Monday, June 05, 2006


Sorry guys, but I had to install a new feature on this blog. From now on, all comments will be moderated by me before being posted here. A few lunatics from the district that I've been writing about have unfortunately discovered this blog (who knew they could read?), and have been leaving unwelcome comments. So from now on, any comment left here will be read by me first, and then most likely published a day later. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause, but anyone who's been reading about the nut jobs that worked in the district that I've been writing about can hopefully understand.

Jkat, AgentSkelly, JJ and others: I have really been enjoying your comments, especially since some of your experiences have been similar to mine. I have appreciated your candor and honesty in relating your RGIS experiences, and really hope you will continue to read this blog and to leave your comments here. Before I started this blog I didn't really have a chance to hear about other RGIS auditor's experiences, except those in the immediate area. It's been fascinating to hear that auditors on the other side of the country could have been witnessing the same types of people and behaviors in the company that I have. Please continue to leave your comments regarding your experiences with RGIS, both good and bad.

Thanks again for reading! I should have my continuation of "Fat Man And Lil' Hitler" tomorrow.


Anonymous said...


I am really happy to hear that you are going to keep this blog going. I agree with you that it has been great to hear other's experiences from other offices.

I would like to take this opportunity to say that I really enjoyed working at RGIS and I have lots of positive memories from my time there.

But there are some things that need to be fixed and hopefully maybe someone with some influence will come across this blog and see what does go on with some of the management in some of the offices.

I will post again soon.

The Misfit said...

Jkat, oh absolutely I will keep this blog going! I won't let the (unpublished) comments from the lunatic fringe keep me from exercising my First Amendment rights (cue patriotic music in the background).

I started this blog because I had a wealth of information and notes regarding my years with RGIS. Not only my experiences are being recorded in this blog, but other auditors' experiences as well. I've conducted many interviews and had some really fascinating conversations with fellow employees from both my old district and surrounding ones. It all helps to provide interesting perspectives of a really crazy time.

Please keep reading and posting!

Anonymous said...

I have really liked reading this blog, especially in the wake of so many changes. Our district is still suffering and having problems, but I'm hopeful it will get better. I'm just going to stick it out until it either gets better, or I just can't stand it anymore. Like I have said before, this company gives me what I need for now. It's not a bad company to work for at all, I just think people either love it or they hate it. It probably depends alot on the people they have to work with too. It sounds like even with all the bs that goes on in all the districts, most people had some good times. So I'm glad you're going to keep it going.

The Misfit said...

Thanks, arzon! I'll definitely keep this blog going. And I hope you and jkat and agentskelly and others continue to read and share your experiences with RGIS here too.