Saturday, June 24, 2006

Wolves In RGIS Clothing

Office romances occur at all sorts of businesses all the time, I'm sure. But at RGIS it seemed to happen more often. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that a lot of us worked these really peculiar hours. Due to my district's difficulty in retaining employees, those of us that did stay on had to do a lot of double and triple shifts. And in doing so, people found themselves making close connections with each other and more than a few auditors (and managers) found themselves paired off after work.

By far the two biggest Casanovas in my district were TL Ethan and AM Jeff. They would hit on any young female auditor newly hired to the district. Of the two, Ethan was the more blatant and obvious pursuer of affection. When a young girl named Eden was hired by my district one summer Ethan fell for her and hard. He made no bones about the fact that he was crazy about Eden. I think it may have been only the second inventory that Eden did that Ethan made it clear he was interested in her. We were meeting at the office to attend a night inventory, and Eden was already sitting in the back seat of a company van when Ethan pulled his car into the parking lot. He popped out of his car and scanned the area for Eden. Someone must have told him where Eden was because he shot like a bullet to the van. He slid open the door, stuck his head in and said, "C'mon, Eden, you're riding with me." She climbed out of the van, smiling, and the two of them drove off alone.

Thus began for Ethan "The Summer of His Fruitless Pursuit." I say fruitless because Eden had confided to several of us that she already had a boyfriend. However, she didn't let this stop her from flirting with Ethan and enjoying the perks of her 'friendship' with him. She no longer had to ride crammed into a company van like the rest of us but instead enjoyed a comfortable drive in Ethan's car. And even though Eden had only been with the district a short time Ethan, smitten, convinced DM Kenny that Eden deserved a raise. He accompanied Eden into Kenny's office and insisted that Eden be given a raise. Since Kenny and Jeff both deferred to their TL on a regular basis Eden was given the undeserved increase in her hourly rate. She knew how to work it all right.

(A side note: AM Dean told me that several young girls within the district had figured out how to get raises from DM Kenny. They would simply wear a low-cut blouse and a short skirt and flounce into Kenny's office, sit down in a chair, cross their legs and presto! Instant raise! Dean was in the office a number of times to witness this happening. He said the best one at it was Nadine. Dean said that Nadine would use the short skirt trick to not only score raises but also to save her butt from being fired. Nadine, the district hypochondriac, would rack up lots of no shows due to one mysterious ailment after another. She often came down with these maladies just minutes before she was due to report at a store for an inventory. Whenever she came dangerously close to being fired, she would just break out the miniskirt and meet with Kenny, and her auditor's job was secured for another day.)

Even though Eden already had a boyfriend it looked like at one point during that summer Ethan might actually succeed in winning her over. Of course that blew up in his face during the infamous van ride from Lakeport (see the blog entry "Ethan is a Psycho(Part 2)" in the May 2006 archives).

A few days after that eruption of Ethan's in the company van, Ethan apologized to Eden at at another Long's Drugs inventory in Santa Rosa. Unfortunately I didn't witness Ethan's mea culpa to Eden (Damn! I would have loved to have overheard that!) but I did see her walk out of Long's on a break carrying one white rose, which someone said Ethan had given her. It seemed to have little effect on Eden though, as she had a rather dismal look on her face and spent the rest of that summer at a healthy distance from Ethan. In late August she left RGIS to go back to college.

Eden seemed a sensible sort, and you would think that a college girl would be smart enough to realize that her best bet would be to stay far away from Ethan, but permanently. However, all that higher education went to waste because when she came back to RGIS a year later on her latest summer break it took her maybe less than a week before she and Ethan were officially a couple. They met one night at the office, with Eden once again getting a ride in Ethan's car to an out-of-town inventory. Apparently she rode home with him too, as her car stayed parked at the office for the next four or five days. Someone said that Eden had been staying over at Ethan's mom's house (he lived with her) all that week.

Ethan seemed to be in seventh heaven during his time with Eden. He finally had his conquest and he was a happy man. Ethan in love (successfully) was a much kinder, gentler Ethan. During the time the two were together he and Eden seemed to get along well. They were very easy and relaxed together, and we would witness them at inventories being very close and cozy with one another.

I remember a Dean and Deluca inventory that we did in St. Helena. It was an extremely hot summer day and the drive to the store was sweltering. When all of us met in the back room of Dean and Deluca's to sign in and get our machines and lasers, Ethan very jokingly pointed out that Eden had drained the bottle of ice water that she and Ethan were sharing, leaving him only a solid cylinder of ice in the plastic bottle, and no water. Eden was sitting on Ethan's knee at the time, and she giggled when Ethan said this, and the two of them gazed lovingly at one another. Awww.

Eden seemed to have a good effect on Ethan because during that summer when they were dating I only saw him throw one temper tantrum, instead of his customary half a dozen or so. It happened during a Sear's inventory in San Bruno. Ethan was counting nail polish in the cosmetics department when he dropped a bottle, causing it to break and splash a tiny bit of polish onto his pants. Ethan flew into a rage and started swearing loudly. He slammed another bottle to the floor and stomped off yelling, "Goddamn it! I got fucking polish all over my fucking pants!" The Sear's employee that was in charge of helping us with SKU checks was not pleased with Ethan's behavior and said, "Oh, am I going to have to call for Kenny now?" Apparently she did, and told DM Kenny that she didn't want to see Ethan back in her department for the rest of the day.

So that whole summer Ethan and Eden were a couple, and everything for the most part seemed hunky-dory. Ethan was crestfallen when Eden left for college again and sent her off with a big bouquet of flowers. He told us that he missed Eden so much that he even went over to her parent's house a few days after she left and commiserated with Eden's mother.

However, Eden seemed to have felt a bit differently than Ethan about their relationship because about two weeks after she went back to school she sent Ethan a 'Dear John' letter. We were doing an inventory at a Beverages and More store in Santa Rosa when Ethan, who was counting some over-priced candy bars near me all of a sudden said, "Hey, guess what? Eden's a bitch." He said this in a very flat and dejected voice. Ethan then went on to explain about the letter that Eden had sent him. Apparently he was completely taken aback by this rejection through the mail and hadn't seen it coming. I almost felt sorry for the poor guy (almost). He didn't go into detail about what was in the letter, but I heard later from other auditors that Eden had written something about how she never really cared about Ethan, and that he had a small penis, and various other insults.

After this humiliating defeat Ethan was never quite the same Lothario that he had been previously. He made a few half-hearted attempts at romance with girls outside of RGIS, but none ever progressed very far. It seemed to me that he was trying too hard to win a girl over too quickly.

Once at a December inventory for a Friedman Bros. hardware store he showed me a ring that he had bought for a girl that he'd only been dating for a month or so. It was a cocktail-type ring with several tiny diamond chips. It was a pretty ring but I couldn't help but think that poor Ethan was going overboard in his affections. Again. Evidently the ring had little effect on his girlfriend because she too dumped him shortly thereafter (When Ethan showed me the ring he intended to give the girl as a Christmas gift, he also showed me a ruby jewelry set that he had bought at the same time as the ring. The ruby jewelry was intended for his mom, who Ethan seemed to be more attached to than any girl).

Where Ethan was very garish and gaudy in his wooing of girls, AM Jeff was a little more subtle than his best pal. He had to be, given that he was the Area Manager in our district, and it really wouldn't do to be so ostentatious in his pursuit of girls. Also, his live-in girlfriend Ming worked with us part-time as an auditor, and obviously he didn't want her to find out that he was cheating on her.

Which he was, big time. Even though he hotly denied it to anyone bold enough to bring it up, Jeff was as big a Don Juan as Ethan. Unlike Ethan though Jeff seemed more in control of his emotions, even the ones going on in his pants. He managed for the most part to conduct his flirtations and dalliances in a rather low-key manner. Oh sure, occasionally we might see him chatting up a girl during an inventory (see the blog entry "Insane in the Membrane", June 2006 archives), but he never went overboard like lovestruck Ethan.

But a couple of his amorous adventures did stand out. AM Dean's son Mark, an auditor who worked in our district periodically, told me of this one incident involving him, Ethan, Jeff and (you guessed it) a young girl. It seems that all three guys were interested in this girl, and all three chased after her. Mark was the one she eventually chose, much to the chagrin of Ethan and Jeff. They considered themselves the studs of District 414, and I'm sure never thought of Mark, who was a very nice, sweet guy, as serious competition. So when Mark turned out the winner in that contest of intrigue Jeff was irate. Mark said that at one inventory he and the girl had gotten quite cozy together, and Jeff had witnessed it. On the way back from the inventory AM Jeff was driving the company van, with Mark riding in the back. Mark said that Jeff was so upset over having lost out to him that he was driving like a madman. Mark told me, "He (Jeff) was driving crazy, taking these curves in the road on two wheels." And thereafter whenever Mark's name was brought up, Jeff would roll his eyes and always make some disparaging remark about him.

Ethan was no more gracious than Jeff. I guess Young Girl X enjoyed variety because after going out with Mark for a while she started dating Ethan. And of course Ethan, ever the mature one, couldn't resist gloating. Mark said that TL Ethan would come up to him sometimes in inventories and say things like "I guess she got tired of being with you and wanted a real man." And "Now she knows what a real man is like." Mark just shook his head when telling me this. He was a very nice person who had way more class than Ethan and Jeff put together, and merely said about Ethan's braggadocio remarks, "There's no call to act like that, that's not cool."

(With regards to any competition between Ethan and Jeff, as far as I know the two never got upset with each other if one won a girl at the expense of the other. I guess the two Romeos of my district only minded when an 'outsider' succeeded over them.)

At one time Jeff also had an interest in Nadine. Her friend Trina was also an auditor in our district, as well as Trina's boyfriend Dylan, newly arrived from the Vallejo district. Dylan told me that when Nadine first started working at RGIS Jeff became enamored with her. Dylan said that Nadine told Trina (who of course told Dylan) that AM Jeff started calling her up at home all the time (while his girlfriend Ming was out of town visiting her family in Oakland) and saying to her, "Why don't you come over (to his place)? I'll make us dinner, and we can watch a movie." Dylan didn't say if Nadine took Jeff up on the offer.

Dylan was no fan of Jeff's. He said that Jeff had once tried to spread a rumor around RGIS about him. Dylan at the time was still working out of the Vallejo district, which was our nearest RGIS neighbor. We would do a lot of inventories together, and Dylan had met Trina at one of these inventories and expressed an interest in going out with her. Unthinking Jeff had carelessly tossed off a remark during one inventory that Dylan was always trying to, in his words, "hook up" with all the RGIS girls. Jeff mentioned this to 'bedroom slippers' Ellen, who was a friend of both Trina and Nadine (all three had attended high school together). Ellen immediately told Trina, who gave Dylan hell because she thought that Dylan wasn't serious about wanting to go out with her. When Dylan found out the source of the remark he confronted Jeff. What was Jeff's response? "I never said that." Typical Jeff. "Deny deny deny" was his motto.

AM Jeff had many minor flirtations with female auditors over the years, but one in particular appeared to be quite serious. Previous passion interest Nadine had referred her brother's girlfriend to our district. This person, a snub-nosed girl named Dinah, put Jeff in the biggest swoon anyone in our district had ever seen. He was utterly captivated by her, and for the first time made almost no attempts to hide it.

All of us in the Santa Rosa district became aware of Jeff's entrancement of Dinah one night during an Orchard Supply Hardware inventory in San Rafael. This inventory was the first as a District Manager for Doug. DM Kenny having left us (Hallelujah!) to go work for the San Jose district enabled Doug, an AM in Vallejo, to be promoted to the DM spot in our district. Doug was a very pleasant man who would be the only manager in my district (so far) that was decent, kind and hard-working. He had been very popular in Vallejo and those of us in the Santa Rosa District looked forward to working with him.

Because the OSH store was Doug's first inventory as our new DM, you would think that AM Jeff would consider it very important to stay around after all the counting was done, and help Doug with printouts and possible recounts and corrections. The OSH store in San Rafael was a big one, and we had lots of goobers and newbies so there were sure to be some goofs and screw-ups needing to be taken care of.

But Jeff was in the throes of his ardor for Dinah and couldn't be bothered by something as trivial as work. Many times during this inventory that night he was seen standing at the end of an aisle that Dinah was counting in and staring at her. And when all of us were finished counting Jeff had such an itch in his pants for Dinah that he couldn't leave the store fast enough. Normally in a big store like OSH he would stay and help close out the inventory, but this time he left new DM Doug and slow AM Dean to fend for themselves.

Several of us auditors were standing in the parking lot after the inventory, talking and waiting for Jeff to drive us back to Santa Rosa in the company van (he had driven us to the store earlier in the day). We watched as various auditors either left in their own cars or commuted home with others. We laughed as Nadine stood waiting by the front door of the store for Robby to bring his car around (I guess the poor thing was too tired to walk to the car herself). For some reason Nadine's arms were filled with four or five bottles of Mountain Dew. "Guess she must really have some kind of thirst," Dylan observed.

Nadine and Robby left, and a few minutes later Jeff shot out of the store with Dinah. He was holding her hand and practically pulling her along. Dinah could barely keep up with Jeff's fast trot, and went bouncing along after him. The two headed for Ethan's car and hopped in, and with Ethan driving the three took off.

Those of us who had just witnessed this fascinating event stood there with our mouths open. None of us could believe what we had just seen. We knew of Jeff's amorous ways, but we had never seen him so blatant in his desires for nooky. We immediately began to discuss amongst ourselves what we had just seen. "Did you guys see that?" "I wonder how long that's been going on?" "Who's driving us back to the office?"

When Jeff's pet Gunther came out of the store a few minutes later we instantly clammed up because of course Gunther would tattle to Jeff anything we said concerning him. Just before Gunther reached us Moby had been about to tell us a very tantalizing bit of gossip concerning Jeff and Dinah. Moby always mumbled when he talked, and Dylan kept saying, "What? What? What was that?" Moby said, "Ssh! I'll tell you guys back at the office!" So the rest of us had to wait until we got back to Santa Rosa before we got the juicy details.

The van ride itself was uneventful. I found a half eaten Abba Zabba candy bar stuck in the middle seat. I toyed with the idea of offering it to Moby but decided even he wasn't gross enough to eat someone else's chewed candy bar, and instead I tossed it under the seat. Gunther drove fairly well for one rumored to have no driver's license and numerous DUI's, and one hour later we were back in Santa Rosa.

When the van pulled into the parking lot it was pretty late, I think after midnight. We saw that Ethan's Honda Accord was already there. His car was parked at the front door to the office, and inside the office the lights were blazing. We could see Jeff scurrying around inside, and Ethan and Dinah were chatting near the open front door. Gunther parked the van in one of the outer parking spots near the street, and immediately jumped out and headed over to Ethan and Dinah.

As soon as hobo Gunther left the van everyone else in it began to pump Moby for more Jeff and Dinah information. We all got out of the vehicle and stood nearby asking Moby, "So? So? You were saying?" And Moby loved it. The huge oily doofus loved being the center of attention. There was nothing more enjoyable for him than having the goods on someone, especially a manager. By possessing such information and being able to relay it to others I'm sure gave him a real sense of satisfaction and temporary belonging. This was why Moby often broke confidences with others and told us things that he should have kept private.

So Moby told us that during a very recent Albertson's supermarket run, he had ridden with Jeff to all of the Albertson's stores in the East Bay (AM Jeff was in charge of those 4:00 am inventories). Moby said that every afternoon on the way back to the Santa Rosa RGIS office Jeff would call Dinah on his cell phone. "Wow," we said. "What did Jeff say to her? What did he say?" Moby said that Jeff was very noncommittal in his talks with Dinah and didn't reveal much in those daily conversations with her. Still, this was some seriously delicious gossip. Jeff had always heretofore managed to be Mr. Cool with his lust interests. Dinah was the first girl that we had seen him literally and figuratively panting after.

Jeff eventually finished up whatever he was doing in the office and drove off in his car with Dinah. The rest of us drifted off to our own vehicles and drove home, our ears still buzzing and our eyes glazed over with all we had heard and seen that night.

Of course, since Jeff was seriously smitten with Dinah she immediately began to get tons of work. The rest of us had to earn our schedules by working hard, showing up on time for inventories and thus proving to AM Jeff (who made out everyone's schedules) that we had a willingness and desire to work. But the F.O.J.'s (Friends Of Jeff) never had to go through this hazing process and always received as many stores to do as they wanted.

Shortly after the OSH store incident, several of us were doing a CSK (auto parts) inventory in the city of Sonoma. Dinah's friend Nadine was counting bottles of motor oil when Jeff walked by her. "Did Dinah call you?" Nadine grinned at Jeff. "I told her that you wanted..." "Ssh!" Jeff hissed at Nadine. He took a quick glance around to see if anyone was listening. He then mumbled something to Nadine and walked away.

How laughable. Jeff must have thought that he was invisible when it came to his skirt chasing. Mr. Slick whispers in girl's ears and holds Dinah's hand during inventories and calls her on his cell phone while driving a van filled with auditors, and he thinks that no one's noticing? Ridiculous.

Another bit of Dinah/Jeff gossip only confirmed their liaison. This one auditor named Melinda told a couple of us that she had given Dinah a ride back to the office one night from an Albertson's in Petaluma (some of the local Albertson's inventories were done at night, usually starting around 8:00 pm). During the ride to Santa Rosa Dinah told Melinda, "I think Jeff has a crush on me." Dinah said that AM Jeff kept calling her all the time, and told her that his girlfriend Ming had found a piece of paper with Dinah's name and phone number on it and had gotten very upset with Jeff.

Also, Jeff had earlier that night given Dinah a ride to the Petaluma Albertson's, and was waiting for her when she got back to the office later that night. It was very late when Dinah reached Santa Rosa, about 2:00 am, but there was Jeff still at the district office. He was right in the middle of that grueling East Bay Albertson's run, which was about 2 weeks worth of grocery stores that were at least a 2 hour drive away from our district and all began at 4:00 am, and usually lasted for hours and hours. It was a horrendous commute to and from those stores, and most of the time Jeff wouldn't get back to Santa Rosa until 7:00 pm (this after having left for the trip at 2:00 am). So, the one day that Jeff has off during the hellish Albertson's run, and he's driving Dinah around late at night? That's love, I guess. Or rather horniness.

However, Jeff's lust play for Dinah didn't last, as Dinah only worked for our district a couple of months and then quit. When questioned about this AM Jeff said that Dinah's life was a bit complicated at the moment (I bet), due in part to her needing to find day care for her young child. And that was the last we saw of Dinah.

(I always found it a bit odd that Nadine seemed to aid and abet Jeff's play for Dinah. After all, Dinah was supposed to be Nadine's brother's girlfriend, and Nadine's brother was the father of Dinah's child. So you'd think that Nadine would be bothered that Dinah was cheating on Nadine's brother, but it didn't seem to bother Nadine in the least. She seemed to find it all very amusing. Weird.)

With Dinah gone, Jeff was again left with his live-in girlfriend, the ever faithful Ming. Ming was a tiny Asian girl who had a full time office job but worked with RGIS occasionally, usually when Jeff could prevail upon her to fill in at the last minute for someone who had cancelled. Ming seemed like a smart girl, so I could never figure out who on earth she continued to stay with Jeff, despite his obvious cheating ways. What a doormat she was. I mean, even when district gossip finally reached her ears regarding Jeff and another girl, instead of kicking Jeff to the curb she incredibly became friends with this girl. How strange.

My guess as to why Ming formed this bizarre friendship with Jeff's newest conquest was that she was just trying to save face: by showing the rest of the district how chummy she was with Jeff's new girl, Margie, she was sending out the message that of course Jeff wasn't cheating on her. If he was, would she be friends with the girl? It was pitiable, how desperately Ming clung to Jeff.

I think the reason that Jeff ran around with all of these girls at work was that subconsciously he wanted Ming to find out he was cheating. Then she could confront him and leave. Jeff had said that it was Ming's idea for the two of them to move in together. He hadn't wanted to but eventually gave in to Ming's pressuring of him. Jeff had probably wanted to break it off with Ming for a while, but he hated being the bad guy and didn't want to tell her, "I don't want to see you anymore." But Ming wasn't going to cooperate with Jeff's plan. She was going to hang onto him for dear life.

After Dinah left RGIS Ming had Jeff all to herself. Well, for a little while anyways. Then tall, scrawny Tina referred her niece Margie to our district. Margie was a very short girl (a plus for Jeff, as he was only around 5'6"), rail-thin with short brown hair and big eyes that she would blink adoringly at Jeff when he was around. And bam! Once again, Jeff was hooked. And of course Margie was all too aware of how Jeff could help her out, and began stopping by the office frequently and having 'lunch' with Jeff in his office.

An all too familiar pattern began once again. Jeff's smitten with a young girl, young girl gets tons of work, and the rest of us get screwed over in our schedules. But this time around more people began grumbling about it, including psycho Alice (see the blog entry "Insane in the Membrane", June 2006 archives). She made such a fuss regarding the whole Jeff/Margie affair that people couldn't help but notice and talk about it.

For the first time Jeff experienced the unfamiliar sensation of being unpopular in the district he had once ruled. He began to experience troubles in regards to other aspects of his AM job (more on that in future blog entries), and would eventually be fired (I witnessed him leaving the office shortly after his dismissal. Since his car wasn't running he needed to use someone's car to transport his stuff from the office. So who do you think helped him out? Best pal Ethan? Friend Robby? Girlfriend Ming? Nope. It was Margie who helped Jeff load his things into her car). So egregious were Jeff's mistakes that he was told he could never again work for RGIS in our district, not even as a lowly auditor. Oh, how the mighty have fallen!


Anonymous said...

.....and I felt guilty for flirting with the lady store employees.

Anonymous said...

We never seem to get any attractive young women working for our district. (some would perhaps consider that a shallow thing to say, but it is true. heh)

or on the rare occasion that one does start, they never stick around more than 1 or 2 stores. (NO, I'm not scaring them off by trying to hit on them.)

'tis unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

I seen my share of RGIS romance over the years. Some of it was real but more of it was just perceived or wishful thinking. The male managers that worked in my district over the years almost all seemed to be taken by pretty girls. While for the most part there wasn't any real romance going on the male managers seemed to get some type of rush just talking to them and most of these girls could sense that and took advantage of it (though I don't blame them at all). We did have one AM whose girlfriend worked for us though and even though he tried to make it seem to the rest of us that he treated her the same as everyone else, it was quite obvious that this wasn't the case. If he told her to count an aisle in a supermarket that she didn't like, she would pout so much that he would have to assign her something else and then go on to explain to the rest of us that someone else would do a better job counting that aisle or some other stupid excuse.

Anonymous said...

we have a new AAM in our District in the Northeast division that seems to think the way to get ahead is to expose her chest and flirt with all the men. Yup...the AMs and DM are falling all over themselves but the auditors are all talking behind her back. No respect for her at all. Too bad..she could be good but no one has any respect for her or her position. she really doesn't put on a very professional attitude but she should do just great in this company. They have no respect for the people with brains.

(SR71)Atomica said...

I have seen a few attractive female auditors, but never once felt a need to try to impress them. All I'm there to do is go to work, count inventory, get the job done, and get the hell outta there.
Something really unusual DID happen however: I found myself practically fused to a fairly attractive auditor from the knee to the shoulder from Eugene to Joplin after returning from a Target inventory in Jefferson City, well I didn't really notice until she had practically fallen asleep as we pulled away from Camdenton, and practically rested my head next to hers.
It wasn't a romantic type of fusion, it was an, OK, no big thing, just go with the flow, fusion, I am not attracted to her, she certainly not attracted to me, she's already engaged at this point for God's sake, and for most of the return trip we are practically bonded from shoulder to knee, when three people are placed in the back seat, and all of them big, another auditor was about average but heavyset, then this one was tall and fairly full-figured, and then myself at 5-11 and 240lb, the back seat of the 15 was definitely full.
They say it's a four-person seat...yeh right...only if they're 5-foot-nothing and weigh 100-and-nothing...
I had been told about occasions like that that might happen by a previous grey shirt (an older female) when we were packed into a seat together on an earlier inventory about two years ago...Certainly my episode with that still seems rather PG13/TV-PG compared to Boomhauer and Glen Quagmire in your example ;-)

Anonymous said...

Joe sounds bad, but I once worked for a DM who was a real Ho. He would sleep with any woman that looked at him. He even got caught having sex in the office late one night by an AAM who dropped by to pick up some equipment. The AAM said when he turned on the light,all he saw was this white butt streaking across the office. The funny part was that he got an auditor pregnant. Rumor has it his wife found out when the paternity test notice came to the house. After that, she would call and check up on him to make sure he was were he was suppose to be.

Anonymous said...


Nepotism at it's best.

Anonymous said...

Joe is the same person you refered to in RGIS Sucks! with the tiny eyes and long fingernails? Very hard to believe that he could attract female auditors based on looks alone. It seems that his position as a Manager made him more of a catch. Or he knew which ones to target. Girls with little or no self-esteem could easily fall prey to someone like Joe. Misfit, I'm proud of you for not letting Joe put the moves on you.

The Misfit said...

anon at 1:47 am: Yup, same guy. Joe wasn't the best looker but he really had some abilities as a charmer. He had to have, as he often had to sweet talk store managers when they were about to blow their stacks over yet another botched RGIS inventory.

And thanks! for the kind words. You were right on the money with your comments regarding the Manager's position.

Anonymous said...

When I read the title of this entry I get the image of the old cartoons with the Hot little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf always whistling at her.

Anyways, we have a few cute and pretty female auditors here though most of them are married or have boyfriends (and those boyfriends usually work with RGIS as well).

Bigby_wolfe said...

I recall working for the company a few years back. Our AM would hire "eye candy" for himself. He hired one girl that was around my age at the time that he became totally infatuiated with. He caught me helping her one day in an inventory, and had mutual friends of ours inform me that he had his eye on her and not to mess up his chances. I kept my distance from her, well tried too. Was friendly on van rides and breaks, but never anything more. I soon found myself, rather stupidly in hindsight, accepting an offer to transfer across the country temporarily to assist a more troublesome district. Soon after, my friends from my old district would call and inform me how the girl was upset with me leaving, which only made the AM badmouth me to everyone. Needless to say said girl didn't last very long after I left with the AM constantly dogging her.