At times it was like a soap opera in my district. There was so
much personal turmoil going on, with everyone hating everyone else,
and people saying the most terrible things about one another. It was
sort of funny to observe, how a manager could be pleasant to an
auditor's face, and then the minute that auditor turned around and
left the manager would make fun of that auditor unmercifully. The
managers also held each other in contempt, and would say mean and
biting things about each other. And of course the majority of
auditors couldn't stand the managers. Or each other, for that matter.
There was little loyalty, as friends would gossip and mock other
friends. It made for a fascinating study in human behavior.
Take the managers. DM Kenny was so bland and uninteresting in
regards to forming opinions of others that he's hardly worth
mentioning. I can't even recall him saying anything about his two
Area Managers, Jeff and Dean. Occasionally he might make a
denigrating comment regarding an auditor's counting ability, but
that's about it. Once he remarked that since brothers Moby and Leo
became Team Leaders they hadn't had to purchase batteries for years.
He was implying that they took home boxes of the AA batteries that we
used to run the audit machines. I don't know what his feelings were
regarding Jeff and Dean. At times Kenny seemed like a cardboard
cutout of a human being, with little emotion expressed about anyone.
AM Dean was similar to Kenny in that he didn't have a whole lot to
say about anyone either. He was one of the few people though who
actually made a formal complaint about Moby's disgusting body stink.
Dean told us that he had complained to Kenny about Moby fouling the
air in yet another inventory. Not that it did any good to complain,
of course. Such grievances were duly recorded and filed away in
Moby's personal file and immediately forgotten.
Of course, one thing that Kenny and Dean both seemed to agree on
was Jeff's error in becoming too friendly with some of the auditors.
I think a lot of people in my district privately shared this opinion
of Jeff. We could see evidence of it because the F.O.J. (Friends Of
Jeff) were accorded privileges like taking their own breaks whenever
they felt like it and practicing haphazard attendance at inventories,
with no repercussions from AM Jeff. Kenny and Dean didn't like it,
but naturally didn't do anything about it.
Now, AM Jeff on the other hand was a completely different case.
Jeff seemed to hold everyone in the district in contempt, DM Kenny
and AM Dean included. Jeff felt that Kenny was basically a waste of
space in the office, because he couldn't seem to get anything
accomplished on his own. He had no respect for Kenny's ability to run
an inventory and would often make disparaging remarks regarding this
to various auditors. Kenny couldn't even handle the responsibility of
making out the master schedules of stores and so passed that duty on
to Jeff. Because of this Jeff felt that it was he who was
really running the district, and would often comment on how he would
make a much better DM than Kenny.
Jeff also used to make fun of Kenny's personal life too. At the
time he worked for our district Kenny was married with a young son
from his wife's previous relationship. When he and his wife split up
Kenny was upset at losing the little boy. Jeff mocked Kenny's
distress and would say things like, "Kenny's stupid for caring.
That kid's not even his." He had no sympathy for Kenny's pain
and only found it amusing.
And when Kenny eventually left our district Jeff was thrilled.
Kenny had gotten an offer to run one of the San Jose districts. The
district was in pretty bad shape, even worse than ours (My God, is
that possible?). The Ops Managers basically told Kenny that if he
went down to San Jose and straightened the district out he would be
the Golden Boy in this division. Kenny was there in San Jose for
about a month before he fucked things up royally. Of course our
district gossip Moby told everyone all the gory details.
At first it started out okay for Kenny. He was put in charge of
running the Home Depot inventories in our area. This was a big
responsibility and rather a prestigious assignment. It was very
important that the person in charge do a good job because at the time
Home Depot was a brand new client and RGIS wanted to make a good
impression and thus retain Home Depot as a continuing customer. So
why they put Kenny in charge I'm not sure. One auditor in my
district, a guy named Dylan, said that it seemed as though the Ops
Managers were setting up Kenny to fail from the start. I'm not sure
that Kenny had any real time to make an impression on anyone from
Home Depot as he was only there in San Jose for about a month before
he was fired.
According to Moby, one night Kenny went out drinking with a
friend, and of course overdid it with both alcohol and drugs and
wound up in the friend's hotel room, alone. He locked his friend out
of the room and proceeded to tear the place apart in a booze and
coke-filled rage. His friend had to call the police in order to enter
the room. Kenny ended up fired from RGIS and entered a rehab program,
possibly with community service required. Moby used to joke that
maybe someday we might see Kenny on our way to an inventory. Every
time we passed a work crew picking up trash by the side of the
freeway Moby would yell out, "Everybody wave to Kenny!"
It was Moby who also told everyone that right before Kenny's hotel
rampage he went out drinking one night with Carol, the San Francisco
DM, a very short, very plain-looking woman, and woke up the next
morning in bed with her, with no recollection of what happened the
night before. Party!
When Kenny left our district Jeff was thrilled. He felt nothing
but contempt for Kenny and had no problem letting other people know
it. In fact, when Jeff told me that Kenny was leaving he said, "Well,
one down (Kenny), one to go (Dean)." Jeff said it with this big
smile on his face, like he was so happy to see Kenny go.
And with regard to Dean, Jeff felt nothing but disdain for him as
well. Jeff thought Dean a useless fool who couldn't run an inventory
to save his life. Many times he would complain that AM Dean had
fouled up something that should have been very easy to do, like
assigning people areas to count in a store. Dean once ran a Pier 1
Imports store, and had Dylan, one of the fastest counters, work one
on one with a store employee, counting all the big ticket items like
furniture. It was a silly waste of a fast counter. If AM Dean had
been thinking clearly he would have assigned Dylan to quantity count
densely packed areas like table linens, glassware, napkin rings and
the like. You don't put someone like that to count areas that just
have a bed and a nightstand for one whole ticket, or maybe a table
and four chairs.
Jeff also used to complain that Dean always had to be told what to
do, and that he couldn't think for himself. In bigger inventories
like Target or Sear's, where all three managers would be present,
Jeff would grumble that Dean would follow him all over the store like
a little puppy, instead of going off and doing things on his own.
Jeff's pal TL Ethan used to mock Dean's slowness all the time, and
told me once that he resented Dean being an Area Manager and being
bossed by him because he (Ethan) had trained Dean himself. Ethan
desperately wanted to be an AM, but could never secure the job
because he had about a million traffic violations. Both Jeff and
Ethan felt that they would make a terrific DM/AM combination, but
that never happened and so they resented anyone else who held those
That the auditors loathed all the managers in my district and
gossiped incessantly about them is a matter of fact. People felt an
aversion to DM Kenny because of his stinginess with raises, and also
because he projected an air of phony friendliness to your face, while
behind your back it was something else entirely. Auditors had little
respect for Dean because he seemed so empty-headed. And Jeff was
disliked because he played favorites. TL Moby told everyone that AM
Jeff sold weed in our district. He also told us that our new incoming
DM, a guy named Dan, was gay. Moby at times claimed to be gay
himself, so he said he was happy that there would be at least one
other gay person in the district.
More gossip: TL Helen told us that another auditor, Susie, had
told her that AM Dean (married) and an auditor named Bernice
were having an affair. Susie said that she was at Bernice's house one
day and Dean stopped by. He seemed really embarrassed to see Susie
there, and left shortly thereafter. After Dean left Bernice told
Susie about the affair.
TL Ethan used to say quite often that he and AM Jeff never
listened to anything Team Leaders Moby and Leo had to say. Moby and
Leo were always full of ideas on how to improve the district, and how
to run inventories better but Ethan and Jeff couldn't stand the
brothers and had zero respect for their opinions, so it was in one
ear and out the other in regards to anything Moby or Leo had to say.
And of course auditors felt scorn and would ridicule each other as
well. Everyone made fun of Moby's morbid obesity and putrid smell.
They mocked Leo' pompousness and self-congratulatory air. Ethan was
ridiculed for his childish temper tantrums and blatant skirt-chasing.
Alice of course was jeered at for her obvious craziness. Alice and
her friend, another auditor named Tami were also referred to by a
number of people in the district as 'white trash'. They were very
common in their behavior and manner of speech. Tami especially was
guilty of such crude behavior as telling us that she called her young
son a pussy for refusing to ride a roller coaster, and while riding
in the company van on her way to an inventory she once flashed
another car in just her bra.
Team Leader Jeb, like AM Dean, was made fun of for his stupidity
and uselessness at running inventories. Slow counting feebs like
Elaine and Kate were ridiculed for their incompetence. Erin (not the
one who wore the bedroom slippers) was also disliked because when her
boyfriend Jamie was made an AM, she herself was made a TL even though
she was completely unsuited for the job. She was a horrible auditor
and couldn't count to save her life, so naturally she was promoted to
Team Leader. This was the kind of warped logic that went on all the
time in my district.
When Elaine became a TL she put on all sorts of airs, like "Oh
look at me, I have a grey shirt on, I'm carrying a portable and
running inventories so I must be someone important!" It was
ridiculous. People laughed at her behind her back because in reality
she didn't know her ass from a hole in the ground, and couldn't run
an inventory to save her life. Someone was always having to bail her
out, and correct her mistakes, which were numerous. People also felt
an aversion for her friend Kate, the two reasons being: 1. She was as
lousy a counter as Elaine, and would spend most of her time talking
during an inventory. For people like Kate and Elaine it was
impossible to count and talk at the same time, so of course their
scanning of clothing tags would come to a dead halt as they discussed
various guys that pale, pudgy Kate had crushes on. And 2. Kate was AM
Dean's daughter, and any person related to Dean was automatically
rendered unlikeable. Dean had three of his kids working as auditors
in our district, and both Kate and Stan were as disliked as Dean.
Their brother Mark, on the other hand, was a very pleasant guy who
had a friendly, sunny personality. The fact that he was Dean's
adopted son, and Kate and Stan were Dean's biological children made
sense, as Mark was the only one of that family anyone could stand.
Kate was yet another one of those auditors in my district that had
a hopeless crush on a fellow RGIS employee. Kate spent one Barnes &
Noble inventory counting books next to this guy named Maverick.
Because Maverick was an amiable sort who would talk to anyone when he
was bored, Kate mistook his generic friendliness for some true
amorous intentions, and in the company van on the way home from the
inventory went on and on to Elaine about how much Maverick was in
love with her, and how she was going to slip him some kind of love
note at the next inventory they would work together. I mentioned this
later to one of Maverick's friends who also worked in the district
and she had a great laugh at Kate's delusional behavior. This girl
told me that Maverick had been complaining to her that Kate kept
pestering him during inventories. He would try to slip off and count
in other sections of stores to get away from her, but Kate kept
following him around and yakking nonstop around Maverick, which he
found incredibly annoying.
Also, most of the veterans couldn't stand Jamie, who was Elaine's
boyfriend and was promoted from auditor to TL to AM in a short amount
of time due to the district's desperation for anyone to fill those
positions. Anybody who was upright and breathing was given a chance
at being a TL or AM, even someone like Jeff who hadn't been working
at RGIS very long and was mostly inefficient at running an inventory.
His arrogance rubbed everybody the wrong way, especially as it was so
misplaced. He wasn't one-eighth as talented as he thought he was.
When he left the district (after getting another auditor, his
girlfriend Elaine's best friend pregnant) everyone was happy to see
him go.
An auditor named Gunther was disliked because he was an F.O.J.
(Friend Of Jeff), and was the most blatant at taking advantage of
this. Every inventory that Gunther did would see him take at least a
dozen or so smoke breaks. He would just wander out of the store
whenever he felt like it, without asking permission or waiting for an
official break to be called. He would also show up late for
practically every inventory, but never be chastised about this
because of his exalted position as an F.O.J. Once Gunther didn't show
up for an Albertson's inventory at the 4:00 am start, and on a break
3 hours later AM Jeff called him to find out what happened. I
overheard Jeff cooing on the phone to his friend Gunther, "Hey,
buddy, what's going on? Are you okay? What happened? Did you sleep
in?" Oh, sickening! If that had been any one of the rest of us
Jeff would have called us 5 minutes after the inventory began and
chewed our asses out for being late. Once I was 30 minutes late to a
Border's inventory because I had a flat tire and had to wait for the
AAA car service to come and help me change the tire. Even though I
called Jeff immediately to inform him of my situation and shot right
to the store as soon as the spare was on my car, I still got written
up by that asshole. That's the way it was in my district. The
F.O.J.'s got the royalty treatment and the rest of us got the shaft.
Gunther was also scoffed at because he was a notorious
cherry-picker. He was so lazy at inventories that at times he moved
down an aisle counting at the speed of a sloth. He hated doing
anything that would require him to physically stir the air by keying
in lots of items in a store, so instead of taking the next available
aisle he would skip over a few and do something really easy like
diapers. Gunther also was the biggest moocher of rides in the
district. Boozy Gunther had no car of his own, and this
forty-something man who still lived with his parents would often
prevail upon auditor Robby or AM Jeff for rides to and from various
inventories, even though his parent's home was way out of their way
and auditors were supposed to provide their own transportation.
Gunther was yet another one of those auditors who had a ridiculous
crush on someone much younger, à la Moby and Alice. Gunther had the
hots for Nadine, a pretty young girl in her twenties. Being that
Gunther was a white-bearded, disheveled man in his late forties meant
that of course he could never get anywhere with Nadine. But that
didn't stop this hobo-looking old man from flirting with an
out-of-his-league young girl.
Robby was another one of the F.O.J.'s, but that didn't prevent
Jeff from making fun of his friend. Robby was another guy that had a
crush on Nadine, and as with Gunther it was a hopeless one. Robby too
was in his forties, and was even more physically unattractive than
Gunther. Robby was short, round, and had a face that only a mother
could love. He was so far out of Nadine's league that it was
laughable and more than a little pathetic to see him chasing after
Robby was so desperate to win over Nadine that he would do things
like pay her cell phone bills and lend her cash, all in the hopes
that that might cause Nadine to see him in a different light. But it
didn't work, as seen in any light Robby was much too homely for any
girl to want. Robby at times too seemed to recognize the hopelessness
of his situation and once remarked to TL Ethan, "If only she
(Nadine) would give me a chance." That Ethan was Robby's friend
and would share this confidence of Robby's with the entire district
only went to show how there was no loyalty between the F.O.J.'s, even
by Jeff himself.
Once during a Kmart inventory Robby became upset that Jeff had
assigned Nadine to count an area far away from him. Even though we
were less than an hour into the inventory Robby was so despondent
that he decided to leave abruptly. He came over to say goodbye to
Ethan, and when Robby left Ethan came over and told me the reason why
Robby had gone. Jeff came over too and the two of them had a grand
time making fun of Robby and laughing at him with Jeff saying to
Ethan, "I thought I was going to have to baby you,"
because Ethan's girlfriend Eden had left for college a few days
Poor Robby. I often wondered if he realized how much his 'friends'
Ethan and Jeff made fun of him. I too wondered why he would hang out
with those two. I mean, Ethan and Jeff were handsome young guys in
their early thirties, and it must have been hard for Robby, a short,
round, unattractive man in his forties. Perhaps he thought that
by hanging around Jeff and Ethan, he could maybe pick up whatever
girls that they cast aside. It never happened though.
Kevin came back to work for a couple weeks after rehab and resigned.He wasn't fired.
....I picture my DM if he heard of this fluffery going saying
"I'm too old for this shit"
So, who did you like in your district?
I thought you didn't remember Tina.
Any good stories on Dan? How about Chris or Pat? Heather?
Believe it or not, your district was not the exception when it came to the soap opera scene. My district (d356) was the same. After working there for 11 years, I seen my share of favortism, affairs, managers not liking each other, etc. It makes you wonder what type of deranged place is this and why did I work there so long. Am I deranged also?
I actually started working for another company doing something entirely different about 8 years ago. I stayed with RGIS part time for about 6 years at first and left for good 2 years ago. My new job is with a great institution where I make good money and get all types of wonderful benefits.
BUT, one thing I have noticed is that alot of the same strange people behavior goes on in my new job as well, its just not as widespread.
I think that at RGIS, and I said it before, the biggest problem is that headquarters either has no clue or just does not care as to what goes on in these districts. So, when you have someone who tends to have a natural abusive personality to begin with, they take advantage of this no monitoring by HDQs. If they were working for a different company they would most likely exhibit more control over their own behavior knowing that it wouldn't be tolerated.
I guess my own personal astonishment is wondering why more lawsuits haven't been brought against RGIS. Or, is it that they settle out of court very easily and we never hear about them?
My district had one such lawsuit brought against it years ago. We had an auditor start working for us that had one of those unisex first names. We did not know for WEEKS if this auditor was female or male. You just couldn't tell. This person being hired in late December for the January rush always wore a high collared shirt under their smock (remember these?), so we couldn't even look for the Adam's apple. Well, this person wore makeup, but yet had male faciel features. Come to find out it was a male.
Now, the managers and some of the auditors would make jokes and talk behind this auditors back. The DM knew and let it go on. The next thing you know this auditor is filing a lawsuit claiming harrassment. About half the auditors and all the management had to fill out written statements with an RGIS attorney stating anything we had ever witnessed. I believe this one never went to trial and was settled out of court. I know no one ever dared mentioned this person again.
If I owned RGIS, I would be concerned about what goes on in these districts every day. I also wonder how much they have paid in out of court settlements to former workers. I know of at least a couple more lawsuits but not pertaining to harrassment or behavior. I will save those stories when we touch those types of topics.
I happen to know for a fact that Kevin has never been arrested. Sounds like this Mondo guy only knows parts of stories and makes up the rest.
Anonymous' at 5:42 pm & 11:57 am:
Thanks for the updated info. I guess that teaches me, to have listened to Mondo and believed him. The trouble with doing that is that sometimes he told the truth and sometimes apparently he didn't. Sometimes I think he just liked to hear his own voice, and also liked being the center of attention. He hated appearing to other auditors that he might be "out of the loop", and didn't know anything.
agentskelly: Lol! That's because your district has sane people working for it!
anonymous at 9:27 pm: Donald seemed to be a nice man. Even though he's very old he was a lot sharper than quite a few of the auditors in that district. And managers too for that manner. From what I understand he has money and is not in any need to work. I think he worked for RGIS just because he liked the job and enjoyed keeping busy. Maybe too he liked being around young people. Also, Donald could see right through most people and their bullshit ways, and I always enjoyed hearing him comment on auditors and managers under his breath. Donald was cool.
Also cool was Dan, our former DM. Dan was the best manager we ever had in District 414 (I never got a chance to work with Pat, the new DM, but from what I hear she's really good, and has brought the district around). Dan(formerly of the Vallejo district), unlike Joe or Kevin or Dave, didn't play favorites, not even with David, his former auditor from Vallejo who moved to the Santa Rosa district. He treated everyone equally, male and female, young and old, and was really a stellar guy. He shot up in my estimation when he took the schedule away from AM Joe and started doing it himself. I think he recognized what Joe had been doing with it, which was once again playing favorites and giving his love interests tons of work when they had only been working there just days, and couldn't possibly have deserved it. It really pissed Joe to have DM Dan do that, and it delighted me to no end.
Lydia I also liked because she was a tough old broad who didn't take shit from anyone. She, like Donald, saw right through people and let them know it. Witness her reaction to Eric's temper tantrum in my previous blog entry, "Eric is a Psycho (Part 2)". She was the only one in that van with the balls to stand up to him. The rest of the vanload (me included) was too scared of Eric's temper to do anything. But not Lydia. I don't think she's scared of anything or anyone, and I respected that about her.
That's about it for likeable people in that district. Any others I liked never lasted very long, and ended up quitting because they recognized that shitty district for what it was. And as far as Tina goes, well, I went combing through my notebooks and unearthed a couple of 'Tina' moments. I had completely forgotten about her, too, until I started my 'Insane in the Membrane' blog entry about Anna. I remembered then that they used to hang out together, and on several occasions mortified several carloads of more modest people with their discussion of intimate details regarding their personal lives, and the language that they used.
anonymous at 9:28 pm: I plan a blog entry on DM Dan very soon. That's the one you meant, right? And not Eric's bitch Dan. Chris was so bland that I'm sure will only merit a small mention in passing, and DM Pat I never got to work with unfortunately so I probably won't be writing about her. TL Heather I remember, because I heard that when she quit RGIS she gift-wrapped her RGIS polo and belt and gave it to AM Dave at the office Christmas party.
jkat: Everytime I read one of your comments I think that we must have worked for the same district! Maybe they were the same, but in parallel universes or something.
I think you must have stayed with RGIS for so long for some of the same reasons that I did. You probably enjoyed the flexible hours and maybe too, like me, you actually enjoyed counting things. I believe I must have a form of OCD, and that's why I liked counting stuff so much.
It's interesting that you mention that lawsuit brought by the auditor whose gender was in question. Somewhere on the Internet you can read about the lawsuit brought by several RGIS auditors in Hawaii. They were either transvestites or transgender or something like that. Anyway, they were men who dressed like women. They had long hair, wore makeup and women's jewelry, etc. Well, I heard that their DM ordered them to cut their hair, as male auditors are not to have long hair. One cut his/her hair, and the others filed a lawsuit. I'm not sure if it's gone to trial yet, or if it has been settled. Like you, I think that's the only lawsuit against RGIS concerning harassment that I've heard of. The big lawsuit here in CA was for RGIS committing a number of wage and labor violations. We auditors scored big time on that one!
I work in one of the east bay districts and we have our share of idiots and problems too. I don't know when you left the Santa Rosa district, but now it is like the best one around this whole area. Pat is an awesome DM and does a better job than anybody I know. I think she has been around for about 3 years and that district has never been better and has some of the best people. You should go work for her!
So far as auditors go, in d501 (Toronto-West)I liked most of them -- they were mostly students or immigrants or elderly people who believed in putting in a hard day's work ... until the realities of the job set in, at least. I felt really bad for the immigrants though because they generally were extremely well educated and felt trapped in their RGIS job because they had to send money home or their english wasn't good enough to get a job anywhere else. Even the Supervisors (/TLs/whatever) were okay except for one woman (our DM's pet bitch) also named Anna and a couple of (very hot) grey-shirted Asian girls who were in charge of cheating us on the time-sheets, handing out equipment and not doing much else. Some of the AAMs were pretty grouchy, but I think a lot of that had to do with having to toe the line of AM Junaib and DM Imran(talk about a "li'l hitler")... holding their bladders and such at their age, putting in 12-20 hours a lot of days and, presumably, sleeping in their business suits... so I give them the benefit of the doubt.
I didn't notice much romance -- I think the people were mostly married or too embarrassed by their job to look for someone (the great terror of the younger auditors was being seen at work by someone they knew). The only exception is when our ops lady would visit, the DM would follow her around in circles around the store trying very clumsily to flirt while she responded politely but was very careful not to make eye-contact.
One of the old timers in my district said the transexuals invovled with the Hawaii lawsuit also tried to wear a skirt to inventories, which we all know is aganist the dress code policy.
gas: "pet bitch", lol! And how did they cheat you on your time sheets? Did they change your sign-in or out times? That happened a few times in my district too. Then when the big CA lawsuit against RGIS happened, that, along with a lot of other violations that RGIS made against their auditors came to light, and RGIS had to pay big time.
Lol! too about what you wrote regarding the terror of the younger auditors being seen on the job by someone they knew. Oh, the embarassment of being spotted in a RGIS polo!
agentskelly: That's interesting, I hadn't heard about the skirt thing in the Hawaii lawsuit. What idiot thought he could get away with that, I wonder? We are talking about an auditor, right, and not a manager? Have you heard what happened with the lawsuit, and whether or not it's gone to court? I haven't been able to find anything on it yet.
anonymous at 9:27 pm: I forgot about Barbara (Iggy). She was more than a little weird, but amusing to work around. Jason was nice, and did I mention Mike?
Unless people signed in before the official start time, they generally wouldn't change start/end times unless the AM or DM disliked the person a lot -- one guy hadn't tucked his shirt in once and this wasn't pointed out until after the briefing ("Accuracy is our primary concern" repeated often enough to sow some seeds of doubt as to its truthfulness in the store-managers mind) at which time his sign in time was changed and he got a reprimand. The AM also signed out the old lady with the swollen feet 15 minutes earlier than when he dragged her off.
The Asian girls came out to all the big jobs and did nothing on the floor all day. They sprang into action at the end -- we generally started on time but their watches were always five-ten minutes behind and they were the official time-keepers so no one could complain.
They had other ways to cheat people out of more time, especially for people going to other districts.
Those bloody polos were made in a honduran sweat-shop too.
Bigger bastards.
ah well
I really enjoyed reading your blog, I can't believe alot of stuff that happens in our district also exists in your(and many other) areas. And ya, there're a few auditors at our district who are the crappiest counters in the world but they get to go to almost every single inventory because they are the manager's pet, YUCK!
today we went out of town right, our manager had some people from another province to help us out. I think some those girls got into a fight at the client's place this morning and one of the TL had to make a speech about the incident on the bus. I heard that some of them got fired right on the spot but not sure will they take them back to their hometown. There also alot of rumours (like smoking between two pil pumps in a gas station and a couple making out at the back of the bus) about those people today hahahaha.
I actually enjoyed my job, so far. I am almost the youngest worker in there so people all treat me like a little girl haha. I get all the attention hehe.
Gas, there was a time not too long ago I was thinking of a way of doing a transfer to the Osahwa, ON district. Long story why. But the one thing I learned from looking into it is that the Canadian Divison HQ is located next to the Fairview Mall. Which I thought was funny. Though it looks also there's a district office there too, that correct?
Misit, yes, I am talking about an auditor. I haven't heard anything other than that little blurb.
And to those Springfield Audtiors that posted a few times, worked with some of your people a few weeks ago.
What a soap operish nightmare! I can't say the same sort of shit doesn't happen in our district, but from my perspective, it doesnt' even come close. Being on the night team, though, we are sheltered from alot of the gossip, politics and BS that goes on. Unfortunatly, it also means we miss out on some of the fun.
Our DM doesn't mix day and night teams much, unless necessary, so we often don't see anyone other than our own teams unless Target, Barnes and Noble or the big stores are running. When the day people have to put in some night hours to inventory some smaller stores, we are still separated by teams so we still see very little of each other.
Regardless of what goes on or what has gone on, it never seemed to reach the level that it reached in your district misfit!
We had one DM who did play some favorites, and once he left, his favorites followed him, went to work for him at his new company. Even then, it didn't seem to effect those of us lower on the totem pole. The favorites did get away with some things that others couldn't hope to get away with, but even then, it didn't seem to reach that same level that you experienced. Maybe it did, but I just didn't notice it or I wasn't on the wrong end of it. While favoritism does exist, it seems that the hard working and good auditors for the most part are the ones that end up on the favorite list and if that's the case, then maybe they deserve some preferential treatment now and then. I'm talking about the occastional overlooked tardy or no show, the occastional dress code infraction, and things like that. Nothing too horrible.
We had some TLs that played favorites and would punish those who they disliked. Back when they were in charge of scheduling, beware! If you were on one of these TLs teams, you were always on the brink of being on the shit list and being punished by not being scheduled or being treated badly. When they switched to the new scheduling system with Oracle and the TLs no longer played a part, it benefitted those on the shit lists. They got to work more. Those who were favored, found that their paychecks were smaller and they weren't happy with any of it.
I happened to luck-out and never fall on to anyone's shit list. I have never been a favorite either. Except for the fact that I am considered one of the "good ones" since I have a high APH, I show up when I say I will, on time if not early, I don't smell bad. :) Not a bad spot to be in!
I wonder if your district has changed any since you left, and since managment has turned over. I sure hope it has! Your district is, or at least was, a mess!
to Arzon...the TL's in my District still do the scheduling. With the in store favoritism played by the AM's, it is a good thing that the TL's are still doing it. Our TL's play fair for the most part.
Yup, you can end up on the shit list but only if you are a constant no show. If the office was doing our scheduling we would have 'not very good counters but AM pets' on OT and good counters not working at all. The pets in my District are not necessarily the best counters or the dependable people. We also have anytime teams and night and weekend teams and as an anytimer, we don't always see the night people. But you are right about not being so involved in the gossip and politics or noticing what is going on when you are on a night team. I just had someone who was on a night team for 8 years switch over to my day team.
She can not believe what she sees going on during the day with the AM's which she never noticed at night. The night people work mostly with TLs so they are not so exposed to the favoritism of the AM's. She said that she feels like she has been working for a different company for the past 8 years.
Great blog...
I use to work for RGIS and had my fair share of drama. I was once asked by a team leader to be a witness while he asked an auditor to go home... turns out it was his GIRLFRIEND! They had an arguement and he said he couldn't deal with her so he sent her home.... A real RGIS classic.
anonymous at 5:36 pm: Welcome! I hope you'll continue to read my blog and to leave your comments. I'm always interested in reading about other people's experiences working for RGIS.
BTW, did the TL's girlfriend start crying when he asked her to leave?
Hi Misfit...
No she didn't cry, she left happily since we had already been in the store for 10 hours.
Besides she wasn't really the crying type, she was this really tough talking, hard drinking, chain smoking 5 foot 2 spit fire.
I love your comments - they are all so funny. As for the inquiry: I think that at RGIS, and I said it before, the biggest problem is that headquarters either has no clue or just does not care as to what goes on in these districts.
They don't know AND they don't care! HAH! Some of them do, but they are the minority, as 1/2 the decent folks at FSC were FIRED as a result of the acquisition by Impala Partners OR found better paying jobs (where they were treated better as well).
It is very interesting and comical to hear things from a different perspective. KEEP UP WITH THE STORIES! They are hilarious!
It's good to see that the RGIS rumor mill is alive and well nationwide. The only way to truly avoid getting caught up in it is to limit the time spent with other employees because that is always how it starts. If a male and female employee are seen talking on breaks or after work, everyone thinks they're screwing. In some cases it may have been true, but more often not. Gossip and backstabbing seem to thrive at RGIS because of the high-school like atmosphere, such as cliques that form who hate everyone else. Also a word advice: if you smoke and try to quit, don't do so as an RGIS employee. I have seen several try and almost every one of them started smoking again within a month because of the stress level that is prevalent.
We have our soap operas at times here in D163 but its pretty minimal. There was one married TL that kept on asking the lady auditors for their phone numbers so he could "confirm their schedules" even though they were not on his team. It would get back to their boyfriends that also worked at RGIS and a quiet Hell broke loose with some of the female auditors getting jealous because he didn't ask them. In regards to our AM's we have no worries about either of them hitting on the young girls since they are both gay and they see and live with each other (and have for about 15 years I think). Our AAM is recently married though she does kiss guys that do a good job on the cheek on occasion (and yes, she has kissed me on the cheek mainly because I am the only person that stays with her at Wild Oats market).
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