Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Coming Soon: Part 2

Sorry I don't have a regular post ready today. I was on holiday this past weekend, and absolutely did nothing constructive. I promise I will have part 2 of "Fat Man And Lil' Hitler" ready by Saturday, probably. Thanks for reading, and hope everyone had a nice restful holiday!


Anonymous said...

Hey Misfit,
Thanks for sharing your stories. I wish I'd read them before my interview...although the fact that two people failed the counting test and still got jobs should have been a clue to what bullsh!t would follow.
As it happens I just quit my RGIS job today (d501 in central Canada) and am feeling more glorious than I have since the nightmare of catching overcramped 4-5am car-pool pickups, getting empty schedules, then getting last minute calls to work, and getting signed out 20 minutes before I've finished working began about a month and a half ago.
I've got some good horror stories though -- since most of our jobs are big box stores and massive warehouses, we get 80-100 person jobs with 5-7 AMs watching for keen newbies who are looking for something else to count to give the crud jobs (how I became the king of greeting cards and cookie boxes though definitely not of the APH). If particular AMs see someone heading to the washroom, they tell him to hold it until lunch or until they've signed out at the end of the day. People who say they can't hold it get dirty looks and, later, a visit from the DM to check their APH and give them an angry potty-mouth filled lecture on professionalism. I worked under a supervisor who refused to go during work hours because the DM had bawled her out for setting a bad example.
Now I'm off to suppress some memories, I look forward to your next post.

Anonymous said...

Didn't DM Kevin and AM Joe both get fired? Is Crazy Eric still around?

The Misfit said...

gas: Welcome to my blog! Glad to have you here. So sorry your RGIS experiences were as miserable as mine. Lol! on your comments regarding the bathroom breaks. As bad as my managers were (and man were they bad!), I don't think any of them would ever dare to tell an auditor to "hold it." Ouch! Too cruel even for them. Maybe RGIS should be held accountable for any auditor's future bladder problems. I'm surprised that they didn't suggest that auditors wear adult diapers! Oh RGIS, you missed out on that one!

The Misfit said...

anon. at 3:46 pm: All three of those losers were fired, for various reasons.