, then they had 100% printouts. For some reason, 2 of them were dogging me, with one verifying the rest of the crew. They couldn't count worth a damn, I ended up deleting a couple of areas and recounting them (getting the exact same results) just to satisfy them. And they were practically glued to my posterior. I would get to the end of the top shelf, go back to start the next, and they would be in my way trying to count right behind me. Then, having realized their extreme deficiency in counting accurately, they started moving stuff from shelf to shelf to make it easier for them. (100% printouts, remember?) At that point I had to go hunt down the TL running the store, who was walking the store with the managers, and ask to speak with her privately.

We had finished the backroom and had started the salesfloor early. Our TL managed to not-so-subtly educate the store employees in the guise of briefing the rest of our crew after they arrived for the sales floor.

Anonymous: I've seen the occasional customer going from one RGIS employee to another asking the same question, and while some get annoyed I've never seen anyone get as pissed off as yours. I'll admit, I've been tempted to brush up on high school German in order to answer customers, especially the ones that talk to me in Spanish.

I was in a Walmart down on the border when a customer asked me a question in Spanish, and I replied that I didn't understand what he was saying. He responded, in perfect English "Then what are you doing here?"

o t l said...

On my very first store inventory many, many years ago,and in the very first aisle I ever counted, a lady with a baby in the shopping cart passed by. The baby promptly threw up on the floor. The lady looked at me and said:"Well, aren`t you going to clean it up?"Being new, and overly and cautiously polite, I told her that I didn`t work for the store, and she walked off in a huff,saying that she was going to report me to the store manager.( Nothing ever happened.)I thought to myself at that time, "What the hell kind of job am I getting into?" Nothing like that has ever happened
since, but if it did, being a grizzled veteran, I`d probably tell the person to F*ck off and clean the mess up herself in no uncertain terms!

herpules said...

I haven't had much trouble caused by customer purchases during the day in a grocery store. To be honest, no customer can ever damage our counts as much as we damage our counts.

And sometimes the simplest responses are the most effective.

"Are you folks doing... inventory?"
"Nope! We're doing your mom."

Anonymous said...

I prefer not having to deal with customers but sometimes it's inevitable. I try to be cordial and tell them I work for an outside company and even try to direct them to a store employee (something I do less of since the new obsession with ASET levels effectively punishes you for doing stuff like that)

At a Wal Mart Cost some teens decided to be cute and swap some of our area tags around. That was fun to try to figure out when the store wanted recounts. -- In Illinois (not sure if still true) their food stamp program resets benefits at the first of the month for EVERYONE at midnight so shortly before then you'd have a mad-dash of food stamp customers, some even in pajamas, racing in fighting for the best steaks and hams while you're trying to count them.

Dollar Tree customers are the worst -- I tried to tell one person I didn't work here and he's like, "You're LYING!". I just glare at the guy after that. -- I hear one customer yell out, "Why doesn't anyone know where anything is in this f*ing store!' (obviously he kept asking red-shirts) -- One old lady, instead of asking me to move out of the way decided she's going to try to CLIMB OVER me and tripped over me instead.

Dollar Tree employees aren't much better -- a co-worker nearly sliced his arm open on a box cutter that was left blade-out buried within the merchandise. He told an employee what he found and the employee was like, "Learn how to use a box cutter moron!" then walked away. Co-worker went to the bathroom to try to calm his anger and ended up ripping the toilet paper holder off the wall (never got caught -- told me later what he did)

Not just the 'poor' stores have poor manners. -- I had a special RGIS Christmas-help project at Macy's where we're straightening merchandise after customers mess them up. My co-worker had been folding a lower shelf. Fat lady holding up garments to a mirror and blows a huge fart right next to his face, then she grunts. Furious, the co-worker had to say SOMETHING to this woman .. what came out was, "Why aren't you at Wal Mart!" -- He received a complaint from that and was sent home early but wasn't fired.

The Misfit said...

Texas Auditor: "And they were practically glued to my posterior. I would get to the end of the top shelf, go back to start the next, and they would be in my way trying to count right behind me." OMG, I used to hate that, when the store managers would have their people recount our areas like that. That happened all the time at Best Buy. It was the worst there, and not just for a couple of auditors, for all of us.

Best Buy would assign one of their employees to every RGIS auditor, and it was his job to annoy, er, recount every area we did. Those guys had no idea whatsoever about personal space. The second we finished scanning a CD or DVD section and signed off the ticket they'd be right in there recounting, while we were standing right next to them trying to scan the next section. And what's even worse, WHILE we were scanning items our own personal BB dude would stand right behind us and watch us to make sure we were scanning correctly (not batching). I mean, one guy's balls were like an inch from my ass. Can you say harassment? Can we talk about someone literally and figuratively breathing down your neck? Aaaarrgggh!!! It was so bad that I had to speak to my dist. AM and beg him to get these guys to back off a little. He did eventually speak to the store manager and he allowed that maybe his employees were a bit too eager to watch and verify. He said he would ask them to not stand so close to us, and hold off on verifying the second we were through. Damn.

Anon: Your Dollar Tree experiences were awful! And that box cutter incident: that DT employee, what a jerk. Your friend should have turned him in to the store manager.

Texas Auditor said...

Misfit: Yeah, I hear you on Best Buy, though sometimes I had the opposite problem. There were a lot of areas we weren't allowed to count without our personal babysitter in attendance, and too often I'd get one that kept wandering off. One good thing is that they would usually empty out all the locked cases and set everything on the floor with the barcodes facing up.

I'd have to say all in all the worst customers I've dealt with were at Walmart. One time I was on a crafts aisle, on the floor counting the bottom shelf, when this woman comes rolling up behind me on a scooter and yells out "If you don't get out of my way I'm going to run you over."

At another Walmart I was counting an area of Louis L'Amour novels when an elderly man on a walker came up. So I politely stepped out of his way, and he spent a solid half hour picking out which book he wanted. Every few minutes he'd look like he was about to move on, but then he'd change his mind. Then as soon as he left, a woman took his place and spent another 10 minutes there.

One customer managed to piss off an entire flow without even being in the store, and maybe hadn't been in the store for as much as a week. Some moron had gotten a package of meat, decided they didn't want it, and left on the bottom shelf of an OTC endcap on top of one of the cardboard displays. So the first RGIS counter coming out of grocery pulled the display out to count it, the package fell and split open, and the aroma of long-rotten meat filled the air just in time for the rest of the grocery flow to show up. Luckily, grocery went a little slow that day, so we only had to endure it a few minutes before breaking for lunch. It had cleared up by the time we got back.

Anon: We don't have that much problem with Dollar Trees here. The customers are no more than average idiotic, and the local DT district manager quickly got the point that the better the prep the more accurate the inventory will be. So he pushes his people, and I've heard him chewing out the occasional store manager for not doing a good job. He once even interrupted the briefing to apologize to us for the shape the store was in.

There is one Dollar Tree I won't go back to, though. While we were there, some homeless guy kept trying to get in, someone popped the lock cylinder out of the driver's door of my truck trying to break in, and a couple of guys robbed two other stores in the same shopping center.

Anonymous said...

Real simple solution. Had an employee the other night at Borders or Barnes and Noble that was getting to close to me. I said to the person that they might not want to stand there. That is where my ladder ends up when it pick it up and move it quickly. The person moved and gave me more space. That is the nice solution. The other solution is to quickly back up after finishing an area and knocking the heck out of the BB employee. I try the first on first. Then I say excuse me after bumping into them.

The Misfit said...

Texas Auditor: That guy in the Louis L'Amour books...did you ever get the feeling people do that stuff sometimes just to annoy you, or anyone else around? You know, like some kind of passive-aggressive thing? He knows he's irritating you by being there, in your way, so he's going to take an extra long time doing whatever he's doing. I sometimes get that feeling when I'm shopping in a supermarket, and some lady spends forever picking out a box of cookies or something.

Eeeuww...rotted meat. I guess that's worse than a can of something with maggots pouring out of it, yes? I had the opportunity to see that little lovely in a Long's Drugs inventory. I don't remember what was in the can but I do remember picking it up, turning it around and seeing maggots streaming out of a hole in the can. "Maggot check!"

Anon: "The other solution is to quickly back up after finishing an area and knocking the heck out of the BB employee." Lol, I'd be afraid if I did that then the BB guy might get some kind of weird thrill out of the contact. By the way, how many times did you have to do that before the guy got the message?

Anonymous said...

Once....and only once.

Texas Auditor said...

Misfit: I'm pretty sure the guy shopping books was just old, decrepit, and indecisive, but there has been an occasional customer that seemed to take pleasure in being in the way.

Can't say that I've ever had a maggot check, but I did once yell out "Mouse Check!" in a Big Lots. It was nesting in a box of extension cords. When the Big Lots employee showed up I told him I tried to scan it but it was just too fast for me.

Caligirl said...

After working for RGIS for so many years, and dealing with customers who just wouldn't believe we didn't work for the store, we made up a game where whenever a customer would come up to anyone in our district and ask us were something was located, we would make up an aisle and then take bets to see if the person was right. It was great fun, but a lot of times the people would come back angry and tell us we were wrong. Man that game was always good for a laugh.

Anonymous said...

Hi UK Anon here.

Havent posted for a while but I thought I would post this as it concerns Blackstone Group which I understand is the parent company of RGIS.

In the UK press it is being reported the the Blackstone Group are interested in buying the nationalised British bank, Northern Rock, which went bust last year and had to be bailed out by the UK Government.

Hello5 said...

Try doing a national chain children store on Saturday in a Hasidic Jewish neighborhood. The store is never open on Saturday but HQ insists you start it at 6am. You have sneak in because if the Jewish neighborhood found out they were doing work in the store on the Sabbath they would (and have) boycotted it.

How come every time I do a grocery store at least one customer thinks I'm from the Health Department inspecting the food?

Or those stores that are never open on Sunday but they bang and bang on the door to try to get "just one thing".

"What's this yellow tag for?"
"Oh you can get 50% off any one item"

RGIBS said...

It's actually not very funny in print, but makes for a great anecdote while counting, but my favourite customer encounter was in a small independent grocery store out in the middle of nowhere.

This lady walks up to me while I'm counting something and asks:

"Excuse me, where's the shake and bake?" (I think that's what it was anyway.

I politely explain that I don't really work there and, apparently without taking any of it in, she immediately responds:

"Oh, you're new. Where's Cathy?"

I warned you that it wasn't as funny in print.

RGIBS said...

Maggot Check? Yup, once in a Pets Unlimited, which also had a mouse check and rat check on other days.

Oh, and there was this other store in some other part of the middle of nowhere where I saw this little white blur, too big to be a mouse check, but too small to be a cat check. Come to find out it was actually a ferret check. It's never really been properly explained to us how the ferret got in, or what it was doing there.

Hello5 said...

New Auditor to Team Buddy (remember those) in Pet Store:
"How do we count the fish?"

Team Buddy:"Hold up your yellow tag against the glass and as they swim by count them."

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if you can quit and collect unemployment for such a big paycut? I live in PA

Anonymous said...


Very highly doubtful. You can't quit any job and expect to make money.

Unemployment is for those who are not working involuntarily.

You can even get denied unemployment if you get fired in certain instances (insubordination, failure to do your job, etc).

MagicFingers said...

Yes, I'm randomly posting, will read your blog post after this, I pwomise...

Can't say I've done it recently, haven't had a portable in a couple years. Back when I was a gray shirt another ATL (defunct "Assistant Team Leader") or Team Leader had their portable's resolution change on them. I thought they had figured out a way to get into the control panel, so me, with a ton of free time on my hands decided to figure out a way to do it. I'm told there's easier ways, a shortcut command to use that FSC communicates to have troubleshoot advanced issues, but for me, I went through the calculator.

Back before they showed us where the mouse was it was kind of difficult, but I managed to view the license info in the about part of the calculator. This opened up the notepad program, and through that I wasn't able to do what I wanted, but did realize that the notepad program could be use to cripple the entire portable, or pretty much any PC.

You know, now that I think about it, it's actually been so long since I've done it, that I can't remember how it was accomplished. I know in Vista it's not possible, because they did actually improve security. I'll see if I can track down the e-mail I sent to my then manager about it.

The steps outlined in an e-mail sent years ago. Since I sent it to management I can only assume that it was properly forwarded and the either it wasn't considered a threat, or this point of access was closed.

1. Turn on the computer.

2. In MSR, activate any store (For myself I used the
Time Collection Demo)

3. Hit the windows key, alternatively, compress ctrl
followed by the esc key, as this will allow you to do
the same thing.

4. Arrow up or down until the calculator program is
highlighted, then hit enter to open it.

5. Press the alt button once, let go, then press the
"H" key.

6. Use the short-cut alt+o to select the options menu
in the Help program.

7. Hit the letter "I", or arrow up or down until
"Internet Options..." is selected, then hit enter.

8. Alt+S to select settings, or tab until
"Settings..." is highlighted, then hit enter.

9. Alt+O to select objects, or tab until "View
Objects..." is highlighted, then hit enter.
9a. At this point access to Explorer, the program you
get when you normally would click on My Computer, or
My Documents, or what have you.

10. Hit the tab key until "Other Places" is
highlighted, then arrow up or down until "My
Documents" is highlighted, then hit enter.

11. Repeat step 10, only select "My Computer" instead.
11a. Nearly full access to nearly all files, programs,
and documents stored on the laptop.

Well, what can I say, I was bored. Did have a little bit of fun with it though, changed PIQA score, downloaded a file with the last four digits of everyone's SSN in my division, put a MIDI file on and played it during an inventory, ah, good times. Anyway, anyone else have any fun with their portable? I remember a gray shirt that quit the company that mentioned he surfed the web with his.

MagicFingers said...

Ah, customers. Told you I'd read it.

I don't know why but it bugged me for the longest time to tell people, "I don't work here," since, technically, I am working for the store. Better, I decided to say, "I don't work for here, I'm from an outside agency." Usually sends people scattering.

Anonymous said...

What do you guys think of these new ridiculously high aph's?

Oh sure you can make it if you get lucky enough to be the cherry picker for the day plus make 1.50 more an hour to do nothing but easy stuff.


Texas Auditor said...

Aaarghhh, it's Burlington season again. If you don't have a Burlington Coat Factory in your district, get down on your knees and thank the deity of your choice.

These people do no prep whatsoever, then they get pissed off at us for calling sku checks. That's about the only response they make for sku checks, if you are lucky they will wander by after you have a pile of 50 or so and gather them up. If they ever bring them back, they tend to drop them where they are supposed to be, even if the RGIS crew has finished the department and moved on. One Burlington employee gathered up a pile I had in Accessories, and I pointed out one of the mirrors that had migrated over from Home Decor and mentioned that it needed a sku check as well. Her reply; "That's not this department!" and she walked away.

By the time the sales floor was finished, there were 11,000 sku checks on the trouble tables. Plus several thousand that had been returned and counted on the sales floor. And this was one of their smaller stores.

At a Burlington a couple of years ago, I ended up doing an endcap of mittens and stocking caps. Not only were the peg hooks jammed full, but stuff was just crammed in between them. Without removing a single item that was actually hanging on a peg hook, I ended with a pile about 4 feet across and over 2 feet high on the floor by the time I was done counting. At that same store, the crew counting shoes had 20 shopping carts full of sku checks.

Well, maybe I'm being a little unfair. The suits are almost always well-prepped, and sometimes the coats as well, but that's only a small part of the inventory.

MagicFingers said...


I think I'm thankful I only have to deal with RGIS a handful of times a month. Almost sounds like one of the Wal-Marts in a larger city, but it really can't compare (though they were selling stuff out the back while the inventory was going, I heard). 11,000 items in trouble area(s) is pathetic. Worst I think I've seen is maybe, maybe under 2,000 for a smaller JC Penny.


The new APH isn't that horrible, least not for my ASET rating. Yes, the cherry picking is annoying, and bugs the heck out of me, but if it helps get the inventory done faster, I'm all for it. It is kinda cool that someone can break 10,000 pieces per hour without counting any of the backroom, and not scanning any pre-count sheets on the sales floor of a Wal-Mart. And consistently on a store to store basis put the stock room people to shame, when all they're counting is precount sheets back there.

The bonus program, however, is bull shit. Fuck those lying greedy bastards and their gay as shit. Those fagballs can like my bloody hemorrhoid inflamed manhole.

Anonymous said...

Here's how I started handling burlington.... whatever the hell was next to the item with no sku... that's what it got counted as, no matter how different it was. The store ppl didn't care, why should I?

sku check said...

Thanks, Fingers :)

Anonymous said...

Re: Burlington

And don't forget the consecutive sku thing. Once you scan seven of the same item, you have to override to get the rest in.

That works REAL well on a table loaded with more than 350 pairs of socks and there's a total of four unique skus.

Have heard that Burlington's are only hitting the 700 APH goal at a rate of 30 percent.

Anonymous said...

One way I have found to avoid annoying customers in a store is when they repeatedly ask me for help, I simply yell (quite loudly) "CUSTOMER SERVICE AISLE **". This usually gets 'em to leave you alone quite efficiently.

dead horse said...

Anon in PA Don't know how it works in PA, but in SoCal you are not entitled to benefits if you quit. One of the things you might try is reopening your unemployment from Nov/Dec and reinstating your benefits due to "seasonal slow-down". Here (SoCal) you are then asked for the amount of wages you have received per week, then you can receive benfits to bring your wages up to whatever amount the state has determined. When the HD team goes dark soon, this will help me recoup some of that wage decrease, in addition to just plain staying alive. Hope this might help. S

Hello5 said...

There are like 4 stores in the bonus program and my office only does one.
I'm down to $11 an hour base rate and have yet to see a bonus. I get the adder rate for small store (up to 15 people) but need 25 to do it. They have NO CONCEPT that a BIG CITY the small stores ARE BIGGER.
So some small town store supervisor is getting paid the same as me because all X-Brand shoe stores are listed as SMALL but I'm running 25 people around the store and have to make the same APH?
Pure bulldink.
So I have to make APH, Strive for 5 and be out of the store in X time all for less money then I have ever been paid?
If I could work at McDonalds part time starting at $9.50 an hour RGIS would be history for me.
Still looking...

o t l said...

It`s very clever and sinister how RGIS is attempting to manipulate everyone, especially the supervisors.In my district, all of the supervisors, including myself, were busted to either specialist or auditor. ( Most of the experienced auditors also suffered a similar fate.)Grayhirts that have 10 to 20 years or more of experience are now making minimum or near minimum when not running a store.So much for loyalty.I guess we didn`t make our APH`s because we were to busy laying area tickets,running reports,making corrections, nursemaiding rookies, and dealing with store people--we spent too much time running successful inventories when we just should have been slamming in numbers and bullshitting the customers.The whole premise of the pay cuts for supervisors is that RGIS doesn`t want to pay much above the "top gun" rate for supervisors.Yet, they still need us to run stores.In their twisted logic, the RGIS honchos assume that, since they are paying us squat as auditors now, that we will all jump at the opportunity to run stores for the $3 an hour adder "carrot" to recoup some of our losses from the pay cuts.Well, it ain`t gonna work in our district; a lot of us, due to this mistreatment,have lost the desire to run stores and have cut back or quit altogether!

One other comment on the "adder" roles for auditors: On my last paycheck, I noticed that I was designated in the adder column as a "sweeper" for one store.I added up my pay, and sure enough, I received exactly one dollar a hour more for that store. The odd thing was, that during that particular inventory I was never told by the Manager that I had the adder role, nor directed to do any of the things usually associated with being a sweeper.I`ve heard that some accounts do have these adder roles. But this incident, especially the fact that no one knew that there even was an adder position for that store, makes me wonder how easily these adder roles can be exploited for the benefit of a few, namely the friends and relatives of management.These people easily could be the designated adders--without doing any of the associated work--and no one would be wise to it.

Former TL said...

I left RGIS to work for PICS and I just heard a terrible story today at work.

Apparently last week a carload of RGIS employees were on their way home from a store, this was of course their second store that day, and the driver fell asleep and they got into a car accident. I think there were three people in the car, two of them died (one was a brand new person too) and the other is still in the hospital.

It's really a terrible thing to hear and I was just waiting for something like this to happen. Our districts would always schedule us for back to back to back stores if we let them.

Anonymous said...

And I thought this site would have been nuked by the RGIS legal team by now....

I posted a few times a few years back as Taliesyn - I was the guy who worked at HQ as a troubleshooter/audtec back when it was still called the control center. Man, you leave a company for a few (ok, 8) years and everything changes!

If it makes you all feel better, they didn't treat the call center folks any better than they did the auditors - pay started lower than in the field and turnover was insane. The whole reason I went to nights was the night shift premium. (The promotions from data clerk to troubleshooter to the first group of audtecs helped, too.)

Anyway, I guess the only people in that department who are still there from my time are the three managers - I'm told everyone else has either quit or transferred, usually to QA or customer service. I'm not surprised, though, since the department manager (who will henceforth be referred to as TS, as I refuse to utter his name) was by far the worst manager I have ever encountered.

He was convinced this bullshitting know-it-all (call him Sid) could do no wrong. The guy didn't take calls, no matter how busy it got, but would only take calls someone else got stuck on. This guy was the kind who reads a thesaurus and not a dictionary - he was ALWAYS using huge words in ways they were not meant to be used. Think Vissini to the nth degree. An example from a training manual he wrote: "Prepare to exhilarate your technical knowledge!"

Yes, he really did talk like that.

Sid spent most of his evenings away from his desk, on a computer he moved into the corner of the call center, and spent most nights doing homework/coursework for an online computer science program he'd signed up for. The rest of the nights, he hacked the mainframes and the servers. He wasn't any good, though - he got caught all the time, and TS reapeatedly covered for him. Even with VP's calling for folks' heads. TS knew he wasn't doing jack shit, but he felt it was more important that Sid take one or two really tough calls a night (tops) than that he help all the rest of you folks out in the field.

Ugh, Sears keeps jumping out at me on the first post in this thread. In Feb of, I forget, 1999 or 2000, I was the guy who discovered the portable program for Sears did not work. At all. For any store. At 2 am. That was a fun night. (And day - 18 hour shift for me, and I had to be in the next (same, at that point) day at my regular time!) At least I got to wake the #2 guy in the corporation up at 4 am on a Saturday.

Some jobs I do not miss. This is near the head of the list.

Hello5 said...

There will be 12 Customers on bonus. Next week they are "turning on" some nationwide major retailers.
They try to make it sound better since the list has 23 customers but they list customers more then once like "Brand Separate" and "Brand Combined"
And if you bonus or not is not if you make the Min Aph but the computer uses a formula with your ASsET mix to figure out your bonus APH. You are still required to make the Min APH but the bonus APH can be way higher then the min.

TL Too said...

OTL, those adder roles are a joke.
The same people will get them in every store. The new breed topguns
(Manmade by AM's playing favorites) will get them all and they are the people who got raises because of favoritism. I don't know about your district, but we are experiencing some major 'no show' issues here. I mean lots of people in one store or another. Well, if you aren't running the store, know you have zero chance at an adder role, and it isn't a bonus activated store, just what would your incentive be to get up at 3 a.m. to go work a 3 hour store? Did they never think about that side when lowering pays? And with us, like you, our longtime dependable people took the paycuts and are not being scheduled. So, now they are left with their new breed workers who just don't get up if they don't feel like it. But, we were told that the company is no longer paying for longevity, dependability, and availability but for productivity. So, just maybe those who weren't quite as productive (called cheating mostly), but dependable feel like they owe them nothing and if they feel like sleeping in, they will. And, beach weather is coming. The older more dependable people would be there on a nice day. Let's see what this new breed does. As far as adder roles, we were told not to give them to friends or the office will change them. Uh? to who? their friends. Idiots. That would be called screwing with timesheets and last time I checked, they were being sued for that.

Anonymous said...

The same old pets here keep getting the adder roles and it aint me that's for damn sure. Whatever. rgis just go to hell. Shove your aph crap up your ass.

Hello5 said...

I thought 908 time as paid at Starting Wage plus $4??
My 908 time came in at base rate for Top Gun, sure not doing anymore PIV's for that sum when your getting $1.50 more to run it (small store).

kyall99 said...

Help... I worked for asheville nc rgis and only got 7.75 really sucked. Quit after the dumbasses sent me 2 hrs earlier to the wrong site and the training manager told us shit that was getting us kicked off of inventories and stuck sitting around for 2+ hrs for our ride to get done. They haven't paid me for the last day i worked. Can they do that? I didn't turn in my shirt or holster belt. Is that why they aren't paying me? also lame ass people are saying they terminated me when i quit...

Anonymous said...

Help.... I didn't get my last paycheck from rgis.... I didn't turn in my shirt and belt can they keep my check???

MagicFingers said...


Shirts and belts in my district are usually given for free to employees, though they are still RGIS property. I know where I live that companies can do that, hold your last paycheck until their property is returned. Though really, you should call up your district office and talk to them, rather then asking here.

When you quit, I'm not sure if that's listed as an employee choice or the employers. Only thing I know on that is when your being terminated/quitting they can click a button that prevents you from ever being rehired. Though from the sounds of it your attitude probably got you in more grief then anything with the job. Being sent to the wrong location, or sent there early, you get paid for that time. If you've been driven to a store or had to drive at the companies request, even if you're sitting around doing nothing, until you leave, you're being paid. Though there are managers out there that will fuck over anyone they can to manipulate the numbers to make themselves look better.

Anonymous said...

Those are hilarious stores. I have worked in sales/retail stores over the past few years & come across quite a bit too..Here's one about a RGIS Auditor Associate.
I was working at a KMart store 3 years ago and RGIS came in to do Inventory counts. I was a cashier working alongside 2 other cashier plus the supervisor that day.
Well we noticed a RGIS associate come up to the front of the checkout aisles to count the large Doritos bags of chips on a display..He had his handheld device in hand to enter amounts. Was doing his job. Us cashiers are normally standing around at the front of our aisle or near service desk, talking to each other if its not busy so then we could keep an eye on things. well we got a busy rush & all had a customer to go check out for several minutes..It died again so 2 of us cashiers went back up to the front of our aisle. All of a sudden we heard a plastic wrapper, type sound. We looked around asuming there was a customer we didn't see. Then we looked over at the RGIS associate, to see that he had opened one bag of Doritos. We looked at eachother in disbelief as he took a chip out of the bag & started eating..My co-worker said my supervisor's name, to get her attention & she looked over to see what we were needing. The RGIS associate then stopped and put the bag of chips back in the display, open & eaten out of. Later we noticed there was another bag open.
The RGIS associate was to wait at the service desk, while his boss was called to the desk. Well boss got there & asked him "What did you think you were doing"..The associate looked at him, eyes wide open, and said "I thought I was suppose to count the chips one by one"..Needless, to say, associate was fired. Not only did he count the chips but he was eating them while counting & the count sure would have come up way over then what it should have been..

Anonymous said...

well the paycuts started in our district too. I got a 3.15 cut in pay and my husband got a 1.75 cut in pay. 23 yrs experience between us. I now make 2.50 more an hour then when I started 12 years ago. Pretty sad. Oh well now I can collect unemployment ever week. My AM came by me in a Kohls and asked what my aph was and I told him I didnt know as I was getting a total at the time. So he says Oh thats right you dont care about your aph. As he walked away I said thats right I dont care. My thought is you pay me 9.50 an hr thats what you get. I am not going to bust my ass for 9.50. It took me 11 yrs to earn the 12.65 they took away from me. I was brought up in rgis when accuracy and thoroughness was rewarded and at my age speed is no longer quite the option. So I will not strive to be an expert or a top gun. Besides it is all determined by what you are allowed to count. If you are not a pet then you count crap.
We were counting in a K-mart in Mass. once and found a dirty diaper sitting in amongest the clothes on a shelf. And another auditor found a dead mouse under a checkout. Such fun. My favorite customer comment is Say a prayer for me while you are down there.

rectalguess said...

@Hello5 said...
I thought 908 time as paid at Starting Wage plus $4??
My 908 time came in at base rate for Top Gun, sure not doing anymore PIV's for that sum when your getting $1.50 more to run it (small store).

the person paying you has to do something on thier computer. there is a "drop down" that the person has to hit to say your a teamleader...for the stupid system pays you correctly...

the new pay sysyem does suck. i am one of the "pets" sorta of and i get a adder role almost evrey inventory. here are my adder roles "prowler" "super prowler" "flow leader" "store supervisor" and if i don't get one of those roles i make up my own and become a "wonderer" sure it does not pay any extra but i get to wonder around and just count what i want.

i do feel bad "cherry picking" the easier areas. eventually i think i will stop doing this wait til they demote me down to a auditor and then i will become a rgis mascot i will just show up for stores and do very little...eventually they will stop scheduling me and i can collect my unemployment.

i use to try to get the lowest averages in stores(for shits and giggles) time i was in a sears i went around counting all the tractor trailors and big items (i was being productive just not counting piecy areas and i think i did like 390pieces and hour counting hardlines...amazinly somehow i was not the lowest my AAM (now AM) somehow did like only 350 he walk around and drank coffee alot.

this new system takes rgis (rough guess inventory service) to a whole new level.

we have quite a few blow-in artist in my district...sure i cut a corner here and there but some people in my district the numbers are not even close...these blow-in artist would count 250pieces in areas and the stores there would be random printouts and the store would get 500. this is not rough guess inventory service ....we turned into "rectal guess inventory service"...where we pull any number out of our ass and enter it in our machine

Hello5 said...

Did a multi District Store. Needless to say the hosting district took all the adder roles even though our district ran their own portables/sections.
How is that fair?

Anonymous said...

rough guess inventory service and rectal guess inventory service???

LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Got my first bonus.
I'll take the company line and say how great it is!! Yah right!
All $0.51 an hour for 7 hours or $3.57.
That works out to an extra 16 minutes of pay at the adder role I was being paid for at the store.
Bust my hump for 7 hours for 16 minutes of extra pay?

ex-dm said...

here is a good story about customers. I used this line on all of the customers that asked do you know where this is. I would always answer aisle 7 regardless.

ex-dm said...

the p4 crap is crap. Watch your hours supervisors are being told to change ts in order to make their aph's. HR is not checking this crap unless an AM complains about it. watch your time and see if you get 908 or 902 training put on you paystub.

Ishidan said...

I remember counting a Ben Franklins Craft Supply store. They had all manner of thread, beads, felt pads, construction paper, silk flowers...and feather boas. I'm five feet away from the feather boas when a little girl walks into the aisle, spots them, and squeals, "Oooh, this is FUZZY!" and dives headfirst into them. It was so cute!
Then there was one time counting a sporting goods store. I landed a wire cube, two feet on a side, filled with socks. One pair of socks per package, equals several hundred sku items in the cube. My process-take a sock bundle from the cube. Hit it with the laser. Drop the sock bundle on the floor next to the cube. So far so good, sounds foolproof right. I manually recount as I put the socks back in the cube-spot on. Employee does a recount, same way I did mine (yielding socks all over the floor). Off by one. CRAP. I ask for a second manual recount. I watch as he's doing it-he's grabbing socks from the floor and tossing them back in the cube as fast as he can, and I can almost hear when he jumps a number. Sure enough, this time the employee's recount is off by TWO. You'd think we'd decide that the store employee just doesn't know what he's doing. NOPE, they order me to blank my machine and re-laser the whole damn thing. Well, there goes MY count speed for the night. I re-lase everything, nice and slow and under the watchful eye of the store employee-gee golly whiz, it's the same number I got the first time, and the socks are back on the floor.
Then comes the part where I almost got fired.
Area manager: "RGIS BREAK FIFTEEN!"
Me: "Can I come out in five minutes after I'm done putting the socks back in the cage?"
AM: "NO, take it now or lose it!"
Me: "Okay, then..."
And I proceed to walk outside for the smoke break, pile of socks still on the floor. Somehow, the store had a problem with that.

rectalcounter said...

to hello5

i wont do a store unless i know my adder role. i wont do stores that i don't feel i am being paid enough for. i will just refuse it. what my management going to do? fire me? yay then i get unemployment. if i am only getting top gun pay i will only do that much work. it is fun when i am in a store have an average of 10,000 pieces and the average is only 6000 for a top gun. 4 hours in and the store has about an hour left of work. i have to get over this bad habbit of only being able to goof off for like 5 minutes and feeling guilty though.

if you do a "adder role" like run a portable and don't get paid then you let your DM know then his boss and if they still refuse, go to headquarter (i know there is a dept that handles it but can't think of it) and your dm does not want to answer to them!!!

really you got to learn the phrase "that is not my job" your job is just to put numbers in your machine (accuracy does not matter much)

i was at a khols and the super prowler was telling me the store had a problem with a count. i just shruged my shoulders and said not my job. that was the flow leader job or a non exsistant sweeper. i would of just told the store to go to the front desk and ask for a printout if i was the flow leader why hurt your average recounting areas. i actually was told one of my areas was wrong and i decided to recount it for her just to show her i was right (basicly told her if it has my signature on it, it was like god himself signed it!)

The team leaders and area mangers that run alot of stores know if i don't get my way its going to be a headache for them. So they just stay out of my way. i use to be helpful and pleasant. i am shocked that so many people like me still. i don't even like me the way i act at rgis.

i am really a nice guy and most people like me. don't let my rants fool ya...

p.s. i am trying to become a better "rectal counter" were i can pull number out my ass and not care. that is when i will really have fun.

Ishidan said...

Oh, the Ben Franklin. I remember that same store, maybe different year maybe not...
Ben Franklins were a financials.
We're gathering around the startup table, AUDITS are coming out of the bag, RAY2000 and its spider are being rigged, and one person chirps, "Where's the lasers?"
Without thinking, somebody else responded, "There aren't any. This is all a hand job." sure as hell was a good thing the little girl mentioned in my earlier post wasn't yet around, because a flood of ribald jokes and further double entendres ensued. Including one goober who quipped, "At my age, that's a perk!"

UpstateNY said...

Rectal counter: You sound just like the way I used to be. I have faith that you will hone your skills at Retail Guessing Inventory Services.

When I was questioned in a clothing store for one of my counts, I would do a mental coin flip. Was I going to be an arrogant SOB and tell them off or would I play stupid and tell them it was my first day and not to tell my supervisor.

Back in the really old days, before printouts, they used to do searches. A really lame counter would walk around with a store person and search back the last 10, 15, or 20 entries. My usual game was to avoid the searcher. When I see them coming I would speed up or slow down. If I got caught a good answer was I just transmitted or just started an area. I could go all night without being searched.

Sometimes the customers are not the dumbest people in the store. Yeah sure, there is a sign hanging in the window that says the store is closed for inventory, and they stand there and read the sign, but they still have to try the door, just to make sure.

Sometimes it is the store managers that are the dumbest people in the store. I was running a beauty supply store in the middle of winter. And of course I was 2 people short for a 7 person store. I asked the store DM to give me an hour to try and get more people into the inventory. I called my AM and she was on her way to the store. In the mean time, I busted my ass and counted the easy half of the store, shampoo, hair conditioner. An hour goes by, I am walking the store with the DM showing her how much was done and It would another hour at most. But no, she is so dumb, she is sure we need 7 people and she tells us to stop counting until more people come.

By this time I am fuming. My AM shows up, and I tell her what is going on. We are both outside having a smoke when I say I can not work this this f-en c-nt any more. I turn around and there she is.... well that inventory was canceled and it was mutually agreed that I would never step foot in another one of those beauty supply stores.

In a grocery store, I was stopped by a manager in the frozen aisle. He wanted to know how I could count the frozen doors with out opening them. I looked at the guy and said, "hello, they are glass doors, you can see through them." He went and talked to the AM and I got told to open the doors. So the joke was, even superman can not see through those glass doors.

UpstateNY said...

To all current RGIS employees (which I thankfully am not anymore):

You are all doing it wrong.

You should take breaks when you need them not when some lacky supervisor tells you to.

C-Y-A ... If the APH is X make sure you do X and no more and no less. If someone comes around to ask you what you APH is tell them accuracy is your primary concern. If they tell you, you are not working fast enough, explain how an average works mathematically.

Learn how to cherry pick discretely. The best game is when no one knows what you are doing.

The Misfit said...

UpstateNY: "I am walking the store with the DM showing her how much was done and It would another hour at most. But no, she is so dumb, she is sure we need 7 people and she tells us to stop counting until more people come." Holy cow, I've never heard of that before, a manager telling someone to STOP counting because there weren't enough auditors.

Ishidan: "Without thinking, somebody else responded, "There aren't any. This is all a hand job."" LOL!!! I've never heard a financial count referred to as a hand job. Too funny.

o t l said...

I recently received another generic e-mail from the law firm handling the RGIS lawsuit.As usual, no specifics. So I called them up to try and find out more about what is going on. Apparently, the case is slowly plodding on, with the occasional mediation meeting between the parties. I was told that the lawsuit likely won`t be settled until some time next year. Then, if we win, the damages settlement will still have to be worked out.The WalMart employees recently won a similar lawsuit--you may have noticed a big ad in last Sunday`s paper directed at their employees regarding the settlement process.It may be the same process that we may have to go through,provided that we win the case.By the way, I also was told that 27,000 of us--probably most of the rank and file-- joined the lawsuit.That sure says a lot about how extensive the RGIS corruption and misbehavior was/is.

Counter_of_things_bad said...

"But I've seen more problems like that caused by store employees than customers. At a different Walmart, they tried to nail me with an error because a Walmart employee rearranged OTC after we had counted it. Fortunately, she owned up to it."
-TX Auditor

Stuff like that happens all the time, it's so annoying. Our dist. is "fortunate" enough to count a few gas stations. We leave to count these places @ 4am and start by 6 or 7. Sure they are easy enough to count, (its a gas station cmon). But just like texas said, customers come in take stuff off of the shelves, move stuff then set down in another area, THEN WERE to blame? Cmon get the |-|3ll outa here.

I remember one inventory, the oil company's district manager for the stores came up and told us in repsonse to my question, "hey man can i get a courtesy cup for some coffee." "Oh no, last month we found that we were short 10,000$ because of consumption of soda during the inventory." [i had so many things that I COULD have said. but just thought .....are you stoned? how possibly think that to be the case??

Yeah thats why one of your stores is SHORT 15,000$ (this was a whole seperate inventory.) short 15k.

I'm just astounded sometimes by the things i hear and see during an inventory.

Accurate - efficient - reliable - worldwide



The Misfit said...

OTL: The lawsuit that you mentioned, is it similar to the one that we had in California, where we got compensated for all the times we didn't get rest and lunch breaks? That one seemed to move pretty fast.

rectalcounter said...

to UpstateNY...

In a grocery store, I was stopped by a manager in the frozen aisle. He wanted to know how I could count the frozen doors with out opening them. I looked at the guy and said, "hello, they are glass doors, you can see through them." He went and talked to the AM and I got told to open the doors. So the joke was, even superman can not see through those glass doors.

we had the same thing happen at a grocery store. the manager said he wanted to hear the doors opening and closing. needless to say there was a chorus of door opening and slamming shut. i always open the door than just hit 17k 17k 17k 21k 21k 21k 25k 25k 25k as long as i was close i did not care $50 off was fine with me..also this would happen with dump bins he wanted to see diplays messed up for he "knew" we counted after i would get done counting things i would go mess up the area just to make the manager happy :-)

i don't even care to hide that i am cherry picking. my status is top gun so i am to count the high piece dence areas. so my job is to cherry pick. i like skipping over areas let the area mangers deal with the missing areas. to often a dumb teamleader or expert will come by and do it. i want to cause chaos. i want custumers to complain and drop us. too bad the WISC invertory company is so bad in my area they are constantly losing custumers to us.

If someone comes around to ask you what you APH is tell them accuracy is your primary concern.

the person running the store can look up averages in the portable now and kick the bottom 10% of people out after 2 hours or state minimum. that is what they are supposed to do, but this can only be done in really big stores if you only have 5 people you can't send 2 hime because they are counting to slow...

those gas station stores could be real picky. i just did one the other day...last month the store was like over 8k...this month the beer was off 2500.00..there is 3k in the cooler and 3500.00 in the cooler doors...and the idiot thinks we missed $2500.00...gee i wonder if it the idiot manager does not know how do an invoice?

to O T L

By the way, I also was told that 27,000 of us--probably most of the rank and file-- joined the lawsuit.

WELL RGIS says join the 40,000 employees having fun in thier ads...27,000 of them filing a lawsuit. lawsuits can be fun i guess...i am one of the 27,000

o t l said...

It`s pretty much the same lawsuit except that this one is also arguing that we should be paid for the time putting on machines and be paid starting from the meet time at carpool sites,if my memory is corrrect.

Are you the only top gun in your district? I`m a bit suprised at how much slack they give you. In my district, and probably many others, RGIS management will play the best counters against each other.At a lot of stores, there often is only a limited amount of merchandise, such as multiple quantity items,that will raise an auditors APH to the top gun rate.If there are too many top guns present,one or more top gun will get screwed and end up counting the ordinary merchandise,and consequently not make his/her APH.I`ve been noticing more and more of this lately with the new ASET system, not only just with top guns.Such as when you`re scheduled into a store where almost everyone is a top notch counter--but only one or two are rated top guns because of the usual office politics and the flaws in the rating system.But the problem is that the store often may have very little merchandise to sustain a top gun, expert, or even a specialist`s APH`s (especially true in stores that have a huge quantity of multiple quantity items that can be easily done by just one counter, skewing the overal APH); the end result is that almost everyone takes an APH hit. And, of course, management will duly claim that we`re not producing, and try to cut our pay.

One comment about counting gas stations. Many years ago I ran a two store run of Texaco gas stations,operated,by the same store manager.These two stores were about a 5-10 minute drive apart.We would usually take a break after the first store, before heading out to the second one, giving the store manager time to get there ahead of us.If we came up short dollarwise(usually in tobacco and alcohol) in the first store, it was not unusual for the store manager to blame it on our allegedly bad counting, and chew my ass off on the next inventory.One time,after we finished the first store, and again after being blamed for a supposedly bad inventory the previous month, we skipped the break and headed directly for the second store.We get there just in time to see the store manager hauling out cartons of cigarettes and wine from his pickup into the store!It`s obvious that he was stealing from his stores and was bringing the merchandise to be counted twice in an attempt to try to cover up his theft.And he had the balls to try to blame the shrinkage on our counting.I brought this matter up to management, and they must of had it out with the store manager, because we ceased doing that inventory soon after the incident.

Texas Auditor said...

I just did the strangest inventory of my :cough: career. We spent 12 hours in the training room of a video store with no portable, no machines, and no team leader. Just four of us redshirts and their regional inventory coordinator. And about 67,000 DVDs, not in cases, but crammed into manila envelopes and packed into boxes. These were DVDs taken out of stock and made unusable at somewhere near 100 stores and sent here for verification.

Supposedly, this was going to take just a few hours. Our AM suggested it should be done in less than 2. Problem is, we were essentially doing 5 inventories concurrently. If we were doing it normal RGIS fashion, I don't see how it could have been done without at least 2 portables, unless it was spread across a couple of days.

Instead, we were running around with printouts verifying counts, and their guy was manually entering figures into his laptop. I will say one thing about this video company, their people can count better than anyone I have ever seen in retail, except for one poor unfortunate who was unable to accurately count to 1. I only found 2 descrepencies all day.

And their inventory coordinator was a decent guy. He hand't ever done a count quite like this one either, and he took input from us and managed to re-sort his lists on the laptop to create printouts that made the job easier.

It was a little frustrating at first until we got a handle on things, but on the whole it was the most pleasant 12-hour store I've done.

o t l said...

Well, Texas Auditor, at least you`re getting some hours. Twelve hours is more than some of us have been averaging in the entire pay period the last month or two.It would be nice to get a long,drawn out man hour type store with no APH`s at risk.

I got my first store bonus (Target)on my latest RGIS check.A whopping 61 cents for the entire inventory.This new ASET bonus pay system is so lucrative that we`ll have to figure ways to spend all this extra coin!

rectalcounter said...

to texas auditor

I had a dvd thing kind of like you did. we sent like 5 auditors to do the police lock up. There were pallets of dvd's and two rider type trucks full. it was a mess, the cops were very helpful...they probably just wanted to go home. we did it in 8 hours straight no breaks or lunches. (what's are those?). if the cops did not help we would of went like 12 hours.

to a t L in responnse to...

Are you the only top gun in your district? I`m a bit suprised at how much slack they give you. In my district, and probably many others, RGIS management will play the best counters against each other.

I think we have about 10 top guns in our district. Your dm can keep a few top guns even if they don't make thier numbers. the DM might even have more authority than that. i was listening in on a few conference calls and i heard something about they could even add up to a $1.50 to a wage. But your DM would take alot of heat for that. i don't think they stuck with the 1.50 thing and i heard them arguing it should be a 1.00 and one dm said i thought it could be a 1.50.

i know we have a few "protected counters" not me. We have like at least 3 or 4 "rectalcounters" this is where they just walk up to a folded table of t-shirts and k-key them in under a few skus. (k-mart). Its real easy to keep up a high count if you don't care about accuracy or sku integrity. Others get numbers up instead of keying in something as 99.99 times 1...key it in as 1 x 9999 pieces it come out the same but you just did 10k in pieces in seconds.

We just did a dollar tree not to long ago 2.00 bonus i think it was close too. We had alot of our best "rectalcounters" there. A big backroom with alot of pieces helps. i just started in canned food. while evreyone else was doing walls and checkouts.

We do things are own way in my district as long as we hit most of our numbers noone is going to say a thing. My DM or area mangers and thier bosses don't care how we get our numbers as long as we do. If anyone gives me any heat about anything i blast them back. With your not doing this or that correct. i actually started early telling my managment and team leaders they are not doing x,y and z, putting the presure on them. i wander to where i want to count cause we never have a flow leader. if someone ever ask why i am counting where i am i say the flowleader wanted me here. alot of the times i just leak off to where i want to count at the begining. PEOPLE WILL TREAT YOU THE WAY YOU TRAIN THEM TO TREAT YOU. IF YOU MAKE IT HARD OR UNCOMFORTABLE TO CHALLANGE YOU THEY PROBABLY WONT. i don't mind if they fire me so they have few options.

Many of us teamleaders don't put in breaks or lunches. We use to add a half an hour to evreyone time and add a lunck break but i know i don't even bother doing that. There is one team leader we have that does not even set up an access point anymore. I think i will start doing that in one person stores.

One thing i did notice is alot of stores that were making thier averages were coming in with a standard of 600 many aph's of 600,601 603, 605...barely making the standard. Gee, i wonder if they were manipulating the timesheets?

If any of our "rectalcounters" get caught we will just bury it. We have an Area manager that has been thrown out multiple times out a popular grocery chain many times for fudging recounts. He has been kicked out of so many stores its not funny. He has a Napoleon complex and has to have complete control. i am the only one that will stand up to him.

The managment is not fond of the new goals. They are not going to go after thier main stays. i do feel bad for alot of the old timers that had good wages took away and now they never get scheduled. Unless its not a top 200 store.

4096 character limit on this blog damn i need more...LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm a little surprised no one in your office has said anything about not using the access point.

I know the districts get a weekly report of which stores did not transmit through the air.
They also get a report if you have so many transmissions on the stick.

Corporate has been cracking down on not using the AP.

They've also been cracking down on timesheet fraud. A bunch of DMs and AMs got fired somewhere in Texas because of that about two weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

Look at what is happening. They told us to make the APH so that is what was happening in our area. Then when someone does not do their job and they go to get fired they call HR and make a bunch of accusations that they were the guilty party of. They got rid of two of the three dm's in that area now all the AM's are gone but 2 and HR, PIT, and several ops and others are there trying to correct the problem supposedly they don't know what they are doing.

Anonymous said...

Yes they are cracking down on not using the Access Point.
I had a 3 floor store (of course only paid as Small Store Supervisor) with one AP.
Had to write the entire thing up why there was only 1/3 of the transmissions via wireless.
You know you can send the stick thru a supervisor machine. I've started doing that when stuck in a store with only one AP and I needed more AP's.
I wonder how that shows up on their dang reports.

TL Too said...

They have been cracking down on the use of the AP for a while.
I did a card department of a large department store with 3 levels.
The store had me set up on the first floor and of course the cards were on the 3rd. With 1 AP, I knew I would need the stick because my machine would fill. I got an email wanting a written explanation as to why I used the stick. Next time, I'll walk down to the first floor to transmit. Escalators are not working till the store opens. But then again, I'll probably get an email wanting to know why I had so much down time.
I don't know about the rest of the team leaders out there, but I have changed the way I do things as far as my team is concerned. Before these paycuts, my team could talk to me about their schedules, concerns, etc. whenever they saw me. But, now, when I am in a store and I am just counting like everyone else, I am making the same amount of money as a lot of the people on my team. I'm not getting extra to be the team leader. So, I have told everyone that they need to call me at home to discuss these things from now on. At that point, I can put it on my 908 and get paid to deal with team leader issues at team leader pay.
As far as cheating, I don't know about the other districts out there but mine is perfecting the art. They have been told to have team leaders run more stores. Managers can no longer count but they were signing in to the store so bringing down the store average.
My district has gotten around this but are basically cheating the company in order to achive the almighty APH. They list a team leader as supervisor. Then they send in a manager who doesn't sign in to store. They have the manager run the store while the team leader counts and does nothing but count. The team leader of course does all the grunt work of prepping for the store, downloading RM's, etc. The manager leaves when the count is done and the team leaders are left to deal with any and all issues at the end. And, because they were not running the store, are often blind to whatever happened. Ah, but of course, they do get the adder role of supervisor. I have a problem with it, adder role or not. If something goes drastically wrong with the store, who do you think they will point the finger at? Or throw under the proverbial bus? The team leader who is listed as the supervisor!!!
New classifications just came out in my district. Amazing how many have jumped to TG. lol lol But they are all using the same method described in another post in financial inventories.
675.00 for 1 piece changes to 1.00 for 675 pieces and so on. Can't believe this company was stupid enough to not realize some people would find a way around their APH's. But, we give those people a raise for cheating better than others. lol lol

rectalcounter said...

I'm a little surprised no one in your office has said anything about not using the access point.

The answer to this is i have not done this over and over like one of the other topgun team leaders is. He counts really fast almost regaurdless of what you put him in. He has a horrible attitude. He likes doing things his way and is quite dismissive of our management. We do this convience store and he never uses the access point. He always shows up late for stores (he is running) and just punches us in manually in the portable so it looks like we got there on time. I think the DM just has to explain why it was not used. This teamleader does not turn in paperwork anymore either. He just count faster than a top gun so they put up with his dismisive attitude. We just have some "rectalcounters" that have poor work personalities that makes mine look pale in comparison. What i like about some of these teamleaders is they think they can count whatever and there average will be fine...i like they don't mind blasting in any number in any area. It allows me to go to the good areas and count pretty close to what is actually there,without the competition. If i have too i will become a rectalcounter if this is what the company wants.

i did not use a access point a few times but i told my dm why...but if i get a one person store i will try it and see how it works out.

response 2

They told us to make the APH so that is what was happening in our area. Then when someone does not do their job and they go to get fired

Well my DM says CYOA (cover your own ass). He will cover up for all the "rectalcounters" and when the shit hits the fan he will be like i did not know.

response 3

I had a 3 floor store (of course only paid as Small Store Supervisor) with one AP.
Had to write the entire thing up why there was only 1/3 of the transmissions via wireless.

one refuse the store if your not being paid well enough.

You had to write the whole thing up? well i hope you put that time you were writing that up on your 908 as office hours. i just tell my DM why i did not use it and that is all.

If your DM or AM make you do stupid write ups or anything stupid you make sure to put it on a 908 and make sure you do it real slow. My DM wanted me to read all these stupid emails they were sending out. i asked was it mandatory? He said yes i started putting hours of time reading emails a few times a week. Suddenly it did not seem so important to my boss. I still write about 15minutes of reading emails evrey other week or so on my 908. Make them pay you if they don't make copies. Send them to headquarters.

TRUST ME I KNOW THIS JOB SUCKS...Be willing to be fired...If you really need the job blow in numbers. The only way anything will change when they start losing custumers.

Anonymous said...

i like farting while i'm scanning in the clothing aisles. all those bored people, shopping for clothes they don't really need, yeah...

Anonymous said...

TL Too said...

... 675.00 for 1 piece changes to 1.00 for 675 pieces and so on. Can't believe this company was stupid enough to not realize some people would find a way around their APH's. But, we give those people a raise for cheating better than others. lol lol


I was under the impression that financial stores have a $/hr APH instead of pieces/hr APH -- if that's NOT the case then the next WalMart cost I'm going to do this with the packaged meat: Enter $1.00 .. k-key only the 'dollar' values. Enter $0.01, go through everything again and enter all the 'cent' values.

That'll both rack up my APH and possibly make the store go longer (more hours) simultaneously.

Texas Auditor said...

Well, the company has come up with another way to fuck with our paychecks. They're playing around with our overtime now. Instead of computing overtime at the rate you're making during the time you're on overtime, they are figuring an average pay rate for the week and paying time and a half on that.

That might not be so bad if you're consistently getting adder pay, but it's definitely not good if you have a lot of travel time.

Week 11 I had 7 hours of overtime. All the overtime was in local stores, so until now I would have gotten 1.5 times my base pay. But I had 8 hours of travel time earlier in the week, and that was enough to knock 75 cents/hr off of my overtime pay.

rectalcounter said...

"rgis" is trying to change all stores over to pieces some still remain dollars.

i would not go to crazy with the pieces in backwards just enough to get your average up or a little boost.

at a wal-mart cost just key 4 or 5 turkeys in backward that an extra 10000+ pieces. that store might still be done by dollars but i would doubt it since it being such a major one. i have not done a wal-mart cost in a while.

i have not seen any new reclassifications in my district just heard about a few that went up. all of our top guns are grey shirt/teamleaders but one. the one red shirt is related to one of our area managers and is a great rectal counter.

there is just so many ways to cheat the aph system.

TL Too said...

Anonymous, all averages are now by pieces since this new system started. All our financial stores are now by pieces for APH.
And, it is like a comedy. When we did dollars, everyone wanted to do high dollar aisles like diapers, HBA, etc. Now, they all want to do registers and skip diapers, avoid HBA. lol lol Amazing how many topguns we suddenly have too.
It is really easy for them to become topguns when they are cheating. And, those people are getting raises, adder roles, etc.
RX's were even in pieces but now they apparently don't count towards averages. My district couldn't get anyone to do the RX's now. Uh? Counting in half pieces, or tenths? I wonder why no one wanted to touch them.

E&J said...

Im too lazy to cheat at a grocery store on my machine doing a bunch of work. spend a minute of your break adding $99999 and -99999 pieces in the adjustment menu then do it out in your machine with 99999 pieces. it shouldnt matter since financial stores aren't supposed to not count towards ASSIT. then again i havent of all the latest goodies coming down from on high.if you don't know what the adjustment menu is on the portable dont try this since only have a supervisor having to fix another problem of yours.

the two types of people who piss me off the most working with: rectal counters and whiners. tes, we all pull numbers out of our ass at least have some consistency and avoid the fucking fat fingers. no i dont care if you complain once in a while. when I hear you complain every time you open your mouth around me it makes me want to break your jaw with my knuckles. you whiny fucking bitches need to shut the fuck up. if you have something planned for the day dont skip out half way through the inventory, request the day off

too long of fucking day

Anonymous said...

OT has to be paid at 1.5 hourly rate at the time you do the OT in my State. So if I'm over 40 hours and that 41'st hour I'm making 12.00 they have to pay me $18. On the 42nd hour if I'm making $10 they have to pay me $15. If they play the average game with me I'm going to State Labor.

Here is another thing they are doing to us. All our Area Managers/DM's are in the system as Top Guns so if they punch in to an inventory then that lowers your Bonus since the system counts them as a Top Gun but they are not allowed to count.
The other day waiting for a certain office supply store to tell me how off our counts were I played with the punching in Area Managers and seeing how the listed bonus amounts changed.
Just another way to screw you out of such a great bonus.

Anonymous said...

On June 27, 2009 the Average Per Hour (APH) Standards will be raised in several of our accounts. More than half of our teams are already operating at levels that meet or exceed the “New” APH Standards, so raising the Standard may have little effect on you. Ask your Inventory Supervisor what the APH Standard is for each event you work.

TheEnd said...

I just got that 'updated P4' pamphlet via e-mail today. I like how they play up how great it is that they're 'raising the bar' for APHs.

As soon as I heard of the P4 plan I knew they'd start pulling shenanigans like this but I didn't expect it so soon.

Now we can expect EVEN MORE cherry picking and slacking off on quality.

Next Target or other big-box store I do where we deal with ends and sides I'm going to do my end and side but I'll jump straight to the highest -piece easy-to-count areas because too often I've had someone jumping in on those sections of my run after I've just started the end. Sometimes prowlers, sometimes not.

And if someone sends me off to do some 'special project' (like Dyson vacuums in Target) where I'm all alone I'll do it then sneak off and count pens or something to make up for it.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to another "end of financial quarter" at the new RGIS...

TL Too said...

Seriously, is anyone really surprised by the P4 pamphlet? It was never their intention to lower all of our pays and end up paying us more per hour with bonuses. We have a couple of accounts here that have consistently been hitting the APH and are on the bonus program. We all knew these would go way up next time they figure this out. They will eventually make them all impossible to hit. and, the cherry picking, batching, and cheating has created this. They actually think people are legitimately hitting these averages. So cheating=bigger cheating. Right now, in my district, if you have a topgun with a 2.00 adder role, and a 3.00 an hour bonus, they are making 17.50 an hour. We had no one in my district who made that before the paycuts. So, up the averages will go because otherwise these paycuts will have been for nothing. The goal is making these greedy SOB's more money and paying less to the workers. My DM has been scheduling topguns into OT everyweek. Uh? 12.50 plus OT equals 18.25 an hour. Add the adder role and bonus and you have people making over 20.00 an hour by the end of the week. Can I say that OT will soon be looked at more closely? again, they were trying to put more money in their pockets, and not put it in ours.
They just believed that this company actually runs like a normal business. They never took into account those managers and DM's that they pay top dollar to, and are still out there playing favoritism and cheating them blind.

rectalcounter said...

the company is making alot more money even giving out some 2 dollar bonuses at stores.

stores that use to have 20 people and take 5 hours in them now have 10 people and they get done in 4. so what if you give the 10 an extra 2.00 bonus rgis is saving 9.00 an hour on the other 10 auditors not there...they will lower the bonus regardless when the bonus goes down and you start getting negative bonus that is when alot of people will stop caring. people will not show up and that store that use to have 20 in them 10 will be scheduled and 3 will show up.

we have rectal counters already no showing. the excuses they give are so bad too. they could say they are sick but they make up the dumbest reasons. one called in cause he wanted to "shoot 9 holes of golf." i would tell evreyone the other pathetic reasons but noone would believe me. we have two rectal counters doing this for the past 3 weeks. will they be fired? hell no! they are basicly rubbing it in the managers faces as long as they "blow in numbers" they can do what they want when they want.

there was a pharmacy chain where they have to upload a file. well the file did not upload correct so people did no work for 30 minutes or so. they lost over a 1.00 in bonus an hour. how much would that piss you off?

Queen of CVS said...

Here in NC the people act like they have never seen inventory done before. It seems like everyday when I am supervising CVS some customer always comes up to me and asks "wheres the laxatives?" "can you tell me where the enemas are?" "do you know where I can find the antifungal cream?" I'm like damn seems like all the customers have consitpation or some kinda damn rash!! My favorite is when you tell them you dont work for the store and they respond "Oh you dont work here, but your just working here?" And then go ask one of the counters the same damn question. That really pisses me off!!

I got a LP who wants 100 areas printed out and all of the cosmetic wall and expects all the damn counts to be perfect. yea right!!!

# 1 T.G. said...

Here we go again with raising the damn APH in certain stores. First CVS was 2300 with no RX, now its 2400 with RX and starting week 1 qtr 3 it will be 2700 including RX. Same with other stores going up every quarter. And what about this negative bonus?? I do good in my stores and make a little bonus but then go to count in these big box stores and make a negative!! And dont forget you know the managers are going to have only the best of the best in there stores. So if you got to run a CVS on the same day your manager is running a Lowes you best just forget about getting a bonus or having anyone worth a damn. I mean I always hit a good bit above standard but we may only bonus 0.33 or something like that. And how do you like the way they are doing the paystub now? dont even give you a total by each store, thats kinda odd!!! Plus if you work overtime how are you getting paid? at you ranking? or what if you was a supervisor when you hit OT are they paying you at Ot rate? A whole lotta funny stuff going on these days!! RGIS already profited 500 billion a year before we where bought out and this APH thing came along, now they want 900 billion a year so they can build the companies net worth and turn around and sell us again!!!!

Texas Auditor said...

@ #1 T.G.
Concerning overtime, judging by my last paystub they are now calculating an average pay rate and using that as the base for overtime pay. So, adders will increase the overtime rate, travel pay will reduce it. On the last check, I was earing base pay when I was on overtime, but I had 7 hours of travel pay earlier in the week. That made my average pay 50 cents less than my base rate which meant my overtime pay was 75 cents less than 1.5 x base rate.

Do I hear another class action suit in the wind? Save your pay stubs.

rectalcounter said...

yea, i finished 1st in my district in average. oh i forgot that means jackshit. with all the "cherry picking" i have been doing no wonder i was number 1. i really was not working much harder just change the areas i was counting. spent more time wandering around looking for areas that were good enough for me. i never do walls anymore saves my knees. well i did once, i was going up to single scan areas and entering quanity counts in one store. my average was crazy high so i decided to help on the walls. (i can still be nice)

to the person that said a whole bunch of people were top guns now. my Dm changes the status of people. it seems they were only using the top 200 stores to grade people. but if a person did only one or two top 200 stores they could easily be rated high. so my DM lowered some people.

you guys hear if your a bin counter(dollar tree) or work in a RX your average does not count. also there is a 50% bump to your average if you are a flow leader. as long as it does not put you over top gun status.

i want to know if any of you always have the time clock with you at all times. my regional manager RM? what ever is above DM told us we need to always have the time clock on us at all time. noone in my district does this. (actually hardly anyone wears a name badge in my district) i told this RM how are we supposed to count having a time clock with us? he wanted us to flip back and forth from making the machine to count and a time clock...the teamleaders in the room were just rolling thier eyes. i told my DM that i was going to get fired during this meeting with the RM. this "mr positve" RM tried to give up a pep rally. he wanted us to do these things and fill out stuff i just sat there. when he wanted us to fill things out i just made "charlie brown" lines across the page. i was asking do i get paid extra for being a good flowleader? why would i want to learn anything i am only being paid to count. amazingly i did not get fired.

Anonymous said...

We have to have the Time Clock RM with the stupid TAG handing from it at all times.
Supervisor has to have his RM in supervisor mode too and be able to answer the current APH whenever a DM/AM calls.
Got a $0.13 an hour bonus for a three letter jean store and then they raise the APH 50 pcs/hr. 13 cents means we just made the cut, a total $1 for the store.
I'm cleaning up with my bonus pay!!
They told me I'd make back the $4.50 an hour they took from me.

rectalcounter said...

on your 0.13 bonus that you get 1.00 extra for the day that you have to work hard for. Or you could just take an extra 10 minutes to do a store and get an extra 1.00 that way. i say take a break and collect the extra 1.00 that way...

Dm or AM call me at a store?...lmao. if my AM or DM called me in a middle of a store and ask me what my APH was i would just slam the phone down.

those green or orange cards hanging from my time clock LMAO...some of my small stores i don't even make a time clock. i just go in and punch people in the portable.

my bosses can fire me or not allow me to run stores and i could care less.

you guys should start talking with your coworkers about a work slowdown...when i run a store i tell people count as fast as you want.

if your only being paid a certain amount, you should only do that amount of work you feel your getting paid.

organize with your coworkers to do work slowdowns. if you able to go to a company with benafits.

KnowledgeBase said...

A < TL < AM < DM < Ops < VP

Team Leader
Area Manager
District Manager
Operations Manager
Regional Vice President

Auditors, TLs, AMs, and DMs are what you will see at a store, some more then others depending on where you are. Where I am I never see my DM anymore (except when I got my hour wage dropped), but I occasionally see my Area Manager. At larger stores, only once in a great while will an Operations Manager be seen. It's very rare to be an auditor and meet a Vice President of the company, but it does happen. Team Leaders have a slightly higher opportunity, but not much better then an auditor.

Old structure of the company.

A > ATL (defunct) > TL > AAM (defunct) > AM > DM > Ops > VP

Assistant Team Leaders, Associate Area Managers got cut away, along with a number of district manager positions and one Vice President position as well.

It's funny how information can sometimes travel. In the district I used to belong to, no one knew what was going to happen to us when the talks of merges were going on, yet the district that we got merged into, even the lowest level part time employee knew about it for at least two weeks before we did. Our Ops Manager was pissed.

Anonymous said...

You are forgetting the 240 Salary District Secretaries that were let go when Blackstone first took over.
Now they have "part time" office managers.
I also was a Field Supervisor (still have the name badge with that on it). An hourly position between TL and AAM, you didn't have a team.
Work is slow, I never seen a July like this, what ever happened to "Mini-January". Worked Sunday before last and not working until next Sunday.
Thank you BlackStone, Thank You Bush!

KnowledgeBase said...

"You are forgetting the 240 Salary District"

Yeah, there were some positions that I forgot to mention. Never realized that those secretaries were salaried.

I also forgot about people being gathered into a room at "FSC" and being all let go simultaneously.

As for "mini-January", in my area, that could be accurate for this past crunch time. Work the past couple of years has slowed down, but it seems to have been picking up again, finally. Now for them to get back Shopko's and Roundy's.

Believer said...

>$3/hour bonus...

Never thought I'd see that...

Thank goodness for precount sheets. :D :D :D

Anonymous said...

Well, I have 2 women that work in my district that never want to do grocery stores or the point that they will simply no show these stores if scheduled. This burdens everyone else, but do these people get fired? No, they get scheduled more than almost anyone else. I have had enough of having to pick up the slack for these 2 Expert no-shows, and being in stores longer than planned because of them, but they will not get fired. Not to sound like a bigot, but I think it's partially due to the fact that they are a minority, and have made comments about racism, so it may be due to the fact that management is afraid of a discrimination lawsuit.

This has made it hard for me to work with them when they are there, because I want to go off on them for not showing up and screwing over the rest of the team, but then they'd say that's just the AM's fault. That's what they say everytime anyone gives them grief for not showing up. I can think of 5 times this year that it's happened like that. Who knew you could pick your jobs, not show up for the ones you didn't want to do, and keep your job? That's the RGIS way...

rectalcounter said...

my distict is 99% white and we have no shows all the time. people only get fired when they don't show for a week or so, or are really slow and no show.

some people white and black just show up for a few days for they can say they had a job to continue thier welfare type benafits.

i pick and choose my jobs. if the company is only going to pay me top gun pay then if there are jobs that i don't feel are worth that little then i don't do it. I HAVE NO CONTRACT WITH RGIS i work when i want. i am not required to work anything. i refuse a store or two evrey few weeks.

i am asked to work all the time 5-6 days a week. many weeks 8+ store a week. my district needs top gun/experts in thier stores to hit thier marks. this july 4th holiday week i am working only tues-friday but i am running 6 stores in the 4 days.

i am sorry to say if your not being scheduled you not counting (entering numbers) fast enough.

i was doing a store and if i hit the mark negative 0.60+ cents bonus and if i did 100 higher minus 30cents and if i did 1600 (200 over) an hour 7cent bonus. in this same store i made over a $1000 bonus for doing 1500 pieces in the store and getting a couple tickets last year. i did not deserve the $1000 bonus but a negative bonus is just silly. i have so much negative bonus racked up from this one store. the bonus store at the end of the week is pointless to try for.

my district is missing the new standards left and right. people are getting fed up with the BS...i was not able to motivate my people if they absolutly killed themself for a 7 cent bonus, But most likely a negative one. i must be a bad supervisor.

TL Too said...

Where is everyone? Busy getting rich with your bonus bucks? lol lol So far, I have earned 20.00 of bonus money since this started.
This past pay check, I was in the negative everywhere. And, they keep raising those averages to make it impossible to get them at all. My DM stacks the stores with topguns and that makes it even harder to bonus. The more topguns, the higher the average needs to be in order to bonus. In some stores, we are hitting the store average as set by the account and still going in the negative because of all the topguns in stores. It is too funny how most of my district is now made up of topguns and experts.
The troups are really getting good at cheating and batching. But, we are also doing more inventory retakes than we ever have before.
How long will our accounts put up with this? And, this refiguring of our pay rates twice a quarter is really stupid. You can bust your butt, but they keep raising the store averages, so your personal aph also needs to go up, and if not, they lower your pay.
My DM just keeps scheduling the same people day and night and some are not working at all, or just getting a few hours. Where exactly is the logic of this on a business level? If we have topguns on OT at the end of the week, or experts, they are earning 18.00 an hour. I don't think anyone in my district made that kind of money before they lowered our pays. Although, I don't know how happy the company is with OT. That really defeats their purpose of working us to death and paying us less.

Anonymous said...

They are refiguring our pay rates TWICE a quarter???????

WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

YTD, I've made a little over $200 in bonus money.

I've also heard that Target is investigating the company because they think the counters care more about their APH numbers than they do about accuracy.

404girl said...

So, I never thought that, after leaving the Really Great Inventory Service a couple of years ago, that I would have another story about them to share with you all...but as of yesterday, I do. LOL.

No, I didn't go back...I'm still working for the small, local inventory company I've mentioned in the past.

We got this store that we used to have back from our local RGIS office after they failed to show up on the date they were scheduled. According to the store owner, they (RGIS) claim that the store wasn't scheduled, but guy had a piece of paper saying that it was. Anyway, he took this as an omen of things to come, so he cancelled his account with RGIS that day.

Cut to yesterday, when we were supposed to, and have been scheduled for at least a month, do the store. RGIS shows up at 5 am with a full crew, ready to count the store. I only wish that I hadn't been en route, so I could have seen what happened when the owner had to send them away. LOL.

The Misfit said...

Anon: "I've also heard that Target is investigating the company because they think the counters care more about their APH numbers than they do about accuracy."

What?! No! I don't believe it. RGIS auditors caring more about APH than accuracy? Shocking. ;-)

Anonymous said...

The Misfit said...
Anon: "I've also heard that Target is investigating the company because they think the counters care more about their APH numbers than they do about accuracy."

Accuracy is my primary concern!!


Admin said...

My favorite moment from RGIS thus far is when I was running a Dollar Tree in my district. Their usual DM whom I am used to seeing there was on vacation, and had sent another DM. I guess other RGIS crews must do Dollar Trees differently, because this DM was quite pissed by the way we were counting the store!

It first started when a DT person got a different count on an area, and I told the DM I would get a print out and take care of it. Well he wanted to see the print out and that was fine with me, but he was SO pissed at the way we were breaking out the shelves. That friggin DM yelled at me in the store for telling my people to do the shelving verticly on pegged walls...

"If you're gonna be the supervisor than you need to read your procedures, because I've been doing inventory for 5 years, and I've never seen anyone do verticle shelves before!"

So with this lovely comment in mind, I went out back to grab my procedures, I found the section about how we are supposed to "use verticle shelves for pegged sections on the wall" and I highlighted that section so he couldn't friggin miss it, and I put it on his f**cking desk.

I'm not a f**ckin moron, I know my procedures thank you very much.

Last time I checked, I probably have done a few more inventories than you have... Secondly, I RUN the f**cking things, so I think I have a handle on how to break out my shelves...

And thirdly, doing left-to-right shelves on a peg wall would be f**cking stupid anyway, DT aligns the product vertically!!

Also, he threatened to throw one of my associates out on the curb during a thunderstorm, if she didn't clean up her attitude. I told him that she wasn't giving him attitude, its just the way she talks naturally.

Needless to say the store actually went pretty well.

I love dollar tree stores...

o t l said...

I`m not suprised that Target has become wise to the new McRGIS counting methods.Hell,all the inventories I been involved in this year so far were batching (softlines)and guesstimation (hardlines)festivals--not much old fashioned counting anymore.I am suprised, though, that it took Target this long to figure it out.And then there are some other customers that still aren`t "on" to us--yet....

rectalcounter said...

i got a -18.00 (that is negative) in bonus last paycheck...i was so negative after my 1st store it was pointless to go for any of them.

to donutdan.....dollar tree...shelves? Wait! we are supposed to use shelves?...i just put all the peghooks undershelf shelf 1 and the dump bin below as shelf 2...this store is the only bonus store we get a good 2.00 bonus out of but for the 3.3 hours we're there not a big deal...

batching? you want to hear about batching? i was at a k-mart and we have our best batcher over counting a folded table of clothes quanity, like 3 feet away from it, "k-keying" it in like it was cans of soup. 8 seconds to count 300 folded shirts? no problem...

Anonymous said...

>>8 seconds to count 300 folded shirts?

What?? You don't count Old Navy like that?

B&BW cycle has started, are you telling me you are scanning each piece on the sales floor of that store and making 850 an hour?

Sure, if you lie to it I will swear to it.

BBW backroom stock has dropped it can no longer carry the sales floor to meet the APH. That and the fact they you have to auto-scan if a box is open. They have gone back to opening the box just to force us to auto-scan it.

rectalcounter said...

300 folded shirts in 8 seconds...

i have not gone to old navy in a long time. we use to do about 350aph, this is with our slowest counters in there. now we make the rate which i don't know off the top of my head around 650-800aph. sure some of this is putting better counters in there. but i am sure most of it is batching the hell out of that store. we have a teamleader that runs it who will doing anything. if i recall those folded tables have the sizes on the shirts. so i am sure he is doing many of them quanity. i don't know the printout policy there...but i am 99.9% sure there is some quanity batching go on!

Bath and body works...that has to be a batching palooza. you pick up the 1st candle and scan it 10 or 12 times whatever you need.

i brought the old navy team leader to a convince store he blew in so much shit it was not funny. a $5500 beer section he counted 7200...5k in drinks he counted 6k...800 in candy he counted 2200 (nearly triple)...this kinda of BS counting works in large finacial stores cause all the manager wants is numbers that go up. managers rarely ever ask for a recount in a section that is up only ones that are down.

rectalcounter said...


i just did a bonus store and killed it. so i was just playing with the bonus calculator. i figured i could give evrey person another 40 minutes on thier timesheet and they could make an extra 6.67 or i could leave it and evreyone on average would get a 1.65 bonus total(that is if they are lucky, they might get to keep it)...i think i will be handing out garanteed bonuses from now on.

Anonymous said...

rectal counter:
LOL!!!!!!! That's just awesome. Keep up the good work. :)

rectalcounter said...

i just want to know if other districts are losing thier teamleaders and fast counters.

i know we have lost quite a few teamleaders and great counters. this MCounting thing have pissed alot of them off.

all the new people we get...noone trains them. the teamleaders are too busy counting.

i have not heard anything about target but on here. have not done a target in awhile.

Popgun said...

I've been catching up on the blog here and this is my first post ... been with RGIS for 9yrs and worked in 3 districts
Rectalcounter you have got it down ... I don't have all the angles figured out as well as you, nor do I have nearly the pull in my dist but I have some ... but its nice to hear people enjoying the ridiculousness of the P4 situation. I'm still a topgun but have resigned myself to just taking it easy as I until a few months ago was a real striver for the company. I'm currently deprogramming myself from all the faster/faster hype so that I might better enjoy watching this company destroy itself. Its just too fascinating to walk away from this disaster unfolding. My heart jumps for glee everytime something f's up. I go over to do a support at a kmart and the host district puts prowlers on MY side and I've got a black badge and I'm like "go ahead" tear my numbers up, I don't give a hoot. I love watching my AM's and DM pull the hair out with all the obsessive micromanagement and crossfire emails from corporate. It really is a pleasure to watch a company collapse in slow motion. You're right we should think more about work slowdowns but I'm not talking about it except today it came up at luch with a TL and an AM because somebody else had mentioned it. I'm just waiting for it to slowly dawn on everybody else what the next strategy is. I made alot of noise when they first announced the P4 program a couple years ago but people thought I was overeacting and still drinking the koolaid ... now I shutup and just sit back and let them tell me how bad it is ... on the outside I'm concerned nut on the inside I'm smiling ... you can't pay for a movie this good!

rectalcounter said...

i was doing a top 200 store and a store employee came up to me and asked me to count some auto scan areas one on one with him. normally i would of done so before the "new rules" but i don't get paid for that...i had no adder i told him, he was going to have to find someone else to do it. well that store employee was the DM of the account for the top 200 store. he somehow communicated to my office he did not want me and another top gun back cause all we cared about is our pieces. i never told him a reason why i would not count it but obviously someone has loose lips. i don't care...the sad thing is i am scheduled to go back anyway in a couple weeks.

i will be carrying an even bigger chip on my shoulder, knowing this guy tried to get me in trouble...

i really have no "pull" in my district...i just tell them what i will do and that is it. they have tried the bully approach a few times...threating me ect ect but i just laugh...

I SO AGREE....My heart jumps for glee everytime something f's up.

i loved when this top 200 complained about "i only care about the pieces" exposes this company for what it is doing.

when i get fired or quit this job i will be visiting these top 200 stores and giving them full details of how rgis pay thier employees and how it effects thier inventory results.

about the top 200 store i told my dm this is what you get when pieces only matter. i was laughing he started to say "this is not good" so i had to put my smile away and pretend i cared.

I SO AGREE... on the outside I'm concerned nut on the inside I'm smiling ... you can't pay for a movie this good!

Anonymous said...

Top 200 as of Saturday 8/29 will be Top 300. Oh Joy

Anonymous said...

what does top 300 mean exactly? thanks

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:11,

It's not that hard. You do know what Top 200 is, right?

Top 300 is just 100 more accounts.

In other words, they've added 100 accounts to the list that each district must hit APH standards for.

And if you don't hit them, God have mercy on your soul. Oh wait, that already got sold.

The Misfit said...

"Oh wait, that already got sold." LOL!

Anonymous said...

Top 500 now. By Xmas all stores will have min performance APH

tHeOnEaNdOnLyEuRoPeAnToPgUn! said...

Hi guys,

Long time reader here, think this blog is absolutely tremendous and want to see more input made!

As an auditor from the UK, I have been able to see many different things in my years of work (and there have been too many!) but when I read this blog I see mention of adder pays and such...completely unknown here!

Does anybody have any info as to whether these roles are used in mainland Europe?Just like you guys in the USA we don't get paid for our first hours travel just seems like Blackstone is trying the technique on us now that it will fail over there!

The UK does just seem as if it is the target now for what Blackstone tried to do and failed with you guys, and I fear that that contagion will then spread throughout Europe without a little advice...anybody wanna help?

Anonymous said...

All I can say is WOW !!!! I worked for RGIS for many years in the 70-80-90 -2003, and I never in the years that I worked for them heard horrow stories like these. Times were different then. I was torn up about leaving and moving to a new state, but I oftened wonder what it would be like if I had stayed. After reading these comments , I think the question has been answered.